Guys, have you seen the news? The Left and Anti Trumps are going to fly a massive baby trump BLIMP over London in defiance of the God Emperor. We NEED to blow it up!

My idea? Got a Hot air balloon, stick pepe the frog on it, and spear it. That way we can safely take it out without the use of projectiles.

If the capture the flag was our battle call... then this would be our greatest achievement in the history of kek

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Oi you got a hot air balloon loisence mate?

accept my energy britbros

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Pump. Just fackin do it

Checked brother!

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Perhaps drones could fly into it? Cheap one with decent props should tear it

Make a huge mohammed baloon, then have it hunt down the baby and rape the shit out of it.

just go get some airsoft gun/rifle and shoot it, shouldn't be a problem if its easy to buy in the UK

They can fix holes with a bike repair kit - but they can't afford to pay the fine for violating airspace restrictions.

Cut the ropes & make him fly higher.

I would probably laugh my ass off if you did it. All you need some sharp object to reach it doesnt have to be big. Or use lazer or sunlight to burn a hole in it.

Consider suicide, fucking retarded redditor.

yeah airsoft with metal balls. gg

Who gives a fuck I just want to see it blow, at least the faggot came with an aight idea.

He is still a pretty big faggot though.

or a simple stronger than usually slingshot will do the trick

>They only have two hours in the air
>It will take a long time to repair and fill back up
>They can't afford the extra helium if it's deflated enough
>It will still be funny to see fall regardless if it goes back up or not

can any fag find the path it'll be going exactly? I can come up with a good plan if I have a path

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Lets have an Obunga blimp instead!

Might work... if it was a 30cm party balloon. Which it isn’t.

Sharp object taped onto the drone moving at speed should do it

Horse shit. If someone managed to pull this off it would be fucking epic and you know it.

>Ballon explodes
>Lefties cry
> Remind them about part and parcel

I agree with the normie
>Unironically using gg
>An hero

A few people had the idea to use solvents. Fly over it with a drone and release a nasty solvent on it. The right one will turn the polymer to mush fairly quickly then the pressure inside will burst it. People saying BB guns/arrows/etc, that's not going to cut it. You could pepper the thing for a whole afternoon with a 22 and chances are it would still be airborne.

You have my prayers bongs.



It needs to be something that won't hurt people if it drips down on them

If the creators of this are smart, they would have used kevlar or similar to stop drone blades cutting through it, and covered it in fire retardant.

PVC primer would probably work good, if not then acetone or battery acid perhaps? Mix gas and Styrofoam together for a sticks napalm and shoot it with a flare gun.

Brits keep saying they can buy guns, why not just shoot the fucking thing?

"Oi! You got a loicense for that liquid!"

The material is probably fairly rough, blunt objects will have a hard time penetrating it. Need shomething sharp to pen it. A decent airguns with a large dart 5.5mm or maybe even 4.5mm could do it, or ramming drones with sharp objects into it. And helium is not flammable so setting it on fire won't work, unless you drop a bucket of thermite over it....

they're liberals, you can't expect much out of them. Looks of the balloon it's like beach ball plastic. and just like said, PVC primer will prob do the trick

You can get shotguns with a licence and if you have access to land to shoot on, which people in London do not have.
Its the same with rifles, but they're much harder to get.

Air rifles you can buy, but they're limited to 12ftlbs, and very few people will have them in London. You're also not allowed to carry them around, even in a case, unless you're going directly to somewhere you can legally shoot them.

The hwndu flag was flame retardant



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god speed crooked teeth user! Kel will reward your effort!

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so the right's answer to things that trigger them is to destroy private property?


Try an improvised blowgun

They aren't allowed to have sharp objects.

>We NEED to blow it up!


Drumpf dicks suckers from reddit are no better than liberals.

Has anyone thought about the legality of a mid/large drone in the middle of London, with the extra security measures of the US visit?

you can't fight a fire with a sprinkler

I think a solvent is the best idea, dip cloth in solvent and drop, throw or drone strike it onto the balloon. And if you are going to shoot at it, aim for the top of the ballon. Hellium is lighter than air you know…..

Grab some metal and file it to a point. sneak up and throw a smoke bomb by the balloon and wait till no one can see then run up and stab the fuck out of it.


Why would I want to pop something that makes mutts seeth? I'm not saying this to be funny I genuinely think it will be fucking hilarious to see the countless trumpmutts go ballistic over a fucking balloon

you could use a small drone and even if its not a drone, you could still improvise something.

A long thick walled pipe with an air tank attached through a valve and a compressor should be enough no? Maby add a bipod.

This guy is the only person in this thread really using his noggin.

A trump balloon is probably a better pope than the current charlatan.

This, also its embarassing for the leftists taking part who will inevitably see this as some kind of victory up until Trump 2.0 in 2020.

What Fire? It's a fuckin joke. Fuck off and let them do it.

