John Podesta on Ancient Aliens

Holy shit did anybody else see this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


kinda sus.

Yeah, some guy posted it at like 5pm, but he also included a link so the thread got traction.


I missed it

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Kike demon on talmudvision spreading lies and falsehood.

Nothing new here faggot.

Mods just deleted a nice Christian thread: This is just one example of the great hostility to Christianity that can be observed in modern culture. Even our politicians lie and pander to Christians while pushing Satanic agendas that harm their very constituents. Shouldn't those involved in the pro-nationalist counterculture embrace Christianity as a unifying force among Western/European nations, as well as a healthy tradition and a meaningful way to realize humanity's spiritual potential? Why is it that our enemies, and Jews in general, hate Christianity and actively seek to undermine and destroy it?? Should that not by itself be evidence of its importance to Aryan civilization??

kys for this bad thread.
All he said was "they unaccountable to the American public" and "They rarely release anything they find".
The rest is just editing.

Every so often they sweep through and delete/prune. Like half of my tabs were deleted in the last minute, it's nothing unique, they're just cleaning the board.

I had it on while browsing Jow Forums. Looked up, saw him, said "Is that fucking John Podesta?!!?" Fuck.

Bitching about Jow Forums and Jow Forums mods is against the rules.
Jow Forums is for politics and news. Religion isn't either.

Whatever happened with him and the pedo guitar player from that tween stalking band?

We had a thread a few months ago asking for a new board for religion and religious discussions. Obviously it never happened but it would be nice.

yes. it's funny how they try to blame trump for not declassifying ufo shit. "if hillory had won area 51 would be open to visitors now"
the left needs a thorough gassing

He was on AA about a month and a half back. I damn near threw my shoe at the TV. This isn't the first time he's been on. He's gotta shill for project bluebeam to keep the masses away from all the pedovore stuff him and his buds have been doing. It's really fucking sick to even had JP on that damn show. As if that stupid show isn't bad enough as is.



Space Force is key. PRESIDENT NEEDS SOME AUTHORITY MILITARY UNDER EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Once its official we are gonna be in for a ride. Good luck.

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The earth is an enclosed plane. Aliens are demons. Everything they tell you is a lie. The mods scrubbed a bit of truth earlier...

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muh greys

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The thing is we actually have a space force. But Trump "creating it" and therefore having administrative power over it he can legally take over that entire secret branch of gov't. Jews on suicide watch.

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>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

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>1 post by this ID

They have been buttering us up on ayylmaos for decades through movies and television, it reeks of a deliberate PSYOP. Seeing Podesta involved in this shit makes it even spoopier. At least when they invoke their new age space communism cult one world order, I will be abruptly thrown into the dematerializer in order to reach ascension in my new reincarnation.

Thread related.

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There are no god damn aliens. What we call aliens is what the ancients called demons. They ain't even from space!

But the stupid warped view of what Christianity taught most of you a "demon" is leads you astray so you can not understand the truth when presented to you.

The bible is just heavily redacted and watered down versions of ancient clay tablets. If you read them instead you would have a much better grasp on the real shit going on. Instead you read a book created by Jews to deceive you.

You had one fucking job, OP.

Sisters, sisters, never were there such devoted sisters.

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