what's Jow Forums's thoughts on it?
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Operation Mockingbird propaganda term used to discredit anyone that opposes an abrahamic religion
Atheism is just a conclusion to come to, not a movement to join. Anyone who tries to make it into anything else, whether atheist or theist, is being manipulative.
Which orientation of it?
science cultism, where we believe anything that our science priests tell us to
non-theistic, where we don't participate in the God conversation
anti-theistic, where we are religiously militant against religion
Another false religion in the Demiurge's web.
most likely to be right but also the most useless out of all
Atheism as a term shouldn't really exist. There are people in the world that believe Elvis is still alive, but there's no term for people that don't believe he's alive.
Atheism is the complete opposite of religion. It is simply not believing something that has literally zero evidence behind its claims.
Eventually religion will die out. It may take thousands of years, but it will happen. As IQ points rise, belief in made-up things decreases.
plen-tier consciousness religion.
impossible to distinguish games of good and evil through the longevity of the one time.
Destroyer of civilizations and open doors to degeneracy
It's complicated. A belief in a god depends on your definition of "god" which is grounded in your language, and limited by human intellect. Any human description of a god is going to be some watered down For Dummies version, since most people can't even explain something like "time" or "mass" accurately and effectively, let alone a defining and describing a deity. So no, I don't believe in any human descriptions of deities by default.
But as you delve deeper into physics and the subatomic to where actual mysteries start, and philosophy needs to take over to extract not descriptions but meaning, then "god" starts to be come an elastic term for a medium or a field, or if you follow Max Tegmark and Stephen Wolfram, a mathematical rule.
Insert the quote by some guy that said something like science made me an atheist but I found god again on the other side (to paraphrase badly).
"As IQ points rise, belief in made-up things decreases" - so religion's less popular due to a gradually increasing IQ ?.....hmmm, maybe this "rise in IQ points" explains men cutting their dicks off coz they've realized that they're actually women, the transsexuals so to speak and maybe the heightened IQ also explains people thinking that race is a social construct....thank you, now it all makes sense to me, higher IQ's it is !!!!!
(((Atheism))) is about respecting all religions except for Christianity
Not true. Anti-theists dislike Islam as well.
Is this your first day on this website, Mr. Poo? Those things are being pushed by the Jews. Not believing in made-up supernatural stories doesn't mean you can't find value in some of the teachings. Christianity has done a lot of good in the world, but it's possible to stop trannies without it.
imagine being this stupid
>who is David Silverman
The reason for trannies, hedonism, faggotry and low birth rates.
Athiests push their religion on people far more than any other religion in existence, and their biggest complaint is "people keep pushing religion on us!" they're basically just retarded hypocrites.
What has some literally-who got to do with your ignorant claim that Atheism respects all religions except for Christianity? If anything, it's the complete opposite. Fuck I hate Americans so much.
Started off this way.
Atheism is a void in the mythological centers of the mind into which (((Science journalism))) can creep. The odd success of this psyop is that the atheist has no moral framework upon which to base skepticism or rebuttal, so he adopts the mentality whole, dry, and raw, the atheist is the perfect goyim.
Atheism does not exist.
God and gods however do.
Its a weird thing to claim, sure, but you do not understand it in the same way I do.
Atheists are most often more confused about everything around them.
"Those things are being pushed by the Jews" - doesn't absolve the fools for falling for foolish ideas. Also, the average IQ is actually DECREASING user.......here - sciencealert.com
As far as the attention spans are concerned, that shit's doping downhill as well and you know it so stop pretending otherwise. The filthy Jews have been at it forever BUT recently their agenda has succeeded so rapidly due to the decreasing IQ's being one of the factors.....Your idea of increasing IQ points just got thoroughly debunked so just swallow the bitter pill and move on.
I read that article when it came out a little while ago. It's only about the INCREASE in IQ over time being smaller. IQ values aren't going BACKWARDS. The article title is clickbait.
Of course I know things are going downhill. I never denied that. Lack of belief in ancient made-up stories has nothing to do with it.
