Red pill me on Russia(ns)

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Other urls found in this thread: lane medfield&FORM=AWRE

better than ameriniggers

Zionist-Bolshevist from 1917 until late 1970s, at which point said faction was expelled, migrated mostly to the USA, worked to consolidate their control of the US government and turn it into a communist hellhole. The hostility toward (Christian) Russia today is precisely the attitude they held as Soviet usurpers toward the old USA.

BTW, Russia saved the Americans and the world from annihilation--by guess who?--many many times.

Probably world cup winner

What exactly?


We are degenerate and fucked up people who cling to vestiges of national pride and militaristic drivel to avoid looking at the abyss we are in. We are the future the jews dream of - rightless and powerless mass of semi-animals with ultra-rich top degenerates.

>We are degenerate
(((Fellow russian)), right?
What are your thoughts on Navalny?

You know nothing of modern Russia. Calling us christian is a most foolish, just one look at our crime rates, aids rates, abortions rates, number of whores and prostitutes, number of billionaires and average incomes, the laws we get and you will see that we are as far from being christian as your average somali nigger.

tell these hot russian singles to get off my browser please

I do not like him. While I appreciate some activity, he is slimy, surrounded by jews and now just rests on donations.

Watch out! He is our version of Jordan Peterson/Alex Jones. While he's meant to attract a "skeptic" audieence and may have some correct points of view, he's a deep state agent and definitely controlled opposition. Just think about it. He always gets released after any of his arrests from the protests, very quickly on top of that. A few years ago a less popular guy planned to organize a protest on vk and he got sentanced even BEFORE he took action in real life.
Proper Christian leaders would not make the nation rich. In fact, some of the more economically prosperous places are degenerate and anti-Christian, such as the US and EU. Christianity is at its base anti-materialist, while capitalism promotes consumerism. The 2 are clearly opposed.
>crime rates, aids rates, abortions rates, number of whores and prostitutes
There is a solution to this. And it's called having a proper, non-flabby, non-plutocratic state. Anything ranging from national democracy to absolute monarchy.
We need to depopulate large cities to end mouse utopia 2.0 and put some pressure on problematic ethnic minorities.

Cunt-ruled diverise dystopia, true 56% face. Fucking commies. Europe and USA are only on their way there.

Let's not talk shit here. We have our drawbacks but we also have our strengths. Corruption is a drawback, nepotism as well. People are awakening tho. Russia is a country of possibilities unlike America and Europe.
t. Lived both in US and Europe and moved back to Russia.

Was cool until the kikes took over in 1917.

Corruption is a tool of keeping power, not some sort of "pure evil" the libs are talking of.
In Russia, politicians receive money from the ex-kgb elite. In the West, it is the jew elite. I'd gladly prefer kgb and Putin over Soros & co.

We are pretty much the same as most western countries, just the PC culture isn't big here and as I said. We have a plutocratic elite, they are not the natural opposition to the globalist anti-white elites, they are just like them, but on a different team.
They fight for the same cause and resources. That's why there's so much opposition between the West and Russia even though both are "democratic". I guess it's like PAL vs. NTSC, or team RED vs. BLU.
But you know, national plutocrats are still better than the global ones.

>t. Lived both in US and Europe and moved back to Russia.

What did you think of the US and Europe?

Didn’t Stalin purge a lot of them, though?

You guys have a completely different alphabet and language but you seem to type perfect English. Either your shills using proxies or intelligent well educated people. Most Americans cant even speak English.

Put in - multicultural faggot
Russia = west

Well I pretty much told that, but do you see drag queens at schools? So, somewhat better.

What the hell happened to his nose?

Why are Russians are so insecure with the US? Always wants to compare themselves to the US. Every little thing, every little comment always has to compare to the US. I even saw a comment on a Vice video, where an American girl goes to the Congo to interview some Russian pilots. She went into the sauna with them and some guy made a joke like "haha i bet they got a boner" and immediately one vatnik was like "blyat russians are gentlemen know how to treat women properly you faggot amerikanski pidor we never touch a woman improperly"

Such an inferiority complex, I never understood. Every little thing is sensitive and has to be compared to the US at all times

Europe is stagnating and getting ready for a new cultural revolution whereas US Is beyond salvation. I really liked people in US and in no way I'm wishing bad upon you but I had a vision while there and gradually I understood what I saw and left US. I was living in NYC and I remember I was looking on skyscrapers on Manhattan and for a second they turned from shiny steel buildings into devastated rubble covered in blood. I thought that I was overheated but with time I realized what I saw

You gave an answer to your question


There's your problem. The cities are an sprawled out Fuedal lord/tenement hellhole. The countryside and less major cities, as well as the flyover states, are still salvageable.

