Atheist China will release a Genophage on the African population sometime in the next 10 - 25 years

Atheist China will release a Genophage on the African population sometime in the next 10 - 25 years.

Will you support this?

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Of course.
had to be done.
niggers are far to dangerous.

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We probably already have technology like that. Meanwhile (they) keep meeming nukes.

At least the Krogan are intelligent. I would prefer them over niggers.

>Googles genophage

Oh! well yea why not, it's better than nuking the continent.

I hope so. Someone has to

Oh fuck yeah. If they aren't genocided, we will keep feeding them for some reason, and they will just keep breeding till they create enough people to genocide every other race, then they will starve to death.
They're a tumor, a fungal rot, and will destroy our greatest chance for space exploration if someone does not end their niggerous ways.

Yeah lol

Of course not. The niggers in Europe must be sent back first.

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Jesus Christ how could i've been so blind?
genophage is the answer

I would fight and die if my death allowed it to happen

eradicating niggers will allow humanity to flourish

>mfw African invasion only helps the genophage spread now that infection spread distance decreased
>killing all niggers not only in Africa but around the world
All according to plan?

They do this because almost all off the americans will die too

Shoulda not engage in trade wars, mutt.

You do realize if they do that, they will release one for whites too.

No way. By that time China will be majority white thanks to genetic engineering

What makes you think that?

Absolutely. Anything that results in less blacks on this planet is a indisputably good thing.

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>24 kesak
What is that?

No I want it started by next week

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Wouldn't mixed race people make an ethno bioweapon more likely to be able to jump from one haploid group to another?

That is why (((they))) are pushing white women to race mix with africans. They want to weed out as many retarded white people as possible along with the niggers.

Israel has been working on a genophage for at least two decades.

RIP Mordin. And Wrex too, but he only proved the point by chimping out and failing to kill Shep because of shit aim.

Sure. This gives me some hope of this toilet of a planet becoming tolerable. But I would deploy more variants than just this one.

But kikes are the cancer that should be genophage'd.

Never mind that Christianity is growing to quickly in China that they're set to have the largest Christian population in the world.

>he didn't talk him down

It's better to have niggars than slavs, tho.