Would be better if it was one continuous line
>no argument: the argument
I thought the education system in denmark was better than this?
it's amazing how dump people like you can be
Alright, lets play this game.
Prove that atheism exists user.
Atheism is not a region. Are you stupid? Also, what's wrong with trying to un-brainwash people. Religion is intrinsically bad for the future of modern humanity, so people who have the presence of mind to see things outside of the brainwashing box just want to help people.
It's somebody from the US with a VPN on.
What the fuck does that even mean?
>american bible education
>Atheism is not a region. Are you stupid? Also, what's wrong with trying to un-brainwash people. Religion is intrinsically bad for the future of modern humanity, so people who have the presence of mind to see things outside of the brainwashing box just want to help people.
:))))) :)))) )))
You are foolish.
Prove that Atheism exists user. I said it doesnt exist.
Atheism is stupidity wrapped in utter ignorance disguised as intelligence.
For one to say "I know" there is no God and then claim to only believe what can be proven empirically in the physical world is hypocrisy. Most atheists believe in atoms, but have never seen one personally. They only believe in atoms because some guy in a white lab coat called a scientist (the modern priest) tells them atoms exist. No different than religion when boiled down.
No atheist has ever explored the entire known universe to see if God is there, somewhere in the entire universe. Since the universe is expanding into something - which means there is an "outside" the universe - proof of God's non existence would require the atheist to look outside the universe as well. None have done that. I didn't even get into multiple dimensions (more than 4).
So the whole idea that a person can claim that there is no God is an exercise in futility and wholly inconsistent with what the atheist claims is their way of knowing truth. At best one may say they are agnostic. There is no proof of God's nonexistence. Most of those who claim this are dumbasses who want desperately to be seen as intelligent.
At the end of the day, most atheists just want to be wicked assholes and not feel any guilt with their degeneracy. I guess they think if they deny the existence of God they can do whatever drugs they wish and stick their dicks where they want, or murder their babies.
Again, what the fuck do you mean.
Define 'exists'
>Atheism is not a religion
It's literally a collective group of people who all believe the same principals about the worlds existence, the afterlife, as well as certain beliefs and values.
You're not un-brainwashing anybody. Atheism is also based entirely on theories. That's why it's called "Darwins Theory of evolution" and that's why it's called the "Big Bang Theory" when it comes to the creation of everything.
The only thing that separates Atheists from all the other religions is that there's no 'god' and atheist scientists who provide nothing but theories are their 'god'
tl;dr Your atheist religions is based on theories just like every other religion. Sorry to break the news to you like this.
> They only believe in atoms because some guy in a white lab coat called a scientist (the modern priest) tells them atoms exist. No different than religion when boiled down.
lol except that atoms can be proven to exist.
>No atheist has ever explored the entire known universe to see if God is there
So you admit there's ZERO evidence of a god or gods existing and nobody has ever seen one yet somehow you 'know' one exists?
>most atheists just want to be wicked assholes and not feel any guilt with their degeneracy.
Ugh stop using your parents arguments. They're so pathetic.
Also the majority of atheists are agnostic atheists not the gnostic atheists you're arguing against
>It's literally a collective group of people who all believe the same principals about the worlds existence, the afterlife, as well as certain beliefs and values.
It's a single answer to a single question.
Atheism is not a religion just as not collecting stamps is not a hobby
>Again, what the fuck do you mean.
>Define 'exists'
Funny how this is a polar opposite of "prove that god exists".
No, seriously, prove that atheism exists. I doesnt, there are only fools who know they are fools and those who believe themselves to be smarter than they are.
Gods, Angels and so on, are hierachies of Ideas. Gods are concepts, the Christian god is the Supreme concept.
Christian God = Living Truth (concept)
Archangel michael = A idea of Justice (idea)
Atheism = A (negative charge) + theism (belief in supreme deities)
So atheism is disbelief in supreme deities. But that is a belief.
NExt your gonna say you believe in Evolution.
But you retardedly enough and totally unaware just said, you believe in something.
You just said you believe in a concept called Evolution.