Some of these balloons have a thick, rubber extremity that has a texture similar to canvass. You would need a steel tipped arrow, shot from a compound bow to penetrate. You paste that arrow tip with a flammable substance and the thing would blow. Everyone would go running for the hills, thinking that a Muslim lit a fuse.

figure of speech faggot

Imagine being so assblasted that you get offended by a caricature of a neocon and you have to find a way to ruin it.

>thinking that a Muslim lit a fuse.
don't worry, I think most people would be fine since that kind of stuff is just part and parcel

Don't worry, people will just figure it's a peaceful Muslim's acid attack.

Are you so retarded that you thought i read it literally?
Mutts really are subhuman.
Now tell me am*rican what fire are you talking about? How is a little kids balloon equivalent to 911?

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what is it supposed to represent?
why a baby?


no1 said its equivalent to 9/11 but we are against spreading of propaganda

What is a gym bag. Still it's not the best plan, but it seems to be reasonable. We'd need some high level /diy/ guys to put bolt cutters or something on a drone and make it work, not to mention an experience operator.

If someone actually pulled this off, take pride in knowing that the POTUS would be laughing hysterically behind closed doors. Hell, maybe he’d tweet about it.

Eh, just use a pellet gun, or do you faggots need a license for that too?



> london will be on heightened security
> will be masses of people

The way to do it is get the police to do our work

A couple of people watching them set up need burner phones to make calls to the met
Tell them they saw someone setting the blimp up placing a suspicous package inside it / overheard them talking about how when it goes KABOOM the casualty rates will be massive
Wait 5 minutes as the police spend the next 6 hours dismantiling the blimp dispersing the crowd and fucking up their gay protest

Powerful air rifle might be enough to take it down.

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Is freeze peach a crime now?

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Try a nail gun!

Liberals hate babies. Making Trump into one is their equivalent of making a liberal leader into a devil caricature.

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it isnt free speech free speech is saying actual facts and using words what they are doing is just attacking our political views with there shitty jokes but if u counter with facts they cry and moan

Meme them get fifteen people or more together LARP as goat fuckers and march down the street in the same direction confront them and accuse them of being racist against Mohammad or some shit turn the tables on them all that good shit till them MUSLIM lives matter and that parading an image of Jesus around as a blimp is offensive to you if they try to explain that its Trump have none of it

The only thing thats needed to take that balloon out is a set of balls.

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Air rifle could easily take this sucker down

am*ricans really are retards.

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You missed this one.

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>air rifle

THIS, also air rifles are LEGAL in the UK
Shoot that baby

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It's Britan they literally don't have a concrete definition of what counts as defamation or character assassination their free speech laws are all grey areas so the police and law at large can basically punish you for what ever they fucking feel like so no this don't count as free speech just like having a nazi dog doesn't count as free speech either


Attached: mutt israel.png (2048x1536, 538K)

Find a van with a sunroof, shoot from within the van out of the sunroof to avoid being seen

seems pretty stupid but there you go.

Just use the opportunity to plug something else. Hire a sky writer, take advantage of the free publicity and turn it to our advantage.
That's the 4d way.
Bringing it down is just stupid and plays into their hands.

How is britain related to this in the slightest? I'm talking about you dumb neocon mutts losing your shit over a joke balloon and trying to censor it.

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a trump baby blimp is actually pretty funny tho, I'd rather let it happen desu
Or you could sabotage it before it ever gets into the air.

Dont be silly, we would need a bong with a drone loisence for that

Wont make a big enough hole,

Highly illegal to have a air rifle in public

Hard to conceal

Will end up with any user stupid enough to try it in prison forever

What we need is a few anons making credible calls to the met about a device they saw someone put inside the blimp and how they overheard chatter about how when it goes off the casualtys will be enormous
The heightened state of security the police will have to act, the area will be evacuated the balloon taken down and dismantled to be searched
This will take most of the day and destroy their protest as its only licenced for a two hour window in the morning

fly a helicopter drone into it

Pfffft, just counteract it by getting a massive balloon of Mohammed holding a sign saying "I rape kids, and so do my followers", and when the leftists chimp out, use the argument of "freedom of expression, just like what you were doing".

Expose their hypocrisy on the international stage.


> london will be on heightened security
> will be masses of people

The way to do it is get the police to do our work

A couple of people watching them set up need burner phones to make calls to the met
Tell them they saw someone setting the blimp up placing a suspicous package inside it / overheard them talking about how when it goes KABOOM the casualty rates will be massive
Wait 5 minutes as the police spend the next 6 hours dismantiling the blimp dispersing the crowd and fucking up their gay protest

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I think it is more of a challange from the left to the "alt-right" sort of like the HWNDU flags

didn't save the sources from the thread a few days ago but they use a very though material. Airsoft guns or sharp objects wont help. We need a flamethrower drone.

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Use a laser?