Maybe, maybe not. But I know one thing for sure, your nation is a lot more obsessed with us than we are with you. Nevermind the Democrats' paranoia about election meddling. Democrats don't go out of their way to step on American flags at parades or wipe their feet on them when they come in a store. Or decorate your garbage bins with our flag.

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>Democrats don't go out of their way to step on American flags

Sorry, meant Russian flags*. Of course you already know they burn our flag every chance they get.

This. In US you can't bribe a cop, doctor or some low rank official like in Russia but the perversion of US elites is way more dangerous than bribery on an everyday level

It's the vatnik state of mind my friend. I once got into a fight with a friend after his remark that US should be nuked. There are people living and loving just like us and politics has nothing to do with it.

I've been to the countryside and indeed it's a lot nicer than in big cities. A lot of good stories and precious memories

Ironically the Northeast has some of the most beautiful countryside in the country, especially in and around the Appalachians. What areas did you visit?

In the US if your white and not a
Gang member
Sexual Degenerate
Have Warrants or Priors
Smell Bad
Under the influence
You don't need to bribe a cop. Most white cops want to see there own race succeed in life and will not send you to jail for a civil infraction like loitering or having of a small amount of weed and tarnish a white persons clean record. They want to see there own excel in the work force and they know its hard enough to get a job with a clean record and damn near impossible with a tarnished one. The most that happens to the average white man is traffic violation tickets. If your young and white and get caught steeling or something stupid in the suburbs or small white towns they will take you in and call your parents to pick you up, not bail you out but pick you up because they know white parents will discipline their kid. Also in small white towns the officers are locals and are freinds with the kids parents or know them, they are lawyers, dentist etc. Good people.
They send niggers to jail for loitering because when whites loiter its like tailgaiting with state sports jersey on during game season, when niggers loiter they always intimidate people walking by and end up fighting someone. They also know if they bring a black teen to the station and call there parents the have no dads mind you to pick them up, and there moms will either say leave that nigga in there, beat them infont of cops like idiots, or they would take them home to the projects were they wont disaplin them at all but a smack with the belt and its back to selling drugs.

NYC is a shithole. The white mans ideal neighborhoods lies in small town communities like the suburbs out side of Boston.

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Welcome to Medfield, MA. Not a nigger insight ;)

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This is a public library in a small white town. Free internet access, every book you can think of, anyone can visit, renting books require residency of the town and a library card.

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Unfortunately I didn't go that far but I've been to DC, Maryland, Virginia, South and North Carolina, Florida and the habitable parts of Canada. Actually I was surprised that the nature there is just the same as in my homeplace and then I got to know that it's almost the same latitude as my city in Russia


Woah. Comfy af. What town is that?

That's right but in big cities niggers are a huge problem. I was living in Harlem for the first month there and had to discipline a couple of coons but otherwise it was fun. I remember it was 4th of July and I went to some Harlem fried chicken to grab some wings or smth and there were two black guys drinking liquor and one of them asked me: yo why so many whites in the hood lately? I was like: idk I'm Russian and he said: you are all billionaires there in Russia why do you come here? I said that he probably means Belorussians. The joke is that the inflation is so high in belorussia that you need a couple of thousands in their currency to buy a fucking chewing gum but I guess the joke went over his head

Comfy one-stored America

Medfield, Massachusetts

They believe marxism and lenninism were the birth of (comventional) liberality, where as in reality it was the united states constitution, locke, adams, and franklin that dhaped modern liberality the most

When i say liberality i mean like capitalism and freedome of speech and gun ownership, not anti-white, anti freedom leftist-liberalism

Which is only liberal in name. lane medfield&FORM=AWRE
I went to school with Blake Boston aka Scumbag Steve. He was from one of the richest streets in town called Loeffler Lane. Lived in a fucking mansion. This is the most nigger Medfield had to deal with.