Atheism doesnt exist.
>US flag
>reddit spacing
>defending made-up stories about supernatural nonsense
this ones going in my retarded ameriburger cringe compilation
Atheism is simply not believing in made-up stories. Just because it has a name, doesn't mean it's a religion. Would you call the group of people in the world that don't believe in the moth-man a religion? How about the group of people that don't believe in witches. It's all the same.
If there's anything you hate about religion, it's also a big part of atheism. Atheism is a religion. You can't keep denying it. That's like me saying christianity isn't a religion.
For what reason do you think Atheism is -not- a religion if I may ask?
I used to be an atheist. Most of them believe in things that take more faith than Christianity; namely socialism and climate change. Most atheists just end up worshipping something more dangerous than Christianity.
>Atheism is simply not believing in made-up stories
>Big bang theory
>Evolutionary theory
Theory means explanation consistent with available evidence. Or in other words it's the highest level of "proven" in science.
Holy fuck you stupid cunt.
>No, seriously, prove that atheism exists.
Same as everything else: Great until the Jews subvert it and put all of their people into positions of leadership. The only core atheist "leader" that isn't Jewish is Dawkins, and oh look suddenly he's been silenced of late and sidelined. Who is in control? People like Sam Harris who is Jewish, what a surprise.
atheism is a single answer to a single question.
>Atheism is a religion
atheism is a single answer to a single question.
>You can't keep denying it
atheism is a single answer to a single question.
>That's like me saying christianity isn't a religion.
It's nothing like that you dumb cunt. Atheism is a single answer to a single question.
Prove to me, that atheism exists?
Wtf is your problem? How the fuck can you not get it?
Stop fighting the emus so much and try to get some thoughts in your shitshellofaheadmanyoufaggot
thats a doozy of line
i cant believe someone actually came up with that and then posted it
Define 'exists'.
What is your understanding of atheism and what you need to be proven to you.
listen to the belg.
Jew psyop.
No god other than money; which they happen to worship since before the time of Moses.
yes, he is a stupid cunt. youre right
youve fallen for the only "demiurge" there is
the dark and fallen one, the adversary
Did you notice the word "theory" as you typed it out? That's the difference. Religious people don't call their beliefs a "theory". They completely believe it as much as I believe the language I'm typing in is English. If somebody comes up with a new theory of the beginning of the universe that is testable and can be somewhat replicated with measurements, then that will probably replace the Big Bang.
I honestly can't believe you didn't even notice the word "theory" as you typed it.
>lol except that atoms can be proven to exist.
Good job missing the point. So prove it. Prove atoms exist using the same standard you hold for proof of God. Do it right here right now. Of course be prepared for me to use the same lame arguments you would use against proof of God's existence.
>So you admit there's ZERO evidence of a god or gods existing and nobody has ever seen one yet somehow you 'know' one exists?
You missed the point again. The point wasn't about actually finding empirical, material evidence for God. It was about the lack of mental consistency and intellectual dishonesty applied to the conclusion that "God does NOT exist".
>Ugh stop using your parents arguments. They're so pathetic.
The argument is sound. I am a parent at this point so...........
>One is either agnostic or an atheist. One means "I don't know if there is a God or not" the other means "there is no God". Pick one and quit being a faggot.
Do you want the validity 'proven' or do you want me to show you atheism 'exists' (whatever that means?)
Inherently degenerate.
Actual atheists are incredibly rare - 95% of self described 'atheists' are just vehement anti-Christians. The test for a genuine atheist vs 'atheist' anti-Christian is easy - ask them their opinion on Islam.
Just filter out his ID from this thread. He gave me cancer so I had to add him to my filters.
which ones?
those that dislike islam?
what wondrous insight.
reality bears him out
it is the fact of the state of it
they will engage in good manners to everything except Christianity
>Implying theory is a synonym for fact
It's more like assumptions and shit. Like if a christian insisted there was a god without actual proof that there is one.
