If the USA would become an ethnostate, what should be done about the thousands and thousands of Native Americans?

If the USA would become an ethnostate, what should be done about the thousands and thousands of Native Americans?

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pretty sure an exception can be made for them.

their numbers are too small to have any effect any way.

But that's a Chink, not an Injun. Would still bang though.

if we were to just gas florida and let them have it instead of reservations, they would have a ton of land and every race's gene pool would improve

>what should be done about the thousands and thousands of Native Americans?
They should be genocided.

they can have the adjacent land which they can open casinos on

>Native Americans
They were never native to America. America didn't exist and til a white man wrote it into existence. Teepee niggers is their proper name.

do you know how these things work?

They already have their own ethnostates.

They'll be the ruling class and enslave whites and others. What else do you think?

America for Americans and all that


>If the USA would become an ethnostate, what should be done about the thousands and thousands of Native Americans?
send them to Israel to enrich them since they love diversity.

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>"what should be done about them?"

ether pun in a zoo or brothel


I bet Canada would take them

deport them to the siberian wastelands from which they came

The USA should *NEVER* become an ethnostate. Ethnostates don't solve the problem of 'stupid', there are plenty of stupid white people. I'd never be ok with a state where Candace Owens is kicked out due to ethnicity, but Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, and Rachel Dolezel (or whatever name she goes by) are ok because they're white. White doesn't automatically mean good.

Native Americans are Siberian gooks that came here during the ice age when Alaska and Russia could be crossed because the water was frozen. No one is truly native to the US

Dude those people are Jewish. Not white.

Enjoy your 38% hispanic population.


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Drop off caches of alcohol and drugs near reservations, rinse and repeat until they all die of overdosing or alcohol poisoning

>Native Americans?
you mean aboriginal or "Indian", which is mostly what they call themselves.

t. inbred cleetus who fucks his daughter

Ok, I keep forgetting that 'Jewish' doesn't count as 'white' here. Let me rephrase: Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Elizabeth Warren (unless you actually believe she's a Native American) would still be allowed, but Candace Owens, who is actually intelligent and makes good points, would not. Sorry, I'm not in favor of that.

They are not indigenous to the US


But if you want you can have Leeroy Sinclair from Norway house come down to ya and make you suck a wet fart out of your grandpas ass on hold it like a bong rip in exchange for mucklucks and beads

All non whites can get fucked

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Those are white race traitors who sold out to the kikes

>retarded schnitzel doesn't know how "native Americans" got here

Let them have a strip of land of their own, like reservations
"the problem of stupid" will never ever go away, its a %, a baby will always have the chance of becoming stupid. But blacks and hispanics' babies have a much higher chance of being stupid, as their mean IQ is that much lower than whites

Jews' IQ might be comparable to whites but their subversive, parasitic nature, coupled with actively being taught how evil whites are(muh holocaust) makes them the worst of the worst

At least I'm not a 'common sense' traitor. Stupid is my enemy, regardless of ethnicity. There are stupid whites, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, *insert ethnicity here*. There are also some people of each race who aren't stupid. I would much rather get rid of the stupid entitled idiots, even the white ones, than a smart black person, and yes, they do exist.

They're already in ethnostates called reservations.

>Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, and Rachel Dolezel
Gotta be bait. There's no serious intelligence problem that needs solving among whites/Europeans; and the current progressive hellscape, the alternative to this proposed nationalism, only makes things worse, not better. It would be a massive improvement for whites to be able to be free of occupation by other groups.


Well, you're right, stupid will never go away unfortunately. I believe the black and hispanic 'stupid' comes from enforced American minority culture which was largely constructed by Democrats. I respect the people in those 'communities' who reject that culture and try to make something of themselves. And don't ignore there is a sizable (maybe not quite as high percentage-wise) culture of stupid among whites. White trash, ignorant, party girls... that's nothing to be proud of.

I strongly disagree that there isn't an intelligence problem among many whites. It's not all whites, admittedly a lower percentage in the United States than many minorities (typically the percentage is around the same as the percentage that votes Democrat), but there are plenty of white Democrats and minorities who reject Democrats. My opposition, as I've said, is to the stupid itself, not ethnicity.

So? They will move the second you grab a long stick and shake it at them. Do you actually think we would let people who are a part of the problem stay? Honestly I understand your point but you would rather have 80% non-white population rather than an 80% white population? My city of Portland was 95% white. Now its dropping because people like you think there are "based minorities". We don't like other races because surprise, surprise, humans are racist and vote along ethnic and cultural lines.

You would rather live in a ghetto and be a lone based white man in a sea of brown? Enjoy your mixed children.