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American here, I got the same vision the day I went to Manhattan to apply for my Russian work visa. had a few hours to kill before I met up with a friend in New Jersey, was just driving around the city. kept seeing it on fire, like in the first vision that I had 4 years ago that instantly made me stop being an atheist.

Manhattan is one of the worst (I'd say that DC and San Francisco are worse) but even the rural areas still have problems. people there don't have problems with things like imperialism, feminism, homosexuality, mass imprisonment of people, obsession with money etc. Bill Maher was right, America's religion isn't Christianity, it's money.

Russia has these problems too, the thing is they're getting better, not worse. Russia already went through its stage of degeneracy, collapse, punishment, and is now (hopefully) experiencing something of a rebirth.

tell that to Daniel Shaver. cops essentially don't belong to the white race. their real color is blue.

the problem is you're in fucking Massachusetts. I would rather die than live there ever again.

t. native Masshole

If you have a Russian accent and you talk to niggers they will fear you. Black people fall for the Hollywood Rocky tough Russian stereotype. Don't relax around them but when they hear that accent all that goes through their feeble little minds is james bond villians, ivan drago and soviet red square marches.
Even in meek mills song don't panic he brags in his lyrics AND ONE OUR BOYZ ARE RUSSIAN SO NIGGA JUST DONT PANIC.

There are worse creatures than drag queens in Russian schools.

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Why you hate Massachusetts, does the harsh winter season remind you too much of home lol

Blacks are stupid aren’t they?

Translate please

This what i call real multiculturalism

>80% non russian names on the list
Sry 4 my eng

You be the judge

Now I’m angry. Hope u happy.

Your English is outstanding for someone that lives in a country with a completely different alphabet. Is Russian multiculturalism and issue that stemmed from " New Soviet Man" a way to promote Russians becoming mixed slav mutts to compete with hitlers Aryan master race?

In one word: subhuman

Racist af

also, what you saw was the destruction of Babylon, as told in the Book of Revelation, if I'm correct.

the climate here in Moscow is almost exactly of that in Massachusetts. just a little bit colder and drier. so like northern New Hampshire or southern Vermont. maybe the Berkshires? I grew up along the Mass/RI border, on both sides. Wrentham, North Attleborough etc.

Massachusetts has immense natural beauty. and at least you don't have to deal with that passive-aggressive bullshit like in other states, people tell it to you straight. but other than that, nothing I like about the state. Boston isn't quite peak liberalism/degeneracy, but it's close. the rural areas aren't that much better. it's expensive, gun laws are awful, police state atmosphere in general, awful drivers (Boston is worse than Moscow), terrible school system that everyone pretends is amazing because all of the high IQ Jews, Irish, and Anglos boost test scores (MUH MCAS), and people are just fucking assholes in general with an insane superiority complex. unpleasant people.

Literally every other Nigger asked if I'm from a Russian mob kek. And niggers can't fight for shit. One picked a fight with me because I called him a fucking idiot for littering in the street. He rushed at me and swang his right arm towards me. I suppose he aimed for a hook. I just lifted my elbow a little higher and he hit my elbow with his fist. Broke two fingers. Can't make this shit up

I have only 1 problem with american: I can’t force oneself to learn it.
>Is Russian multiculturalism and issue that stemmed from " New Soviet Man" a way to promote Russians becoming mixed slav mutts to compete with hitlers Aryan master race?

Glad to hear you've found Jesus. Amen brother. How do you like it here so far?

Beautiful. Im glad whites world wide hate and are waking up to niggerism

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North Attleboro? Im sitting in Pawtucket, RI as we speak. Yea Irish people are degenerates and Anglos are stuck up. Kikes are kikes. In RI no one uses a turn signal because they want to be seen as cool law breakers. But I do have to say I have met Russians in Mass and RI and always ben pleasant to do business with, always intelligent and spoke better English than Hispanic immigrants that come from closer to hear than Russians.

plenty of Russians spend lots of time on the internet, which gives them good English. I have a friend here that can barely speak English at all, but understands almost everything that I say because he's watched so much YouTube.

anyway no, mixing isn't promoted. peaceful coexistence is. the Russian Federation is an enormous empire, and the Russian government doesn't want to lose clay, which loses natural resources, natural boundaries, bodies to fight in the military etc.

it was a rude fucking awakening, but I don't regret any of it. God help us all.

anyway, I love it here. just some minor complaints, like them turning off the hot water for a few weeks in June. nothing big, besides gun rights. it's a shame that it's still a largely secular nation, with social problems like crime, divorce etc but the situation has vastly improved compared to the 90s. I have high hopes for Russia's near future, and no plans to ever return to America.