Like if an atheist insisted the big bang was a real thing without actual proof that it is. but pretended like it was real anyways
You wrote that sentence 4 times and still didn't elaborate on what the fuck that means.
Other religions outside of atheism are based entirely on theories as well, that's why they call religious people theists.
>Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.
I really believe there are no deities. So by definition, I am an 'atheist'. I exist, and this post proves it. By posting this post, I prove you wrong.
Define "prove to me that atheism exists!"
I dont believe in Atheism, it doesnt exist.
Tell me how or why it exists.
I am saying, Atheism doesnt exist. That is all. What is hard to understand? There exists no non-belief. It is foolish.
leads to degeneracy and meaningless hedonistic life styles
"prove" anything outside of mathematics
without being able to read minds it is easy to demonstrate that there ARE atheists by their own declarations regarding themselves and the way they continually conduct themselves
>le big bang theory is just a theory
We are more sure about the big bang than DNA testing, and burgers send people to fucking death row on less evidence than that
>Good job missing the point. So prove it. Prove atoms exist using the same standard you hold for proof of God. Do it right here right now. Of course be prepared for me to use the same lame arguments you would use against proof of God's existence.
pic related. Now show me a photo of a god.
>It was about the lack of mental consistency and intellectual dishonesty applied to the conclusion that "God does NOT exist".
Go ask a gnostic theist about that.
>One is either agnostic or an atheist. One means "I don't know if there is a God or not" the other means "there is no God". Pick one and quit being a faggot.
Haha fucking what?
Dude. Seriously get an education before trying to sound like you know shit. You know theists can be agnostic too? Fucking moron.
The difference is that there are no scientific authorities. Science changes when new evidence is brought forward. Religion doesn't change if some random biblethumper goes up to the Pope and says "God actually has 5 heads, not 1." There 's no evidence of any religious claims.
There are atheists.
the weight of evidence of them being extant and holding that state of mind/brain and in large numbers is sufficient for any non-schizophrenic person
>I really believe there are no deities. So by definition, I am an 'atheist'. I exist, and this post proves it. By posting this post, I prove you wrong.
I really believe there only are deities. So by definition, I am a "theist". I exist, and this post proves it. By posting this post, I prove you wrong.
No, atheism does not exist, only different kinds of theism. You believe the world and the universe came from the big bang right?
There is no non-belief.
Your deities are "science" and your priests are science "promotors/books" etc.
>big bang
>I dont believe in Atheism, it doesnt exist.
thats schizophrenia
or fantastically gross misunderstanding of the meanings of the words involved
>You wrote that sentence 4 times and still didn't elaborate on what the fuck that means.
Four times and you still can't understand a simple sentence?
No wonder you're religious.
How the fuck can a SINGLE answer to a SINGLE question be a religion? Are you trying to tell me that a single answer to a single question can somehow magically morph into a religion?
>I dont believe in Atheism, it doesnt exist.
Dumb fuck. That's literally the same thing as saying 'I don't believe in cautiousness, it doesn't exist'.
Do you think that atheism is a tangible object you can hold in your hands or something?
What the fuck do you mean?
>I really believe there only are deities. So by definition, I am a "theist". I exist, and this post proves it. By posting this post, I prove you wrong.
But I'm not taking the position that "there is no such thing as theism, prove me wrong" like a fucking RETARD. So you prove nothing.
>There is no non-belief.
Lets agree to fucking disagree, because you won't win me over with this tripe.
quit bothering with this guy hes got a hard-on for his own secret (non)-meanings and likewise absurd concepts of the terms used and is having an ego wack off that we cant read his brain, "teasing" us about his secret and arbitrary knowledge
>What the fuck do you mean?
hes unwilling to share
see that *makes us imbeciles and worthy of his scorn and ridicule*
how does it feel to be so dumb not be able to read his mind?
ignore this brat, hes a mindless oxygen thief
Your not understanding the science doesn't make the evidence invalid.
>how does it feel to be so dumb not be able to read his mind?
I don't know... I'm not smart enough to understand I'm dumb.