>no reservations

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Racism is a true and primitive fact of human nature, I agree, and among every ethnicity the most primitive and least logical people engage in racism. I don't believe you fall into the category of 'primitive' or 'illogical'; you are acknowledging this from a 'human nature' reality rather than malice, at least in the way you word it that's how I interpret it. My argument is more against some of the more primitive aspects of 'human nature' and I enjoy being around people who've evolved to a higher level of thinking regardless of ethnicity, and care more about values and ideas. I understand that the majority of people will probably never reach that though, and it would be 'easier' to do what you suggest, but it just doesn't sit right with me, having had many intelligent conversations with red pilled minority people, I would never be ok with betraying their trust.

Retard just make a law that bans non citizens from voting. Make citizenship something you earn instead of getting born with. Problem solved. Citizenship should be a demonstrable choice based on merit. If you need an example think of someone you wouldn't want voting or running for office and figure out what you could get them on. Like ban everyone with an IQ of 80. There. Thats 2 birds one stone given most minorities are sub 100.

I agree with a lot of what you said. I also need to point out I have known plenty of nonwhite people who immigrated to the United States legally, who follow the law and contribute and pay taxes and love this country. At the same time I know plenty of white people who were born here as citizens who hate this country and are overweight losers with tattoos and ear spacers who collect welfare... this is why I cannot, in good conscious, say I'm a ethno nationalist. My problem is with stupid, regardless of race.

Last time I checked Candace Owens is white

You're thinking Rachel Dolezel.

what about an IQ state

No I'm thinking of Candace, she's got a little bit of a tan but she's still white

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Make sure it is used on patients with suppurating pustules.

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Nothing, the reservation system works fine and it's not a high priority. If anything, the Native Americans will support ethnostates.

I'd poke her hontas if you catch my drift.

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Let them keep their reservations. They aren't a problem.

Better than an ethnostate, but I can think of plenty of high IQ educated people who are complete idiots when it comes to common sense (you see a lot of it in academia). For me, the best solution is a meritocracy state.

We should've finished off those savages over 100 years ago.

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Same. But I also know that to preserve my way of life I can't just let anyone past the threshold. You say this is evolution? On what grounds? That you believe social progress is being made as a "citizen of the world?" rather than a citizen of a nation?

You believe that they hold your best interest at heart? That they would pick you over their own? Is this naivety or willful ignorance?


You are not altruistic. You are misguided. You are not intelligent. You are not even thinking critically. You must pick. Do you want to be mixed with brown people who have an average IQ at best and culture that are completely alien to your own or do you want a nation of white people with an average IQ of 105?

The issues then is the quality of the citizens that we allow to persist in this nation. Why should we give aid and well paying jobs to first generation immigrants which lowers the over all quality of life because you think some blue collar guy who works just as hard is stupid? These people are not your friends. They are subverting the very "ethnic nationalism" you claim to champion. If you have a problem with stupid white people do you have a problem with stupid Mexicans because stupid uneducated white people who have lived here for generations have helped elevate you to were you are.

You can't run a nation with a constant influx of immigration at the cost of native citizens. Mexicans want more Mexicans. They want their entire family up here. Why? Because Mexico is poor as shit and they are perfectly willing to destroy what your family has DIED for so you can have your friendly neighborhood beaners.

How about we help solve the homeless problem. Or the drug problem. Or maybe hunger in a first world nation? You know. Lets keep our nation primarily white AND educated. The best and brightest of other nations need to stay there.

They've already got their ethnostates.

Bleach them?

It should become an ethnostate of NATIVE americans, dipshit.

Europe is the only true home of europeans.

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This is common sense. This is why we have the concept of race and nationality. To keep out the barbarians.You are advocating for removing bread from the mouths of your children's children because you actually think you are an "intellectual" when in reality you are a "useful idiot".


We can't help them. They have to go.

Natives are actually retarded. Good people but absolutely NO vision for the future or even their own. They will remain as they are and would have stayed that way for another million years.

left alone

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Indians or Red Indians, please.

Native American is a silly term. I am a white man whose ancestoros built this nation, I am native to America, it is my only homeland.

An Indian might be native to the Cherokee NAtion etc but they didn't build the USA or America, they aren't native in the way many whites are.

give them California let them fight the Mexicans, worst case scenario they become friends and the mexicans destroy their community too

They already have California dingus. they out number white Americans.


There will be no fighting Mexicans except for in your own back yard at this point. Its too fucking late. Now we have absolutely no choice but to regroup and consolidate power.

Hell its too late for that. These are now AMERICAN CITIZENS with the right to vote, petition, run for office. Either we make a new ethnostate and fight a bloody war of independence or we fight a bloody war of "remove taco and burrito"

White women are now marrying spics and having brown monkey babies. Are we white or mestizo? You would actually abandon your own grandchildren to this fate.

