Why has no one pointed out that "30 year old boomer" meme is an obvious psyop...

Why has no one pointed out that "30 year old boomer" meme is an obvious psyop? It's designed to shame 30+ year olds who actually have their shit together and live stable, non-degenerate lives and aren't in constant need of keeping up-to-date on modern (((trends))) but just like what they like - this doesn't make you a 'boomer' it makes you a winner and a happy man.

Attached: my_face_when_im_a_boomer.jpg (838x696, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have you taken your pills today?

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only take redpills mein dude

30 year olds a gen X not boomers

nigga just close the tab what are you a retard who is influenced by shit like mumsnet

get a grip boomer

Attached: zoo.png (761x591, 451K)

no they're not

and antihistamine in summer

Between the idiot teenagers 'trolling' people on here for a laugh to be edgy and an annoyance, the leftypol meth addicts trying to stop all the nazis and the JIDF/shill threads, there isn't much genuine conversation on here. The worst by far is the younger members treating the place like /b/ 2.0 though.

Life is an illusion and all that matters is God'a eternal love.

Your house, car, wife, dog and children are just like points in an arcade game. The only way to win is to realize that you are God, breaking the illusion that you are an individual identity.

Your life is being bought out from under you by people who deny this. They worship the material realm we're trapped in.

You don't have any shit together.

Except it’s a purposefully ironic meme, autist

I work for Redbull marketing department. We are just pushing the boomer meme to make monster energy look like a beta boomer drink

It's supposed to be funny. I blame Nick Fuentes the 19 year old boomer.

>Why has no one pointed out that "30 year old boomer" meme?
To sell you Monster drink. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I think it's funny but I don't know why

t. 29 year old boomer

The only people who get upset about being called a 30 year old boomer are 30 year old boomers
Just like how soibois get upset about being called soibois
Just like how niggers get upset about being called niggers
Just like how heebs get upset about being called jews
Etc. Etc. Etc.
It's a dumb meme with a hint of truth to it, it's funny, there's nothing more to it than that
Are the *snap* memes a psyops to get people to be less cringy? Is it a shaming tactic meant to influence people who go on fucking fourchan of all places into being less cringy? "OMG this Shrek picture is dividing the virgins from the incels, guys we gotta work together here to hone our wizard powers and over throw the nephilim from Saturn before they rape and eat all our white babies! Shrek is preventing this with his damned camera! Fucking jews!"
Use your brain

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> just tired of their shitty arguments getting shot down

how can you shame a 30 year old boomer?

you can't, its like when niggers call us pale, mayonnaise, unseasoned.

30 year old Boomer grew up playing Nintendos and having no internet.
There ways are not our ways.

Attached: Boy-Cries-After-Receiving-Nintendo-NES-Parents-Featured-720x405.jpg (720x405, 40K)

Don’t buy the faggy boomer fluid. Get a real mans drink, grab the bull by the Balls and be sure to check out the new Cocunut Berry Summer Flavor*
*Available for a limited time.
RedBull live Bold

>It's a dumb meme with a hint of truth
true, pic related is spot on

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Something about the 30 year old boomer meme seems so meta I'm not even sure what to make of it.
I think that's why it's so funny.

Lol. I dont know about your demographics, but here a Boomer is 50+

>Hey dude, YOUR MUM LMAO
>It's clearly a psyop and not a random joke designed to undermine our CHRISTIAN roots MAGA XD REDDIT UPVOTE

Attached: reddit maga fags.png (300x142, 27K)

nigga I'm right as they come but I meme tf outta the boomer shit.

in a way everyone aspires to just have that simple boomer life

Because only bots and shills posts here

its just a funny meme you dumb boomer

It's actually a pretty loving meme. I don't feel the last bit insulted by it. Why dont you fuck off?

Brainlet here.
Can somebody please explain this meme. I just don't get it...

I assumed the 30 yr old boomer is poking fun at the aging 4channers who been here from the start

its a meme that originated on Jow Forums then got out of control here. It's not a psyop you newfag

>It's designed to shame 30+ year olds

No shame here,

It also stems from the whole grandstanding thing from the school shooting.