>in the past
>not real
>no video/etc modern recording of it
>not real
>i dont understand the physics of it/physics evidence for it
>not real
inb4 "explain the big bang to me completely right now or it's confirmed fake"
>Your not understanding
>Your not
Atheists are believe that there are no deities. Yet they dont understand deities, therefor, their argument is invalid.
Just because I proclaim myself God, Son of God, Filthyjew doesnt mean I am.
There cannot be a non-belief, as there is only belief or knowledge. Yet people dont know shit, they only believe.
I could claim to be a Neo Nazi Cyborg. If you all claim to be a Neo NAzi Cyborg, doesnt make us neo nazi cyborgs. Atheism as a concept, DOES NOT EXIST. It is a retarded notion.
Dumb fuck. That's literally the same thing as saying "I dont believe in God, it doesn't exist".
Do you think that Theism is a tangible object you can hold in your hands or something?
What the fuck do you mean?
If you want to say that atheism as a concept is a sound concept, i.e the idea that is behind the word atheism is correct or has value of truth in it, you must be able to say that you know what deities are. How can you say, I dont believe in deities, you dont know deities. You think God and gods are people flying around in space with dicks or something? Get real. Deities are real, you just dont understand what deities are. Therefore, without knowing what deities are, how can you be a disbeliever in deities?
Im gonna take a shit and smoke a cig.
My body might be full of shit, but atleast its not my mind, unlike some people we know.
> pic related. Now show me a photo of a god.
I didn't ask for a picture of an atom taken by someone with an atomist agenda you assclown. I can post a picture of any number of gods or God. How do I know that picture isn't faked? You posted a picture taken by a "scientist". How do I know this scientist isn't lying. Just telling me something exists and showing me a picture doesn't prove atoms exist.
>Go ask a gnostic theist about that.
I am asking you since you responded to my post.
>Seriously get an education before trying to sound like you know shit. You know theists can be agnostic too? Fucking moron.
Got one a while ago. Couple of degrees and work on an advanced weapon system for my Uncle Sugar. You can't handle a couple of definitions and want to whine about lack of education.
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
How can one claim a position of something for which there is no evidence one way or another? Like I said, hypocrisy.
>That's literally the same thing as saying "I dont believe in God, it doesn't exist".
Not even close to being the same.
>Do you think that Theism is a tangible object you can hold in your hands or something?
No, which is why saying 'I don't believe it exists, prove it' is a fucking stupid thing to ask.
It's incredibly rare that somebody posts so much nonsense garbage in a thread that I have to filter out all of their posts by their ID. I have a high tolerance. You've impressed me with your tסddler-level intelligence, Mr Man-From-Denmark aka "I don't believe in it, therefore it doesn't exist".
I wish not believing in Denmark made it not exist.
>big bang
You retarded fuck, stop sidestepping the fucking argument. Atheism is real. Atheists are real. Agnostics are real. Agnostics are arguably a type of atheists. Whether or not atheists or agnostics are CORRECT is NOT what we are talking about, AT ALL.
>more bloviating-baiting based on definitions of these terms that ACTUALLY dont exist outside of your head
you know full well what the terms mean, you have access to free online explanations of them, dictionaries etc
you're having an infantile gaff/laugh/troll like a fucking brat and its useful to no one, least of all you
come back when you are willing to engage on/with correct meanings and willful understanding of terms and concepts being discussed
>I can post a picture of any number of gods or God.
Go on.
>Couple of degrees and work on an advanced weapon system for my Uncle Sugar.
Prove it.
>person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
You're so fucking dumb.
Gnosticism/Agnosticism is about KNOWLEDGE.
Theism/Atheism is about BELIEF.
>How can one claim a position of something for which there is no evidence one way or another? Like I said, hypocrisy.
You tell me, you're the one that believes in made up shit
It has sort-of been proven because we can see the afterglow of it in the form of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Somewhat similar to how you know a spider existed because you see its web.
Go to fucking school you retard
i never said that
i mentioned weight of evidence earlier
specifically see:
the word proof has no meaning outside of mathematics
Stop getting baited and just hide his posts.