Translated and adapted because I highly doubt you can distinguish Russian names from non-Russian ones.
List of enrollees:
1. Ahmed Abu Mohammed
2. Mbongo Congo
3. Ching Chong Ping Pong
26. sudden Stacy Miller
27. Mohammed Abu Ahmed

sure dude, it was so cool... damn jews, they destroyed white christian paradise

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I bet you remember this place. drive by it every day I hate it with a fucking passion

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Damn that sucks. Mohammed is worse than having jamals,joes, lakwanda and shaniquas

> and the Russian government doesn't want to lose clay, which loses natural resources, natural boundaries, bodies to fight in the military etc.
I dunno how to say my man... Okay. “Our” land just sold to the chinese :^)

I lived on Waterman St by Slater Park for a year when I was little. both of my grandparents are from Pawtucket (grandfather from Woonsocket but moved to Pawtucket as a teenager, eventually became fire chief). I was in Pawtucket a few months ago with my sister. it's fucking sad watching that city decay. my grandfather was telling me stories of nice it was when he was growing up. fuck it's depressing watching my home state go into a death spiral (was born in Mass, but always identified with RI)

I'm one of the few Rhode Islanders that actually used my turn signal...even if I put it on after I started changing lanes. I knew some Russians/Ukrainians when I lived there. all great people. not like the "Russian" immigrants in New York etc who are hate Russia and hate America.

holy shit that's right by where my mother grew up, on the corner of Roosevelt Ave and the industrial highway, on the train tracks. but I spent almost half my life on the island, so it's Newport Video that triggers me. I have no idea of how that place is still open, with the advent of the internet. they must be selling more than just videos inside there. or catering to a bunch of old fucks that don't know about the internet. white birth rates in New England are catastrophic.

what do you think about this whole Shanghai Cooperation Organization thing going on? makes sense to me, China has always had a shit military, and India and Pakistan are too far away to be a threat.

Actually it's not that hard to get a permission for a gun. You have to pass a test and get the 6th grade permission and you can even conceal carry. I made one a couple of years ago and it was pretty easy. I have 4th grade permission tho. It means I can own but not carry around.

Ever ben to Central Falls. Democrat Italian governed corrupt shithole Overrun by Colombians. The coke is really good though. No one in CF is a tough as they act. I cannot find any Russian restaurants around hear. Only Café St Petersburg in newton, know any good places in RI? Rather eat Pirozhki
than empanadas.

>too far away to be a threat.
Hope u can read our runes.

That street, Washington st that turns in to Pawtucket is all degenerate bro. Faggots go to that store to hook up and swingers cuck their wives there from what I have heard, never ben in it but it still up and makes the area look seedy as fuck. As for broadway all the drug dealers hang out at BK CIGAR at the intersection of japonica and broadway. No cops give a single fuck. The only thing nice in Pawtucket is the closed down church on broad st. Its a small world my friend

I'm not a Russian citizen, here on a work visa, then I'll get residency in a year or two. I have American and Italian citizenship, so I want to have all of my kids first before I get Russian citizenship, so that they will be born with three citizenships (have to revoke my American and Italian citizenships to get Russian citizenship, if I understand the law correctly).

anyway, non-citizens can't own guns. and even then, you can only have rifles and shotguns. do you conceal carry a shotgun somehow? and I thought open carry was legalized a few years ago. can probably only get away with that in rural areas, though.

