Chatting up a hot coworker

>chatting up a hot coworker
>she shows me a picture of a niglet
>>look how cute
>I make a pic related face, cigarette and all
>she asks why
>>I thought it was a human baby
>she dislikes me now
seriously, what's wrong with people?

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Probably that you’re too autistic to hold a polite conversation

I am a bit of a dick, true, but chicks dig it because I have a pretty face.

he was pretty tolerant talking to a potential health hazzard (HIV, Black death, antibiotic restiant bacteria) that was produced by exchangeing body fluids with a african demon.

Better off without her m8

it's just very repulsive to hear that a human woman finds nigger babies cute.

t. Billy Russo

At least she let you know before wasting any effort

shame her, tell everybody and her whole family that she is a nigger lover

I'm a manlet as well, so it evens out to average.

>I thought it was a human baby


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Babies in general are not fucking cute. Regardless of what slop hole it fell out of.

Don't change, no matter how hard the incels tell you to

>baaa you are probably not retarded like rest of herd baaa

My Neighbor had her sister and her sisters mutt baby over and i couldn't help roasting her at how she fucked a maori then he left her and left this disgusting mongrel for you to be stuck with i couldn't help myself she cried but the funny thing is she agreed with me

Was it hers or just a random niglet?

just some random niglet. I wouldn't even approach if she had a kid, let alone a mutt

>cigarette and all
>thought it was human

smoking makes you look cooler and more approachable, alongside making you more social by proxy since someone always bums a light or smoke.
It's a shit habit, but I'm glad it's mine.

>don't know if bait or legit 'tist

racism is never cool, bigger!

racism is never cool, nigger!!

why didnt you just pretend to care and say he cute?

Because no doubt she saw this little nigglet on some Jew controlled feed or social media. Dumb ass blue pilled women are so susceptible to Jew propaganda they need to know IRL we find this disgusting.

Women unfortunately need hit over the head with reality most times. Hardly any of them make the connection left on their own.

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