How is this a problem?

just keep them on their reservations while they drink themselves to death on listerine

Because lives are cheap and land is expensive. Also my family founded the city I live in. No fucking "native" has made jack shit.

yeah no i mean the injuns

Why? There are no injuns. We killed them already. They are a non issue. What the fuck are you smoking, Jow Forumsthe_donald?

Literally wtf are you talking about? Are you confusing her for the woman on the right? Cause that monkey in the middle isn't even remotely White. Not even a fucking little bit. Either you are blind, stupid, or a nigger.

>blacks are so shit, that candace owens is pulled up as an example of their excellence
come on, you could have gone with muh thomas sowell

Okay, you've convinced me. If an ethnostate would include people like you, I don't want anything to do with it. How about an ethnostate ONLY for explicitly ethno-nationalist Whites? You have to be White, AND you have to completely reject civcuckery. Make it a pledge or something.

And the Spanish should have finished off the Central Americans. Can you imagine how amazing the Americas would have been?

since they were the original libertarians, probably the governing class.

Exactly, they already have reservations.

>thousands and thousands

Wow it’s fucking nothing

Their reservations would function as defacto ethnostates for them to live on, if any survived the process of converting America to an ethnostate. We probably wouldn't prop them up anymore, though we might trade with them. Alternatively they could be shipped to Canada or Mexico (prior to us taking Canada)

>expecting latins not to rape and breed indiscriminately because of the "latin lover" stereo type

Spaniards are half moor. Like they wouldn't rape everything with legs.

Miscegenation would be a crime punishable by death in the ethnostate. Despite it being an ethnostate you still need to make sure it's on the books in case of visiting dignitaries, your citizens vacationing elsewhere, etc. The only exception would be for our soldiers in combat roles.

Kikes arent white. Lurk moar

Fuck the red out of them. Kill all the males. Rape the females. Kill all the male babies to 4 generations. Done.

You're aware the ethnostate will not be libertarian, right?

Alternatively, morons like the guy you're responding to can be sterilized and declared "honorary niggers" and be forced to do slave labor.

No. Just bullets. He is an "intellectual" in academia. Most likely Jewish.

They take a nice rural chunk, mexicans take 1/3 of commiefornia , give blacks two states , give the rest to whites and white migrants, Asians especially chinese can live in mixed closed off areas or with the teeming mexicans .

We have different indian tribes and most of them don't like each other. The only solution is to finish what we started and kill them all. Even the women and children.

The Mexicans have taken California. They have the whole state of Florida as well. Blacks basically own several ghettos in every city at this point. Everything is as described except we are more cucked.

They can keep their reservations or we can trade around territory until they have some sizable piece of their original territories.

Give them a years time to migrate elsewhere (probably Canada) or be within a small zone set a aside near the Canadian boarder that's basically moonscape (like eastern Montana) for the majority to form their own ethnostate. Alternatively, let them have California state after the local population is purged.

Form another ethnostate

Quit giving them gibs. It's killing them.

Many have integrated into American society. The rest are just reservation niggers

Bro if we gave them sovereign land they'd immediately descend into third world savagery and we'd be pressed to give them gibs anyway - they'd end up like the abos in australia. They wouldn't want to be in the land we gave them, they'd be scratching at our doors for gibs the whole time.

Dump them here.

Cities are degenerate; they breed only soft men and loose women

An american ethnostate would be native indian.

>people advocating the genocide of autochtone on their own land and replacement by foreign population
Hypocrites. Fucking disgusting hypocrites all of you.

An ethnic group arguing for their own interest, and wondering what should become of a different group whose interests are obviously secondary

I don't see any hypocrisy. I bet you think it's hypocritical to play chess, because you're only trying to checkmate your opponent's king because he's doing the exact same thing to you! Hypocrisy!

Nah bro you're just retarded.

they already have their own ethnostate you burgers!

Exceptions got us to the present state of things

How do you find the gall to post online, when you have no fucking idea what you're talking about?

The names you posted are of people who aren't white. Jews are semitic, and that Dolezal bitch doesn't even think she's white herself.

>white doesn't auto mean good

No one ever claimed it did, that's just some imaginary platitude you're propping up yourself in order to try and attack white people. How about you go fuck yourself, racist dickhead.

Immediately start treating them like every other citizen; abolish "tribal police" (a fucking disgrace that needs to go anyway). Non-compliance will result in another Waco.


Educate yourself retard

Expanded reservations in the Midwest to the point where there are essentially several small countries that can be self sufficient. Not much of a loss for us considering how much land there is in the Midwest. That's what we should have done in the first place imo, but the reservations should have just been a minimized version of their natural tribal radius.

1. An American ethnostate would be American Indian, not white lmao
I only like them and white men but they’re so much more attractive than beta white men.
t. race traitor

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