Who's had a watch of the Las Vegas shooting?


Attached: check em.jpg (500x499, 114K)

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Not enough people comped in this scenario. More sushi pls thx

>time is a flat circle, marty


15:58 | 16:12 and 16:21. center left side of the screen. Bright light flashes directly to the cam. Is that a 'go' signal? Right after the 3 bright flashes it appears the shooting begins.

When they switch to IR, it 'should' show 'heat tracers' from the direction of the shooter. I don't see any (up until 21:28 at least)

They stayed completely away from his room until 40:19, 15 minutes after the shooting subsided. This was about 'watching' or for viewing purposes. Not documentation or trying to find where the fire is coming from. In fact, it looks quite the opposite. Like they did everything they could to avoid showing where the (((shooting))) was coming from. They stayed on crowd (target) and up close and personal.

Hey, what the fuck is

BB or .22? He's up too.

Could be security/staff with headlamps. Why wouldn't they use a phone, or audio signal? And if it was the signal, why publish this video?

Have you watched the stairwell SWAT vids?
There was a Metal Gear Solid Alert Noise, the "!" sound effect on somebody's phone or something.
Too good.

That is security, you can see a whole bunch of them moving trough the crowd, on the right side of the stage you see a pair walking together, on the left side you can see a couple more spread out.

However, if anyone can find that video from the crowd where you see a man with security gear kneel down before a salvo of shots impact the area in front of him.
Some claim he was a shooter, some claim he targeted one or more of the shooters among the crowd.

Anyone have that facebook post from a guy that was at the front of the stage saying there was 100% shooters in the crowd? He gave lots of info about it.

Wtf?!?! There is zero blood for starters and he claims he could have been hit by a 'pellet or .22'. He also claimed when he was found he was lying on the ground by the elevators, shot, and bleeding. They made this man out like he had his leg blown off and needed reconstructed surgery and months of rehab. That's a red flag for sure. Also, at :29 the other guy states something about Campos and a description of a bracket up on the door. How would he know about the internals of the room unless he was inside? He claimed that he was fired on when he was coming down the hallway.

>Why wouldn't they use a phone, or audio signal?
This is more logical. But maybe to let others watching who knew it was about to go down to get ready for the show. Also, when that happened the cam went as far from paddocks room and the 4 seasons as possible.

I did, and remember. Also remember one of the SWAT guys was dirty for being a ped0.

Attached: Vegas Shooting SWAT Cop Pedo.png (1180x576, 350K)

I can see this, but can also see it as being a signal to "Get ready to enjoy the show" as well. Im most likely wrong, but would rather cover all bases. I put NOTHING past these people. They are some sick fucks.

Also, I never heard of this. But, DO have BOTH vids of the ppl who were on the news. 1 stating multiple shooters. And the other who told of the 'Latino (Possibly Philipeano woman) who told them "They were all going to die" and made a BIG stunt of it and got thrown out.

So why wasn't it security with headlamps? The flashing is them looking around for where the shooting was coming from. That's what happened if the security people had headlamps.

But didn't he think Paddock was bracketed up and sprayed down the hall at him?
Pic related, actual impacts.

Attached: Synposis.jpg (505x578, 77K)


it think all Paddocks got blackmailed for some sins ...

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I can see this. But like I said, it looked off, and would rather cover all bases.

>1 projectile recovered from the decendent's head
Wasn't he also hit in the chest as well?
>Injuries noted were on the posterior of both calf muscles
Hmmmm, how did this happen?
>Located several .docs, including photographs
What were on the .docs and what were the pics of? I remember when the SWAT entered his room and found the bag on his bed with the .docs in it and also, the 'numerous' purses found and Marilou's ID in one of them.
>Located throughout the 100-wing hallway from the double doors of room 32-135 to the alcove wall of room 32-105 were over 200 bullet strikes. >The bullet strikes consisted of actual impacts and holes
>These strikes were caused by apporximately 35 rounds fired down the 100-wing from inside of room 32-125
Bullshit. I have the pics of those doors. There were at MAX 30 bullet holes I counted. And i'd like to know how 35 bullets fired....caused 200+ impacts.

Attached: Vegas Shooting Bullet Holes In Door.jpg (841x815, 133K)

Here's the "Your all going to die" video



Trying to dig up the facebook post I mentioned.

Attached: 1508451157220.png (1485x1075, 283K)

Keep finding interesting things deep in my meme folder.

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This thread is good.
user saw convoy of vehicles from one of the AREA XX bases.

Attached: lvanonvegascopterstory.jpg (1507x714, 945K)

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Finally found it.

Do you have the video or picture of the woman telling them they was gonna die?
I swear I have a very vivid memory of there being either.

This video is supposedly Mary Lou 4 days before the shooting.

Attached: segYmSR.png (501x3311, 420K)

Wheres the dead bodies?

Attached: eric_paddock_fun.jpg (1539x1278, 1.58M)

Great research man, im reading all of your stuff you just posted. Seems very well researched.

LEVENSON & GODLASKY say it don't matter?