>Central Falls
I don't think I've ever actually been there, it's so small, but I've never heard anything good about it, ever. I used to go to Fall River all the time though. all of the cities in Mass are proof that white people can be bydlo and violent as fuck. but yeah Pawtucket is kinda like that too. people acting tougher than they really are. it's not exactly like say, Wrentham, though.

as for Russian restaurants, no idea. I didn't start learning Russian etc until I moved to Texas. got out of New England in 2013, couldn't stand it anymore. shit for job opportunities. only restaurants I know of are on the island, though. Newport Creamery, Flo's Clam Shack, Anthony's Seafood, and the Brick Alley Pub are the best you can get without paying out the ass. also Mama Leone's but someone drove a BMW through the place and they shut down, but I think they might have relocated.

What made you move to Russia from Rhode Island? That's a far trip. I hope there is less crackheads over there then here.

i had a classmate with triple us-french-russian citizenship so idk if you need to revoke that. russian citizenship definitely allows for dual citizenship at least.

Im sick of New England to. Always wanted to visit Russia and France. No other state or city in this country internets me but Miami beach,every non costal state is boring, shit jobs and full of idiots. The poor don't promote education at all, its the popular cool thing to act poor in manners and reject education in the "Hoods". Almost everyone in Pawtucket is a teen mom high school dropout. If I ever have kids I want it to be in Russia were they at least have the balls to stomp out faggot propaganda. No way im having kids and letting them grow up in US schools. too degenerate and left wing propaganda everywhere.
Only thing I like about this area is I get to laugh at family guy references no one really knows about
There talking about mickeys in Cumberland on the Attleboro boarder lol

дa я yмeю кoнeчнo. я живy здecь. пpocтo я пишy oчeнь мeдлeннo.

yeah I know Washington st, before my mother married my step-dad, he lived on the corner of Newport Ave. Woonsocket is another place that has turned into a hive of degeneracy as well. the mills shut down, economy went to shit, Quebecois started leaving, property values dropped, Irish and brown degenerates on welfare moved in because fixed income and cheap rent. the home of my people has been completely trashed. but I guess it's a microcosm of what's happening to America in general.

my grandmother lives in Tiverton, and I lived with her for a bit in between moving from Texas to Russia. it's not nearly as bad there. surprising amount of gun-owners there, including concealed carry. it's peaceful, but old white people with few to no kids spending their last years there. no future. it's like there's no hope unless the Eternal Puritan wakes the fuck up, stops being SJW nutjobs, and leads New England on yet another Yankee Intifada of liberty, faith, and independence. (recently learned that I have an Anglo ancestor that possibly goes back to a pirate that lead a boarding party on the Gaspee Burning. which is cool. but I'm afraid to tell my Scottish/Quebecois mother. she can't stand WASPs)

One thing that is cool about RI is everyone knows everything and knows or is connected to everyone its so fucking small lol.

well I can speak pretty good Russian. junkies exist, but they're rare, at least here in Moscow.

from what I understand, you can be born with multiple citizenships, but if you naturalize to become a Russian citizen, you have to renounce your other citizenships. but I'm fine with being a permanent resident here. I love Russia, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to have all of the obligations that a citizen has. I'd take up arms if the West or China tried to conquer us or something, but that's it.

I'd like to visit rural France, maybe. but Quebec is so much closer (well, for you) and then there's St. Pierre, which is a piece of France in North America. I can still understand a little bit of French from my childhood, but I can't speak it anymore.

I have a cousin in Miami, and I'd like to go see her, other than that not much interest in seeing Miami. it's basically a slice of Latin America in Florida. had enough of that in Texas. I don't dislike it, I actually like Mexicans, it's just not novel to me. I don't like traveling in general. I want to go to Belarus and the Caucasus, but that's it.

"education" in schools is Prussian brainwashing, and education in universities is Marxist brainwashing. here in Russia, schools/universities are very good at making students memorize facts, like in East Asia, but that's it. I'm planning on homeschooling.

it's better to raise a family here imo. public homosexuality isn't socially acceptable, in the closet only. stuff like transsexualism just isn't an issue. Russian children are VERY well behaved, no CPS for discipline, even strangers aren't afraid to discipline young children acting out of line. communual behavior.

clip made me fucking laugh. 50 miles is like a huge day trip for a Rhode Islander. going to Boston was like an enormous deal to me until I moved to Texas.

Another Rhode island thread has ben made by someone else lol