In a nutshell: Gen X has failed you by allowing this shooting to happen. Its punishment is complete erasure from acknowledgement. You Z's are the only ones worth a shit now.

Its pretty good as a meme as it presents the 30 year old boomer as a chad doing as he pleases. But also it acts as a stark reminder that they are in the same positions the boomer and should not make the same mistake

i'm 35, i've been here for about 10 years and i embrace this meme (it's not the best but neither the worst). only insecure faggots feel shamed

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I don’t get it.


> *Dances with staff

its the same thing with the Mutt-Meme.
its a Meme nobody knows the real origin of, or who made it.
but like the Mutt we will use it for our own purposes.

>>>Based Boomers.

Attached: boom.png (249x229, 55K)

It's literally just bantering oldfags you sensitive cunt. Plus they counter memes with zoomer.

Boomer was forced by some cool man on /v/. You should know that if you weren't a child of summer.
Mutt is just reality.

It's kind of like Gen X is being blamed for not doing anything to undo the damage the Boomers did (IE pushing gun reform into law, liberal agendas, etc). To punish them for their 'failure' their identity is tossed down the memory hole. Gen X never existed. They are perceived as fucking up so bad acting like their parents they are now for all intent and purpose branded as their parents. They're not allowed to be anything else. It's also a veiled threat to Gen Z that 'We'll flush you down the toilet in a New York Minute too if you drop the ball like they did.'

And all because some kids got shot up. Which is kind of bullshit.

Some guy on Jow Forums was making fun of 30 year olds at the gym before there were even the boomer wojak edits. Pretty sure it started there.

>bantering oldfags

From what I have seen it's the oldfags that are actively pushing it to piss of zoomers.

>that first sip of the day

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why would I care about a fucking meme? people can call me a 30 year old boomer if they want I don't care. also nice trips faggot

> /v/
>You should know that if you weren't a child of summer.
Im here since 2008 ol`Chap, and /v/ is as degenarate as /b/ nowadys.
i wouldnt touch that filthy board with gloves on my hands.
when did the boomer got posted the first time?
i was banned during April my friend.

>Mutt is just reality.
if (You) werent a child of summer you would have known that the Mutt Meme occured ((((COINCIDENTALLY)))) during the IOTBW campaign.

No it didn't.
There constantly was a single boomer wojack thread on /v/ every day until it got popular.
Jow Forums might have given him the idea, but it doesn't mean it originated there.

Then why am I not ashamed of it and why do I like it?

Best meme since los goblinos and zero% amerimutts

>if (You) werent a child of summer you would have known that the Mutt Meme occured ((((COINCIDENTALLY)))) during the IOTBW campaign.
And what if It's a jewish / liberal invention?
Doesn't make it untrue dummy, now does it?

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The whole point is that Boomer is a state of mind.

Proud Boys are Boomers. It's why Antifa is so scared of them. It's like being spanked by your dad.

When will the gen z dick sucking end

Making fun of oldfags. I'm 37. Been here for nearly 13 years. It's not an inaccurate meme.

It's like when /leftypol/ laughs at Kekistanis (like the guy at the Portland rally).

Yeah...they're cringe...but do you really think you're doing yourself any favora by highlighting the fact that you're scared of (and getting beaten up by) autistic spergs?

that was my point mate, it is a Libshit/Jewish invention to make Jow Forums fight itself because of racemixing.

of course Mutt got some Reality in it, but the timing when it got spread is just fucking obvious

>pic related

is a Jow Forums fag here to confirm?

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It won't. Americans are too stupid to not completely fall for some meme group cult and spew their rhetoric without ever having a single thought of their own.

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This. I remember ALL the mutt memes were obviously drawn by the same person.

>that was my point mate, it is a Libshit/Jewish invention to make Jow Forums fight itself because of racemixing.
Absolutely nothing wrong with infighting.
If we didn't constantly have wars in Europe Sadiq Huseein Abrahim would have been ruler of the entire Europe and Asia by 1400

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I think boomerjack is awesome and I have no problem being associated with it.

I'm 32 and I like the meme because I relate to it. From what I can tell it's people around my age having fun with a relatable meme and people who are too young to relate to it getting mad about it. Boomer is always happy and having a good time. Very wholesome.

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All memes start drawn by one person you absolute retard.
If some screencap/kitten meme from a movie isn't in another movie does it mean it's some psyop?

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>tfw 30 Old Boomers love the meme

If it was a leftist psyop to make you feel ashamed, they fucked up.

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30 year olds are fucking childs today. The only ones i know of who have a stable life are conservatives or dedicated white nationalists.

Gen Y! Aka millennials!

it's a great meme, immediately spoke to me without any context

I stopped worrying about age when I turned 22. It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you have money an 18 yr chick will still fuck you at 50

Yep. It's so edgelord summer and /b/ on here now you can't even take a moderate position without being called a kike. But what do you really expect from the chans?

>Absolutely nothing wrong with infighting.

yes, but its a difference if the infight is for a reason or because (((someone))) tries to distract from IOTBW

No one feels ashamed to be a 30 year old boomer. Look at this shit, boomer life is comfy.

Attached: 19yoboomer.png (1000x861, 259K)

Its like the ass on the far left just gave up... Like its lost all hope, sad.

>tfw 28yo boomer and I like the meme

Attached: boomer.jpg (250x229, 8K)

breddy good

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It's also not coincidental that once this meme started the mutt memes disappeared

Yes but its funny at least and I used to make monster energy drinks.
Imagine being a faggot millennial having to grab women on the pussy just to make sure they have a pussy then get accused of rape anyway.

If anything, it's too optimistic. I'm about to hit 30 and I wish this was my life.

Look at this, who doesn't want this?

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Where have THEY GONE!
It's like something new and interesting popped up and everyone just started doing it.

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The real question: am i the only who get terrible diarrhea if i drink a monster?

For me it was 32. Suddenly all movies and everything else new became shit in an instant and you lose all care for it.
I guess thats why kikes target 18 - 34yr old demographic the most.

Don't buy chips and other bullshit with it.

Time goes faster after 30. Before you know it, you'll be dead and you won't have to worry about your shitty life.

Ye everything is a psyop out to get you

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Lucky, my sense of wonder and joy died when I turned 25.

Hisperic. They were all drawn by hisperic. All modern memes can be traced to frogtwitter and discord.

Caffeine side affect in some people.
I have a strong coffee in the morning to get a good shit going. Sometimes I just think of making a coffee in the morning and I need a shit.
Then again back when I used to lift, thinking of squatting would make me want to shit too.

Are you part of the psyop? because ignoring or saging them is the best way, not pointing out the obvious or discussing about it.
It made me confuse me too at first, and after seeing it being posted in all boards, I realized it was the JIDF babyfuckers or the CIA niggers.

mutt meme was obvious d+c but it became true

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>the most irrelevant baltic state tries to be funny
neo-teutons when, snownigger.

The meme is retarded and will be gone by August

only temporary effect is a reduction of Boomer hate which seems to faint off and go back to the usual put all Boomers in nursing homes and let them die there.

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Lay off the sativa, chang.

Same. I don't even care about pop culture anymore really. Mostly play old games. Watch old movies.

I fully embrace the boomer life
t. 31 year old boomer currently listening to Iron Maiden album I originally bought on CD

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Ok, that one hits a little too close to home.

The best ones are always built around ironic truth.
Both the 56% and 30yr old boomer memes aren't political in nature either so more meme potential. 56% works because everyone loves to shit on Americans and 30yr old boomer works because its funny even though its a compliment not an insult.

>if I like the meme it's reality and if I don't it's forced
All memes are forced friendo

Not funny i'm just quoting you small boy.
And why would you want to send more teutons upon us? Want more dead Christians? Last time they tried to crusade the pagang they got fucked and their money stolen.

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the mutt meme was being pushed before this happened - cohencidence?

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