Every. Fucking. Time.

Thanks but it's not mine, I'm just a collector.

Attached: Las_Vegas14.jpg (426x559, 88K)

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>177777777 just checking


No but seriously, wheres all the dead bodies?

i cant believe the (((mods))) deleted that get
they are trying hard to demoralize us
Streisand effect

I have a very vivid memory of there being a photo or video of the confrontation by that woman who said they was all gonna die.
It's not this video, is it faulty memory or does anyone have it?

Would a .223 penetrate enough to cause this wording?
Somebody correct me if my rundown is wrong here:
>These are some of the impact points, in my image, that ended up striking Campos.
35 .223 rounds were fired from inside Suite 32-135 downs the hallway, towards Campos. In my image, Paddock would be firing against the Entrance arrow label.

So then, what does the 200 figure come from?
Could these .223 that went down the hall have then impacted other points through penetration properties?
Wouldn't it be listed as such?
How would construction properties of MGM factor into this?
Do these seem like normal properties for this ammo to exhibit?
What can be factored in?

Attached: floorplan doors.jpg (3504x1180, 743K)

>New York New York
>The Excalibur
>The Tropicana
All additional shooters, I called this as well. We were going over vid and social media the first night and had numerous ppl that had stated the same thing. There was also something that happened in a club somewhere, a guy, with an AK/AR came in, banged off a few in the air, cleared the place out, and split.

Attached: 77 Socmed Squadron.jpg (300x267, 28K)

I dont see broken windows on the hotel or glass on the ground in front. Whats going on?

Fugg, just closed my unorganized meme folder.
A pic in it has an user claiming that the little bird heli that is suspected to have been shooting was targeting terrorist in the crowd and that collateral damage was unavoidable.

>Shot her, then himself in the back of the head with a shotgun
I'd still like to know how ppl are retarded to not know that you can't shoot yourself in the back of the head with a shotty.

>get ready to enjoy the show

Attached: 01 A Space Odyssey.jpg (938x875, 277K)

I remember it too. I've been trying to find it since week 1. (((They))) scrubbed it as far as I can find.

>So then, what does the 200 figure come from?
My question exactly
>Do these seem like normal properties for this ammo to exhibit?
>What can be factored in?
API's, Uranium tipped or Blackouts. On night one, when we had the leak, the "Im Not A Murderer Leak" it came up that it was/could have been .300 blackouts. (Too technical for an average moron, they'd blow up in their faces when firing if mistakes were made) But desu, im leaning more to API's. 'Still .mil grade shit', your not getting that off of the streets.

i remember seeing news reports about the woman claiming they were all going to die.
i dont remember seeing a actual video of it
and by news i mean not main stream media

>out of the whole crowd of a modern concert nobody found even a voice snippet of this woman's accusation
C'mon now.
But I thought that has been explained away as she got in a fight and was kicked out, and issued a vague threat?
>getting so pissed off at getting kicked out of a concert that you shout death threats at the concert goers, and then afterwards the deadliest shooting in U.S. history takes place against the crowd you yelled at

I can also see this
>Greater good theory
>1 life, does not carry the same cost, as 100
In relation to that, I'd eventually like an answer on this one. Because, im between....good guys, and sniper trying to take out the tanks. The holes in the tanks were 100% API and caused by a high caliber, honestly looking like a .308 - .50 (Yuge holes, burn residue around holes on the tanks (API burns) as well)

Attached: Luxor Unidentified Inverted.png (369x269, 49K)

Im pretty sure it was pics posted, not a vid.

Attached: Vegas Shooting Tank Hole With API Explosive Residue.jpg (1050x668, 28K)

Kike spotted, here's the vid

A woman did supposedly say everyone's going to die before being kicked out of the concert shortly before the shooting


>Kike spotted
Your late, 'little kid'

good find user
saving this before its scrubbed

And no, me an based nordbro, were talking about actual pictures and or vids of the woman herself, not the account. 'This'...this feeling of stupidity you have coming over you....this very moment. Is what happens when you pretend to understand a conversation you are interrupting. Now....summerfag, fuck off back to mommies tit while big boys work, faggot.
>Fucking Wannabe's
>Jesus fucking christ, make it end!

Attached: Vegas Shooting Tank Holes.jpg (1050x700, 53K)

i worked on those tankers once
its run by a company called Swissport
they call that the north fuel farm

Does ANYONE still have the video filmed in FPS mode where he goes around and checks a bunch of victims?

Bump for interest

Notice anything different/interesting about it? Anything that stuck out as odd physically?

Is this the one? I know the one your talking about. The one where the guy was checking pulses, right?


I remember reports of the woman saying that, but I don't remember any video or audio.

I do remember there being a still of her at the casino. She looked kind of like the shooter's wife.

That’s the one. Thank you brother, I’ve been looking for this video unsuccessfuly for months.

I thought it was really faked looking at the time but now I’m not so sure.

That’s the one. Thank you brother, I’ve been looking for this video unsuccessfuly for months.

I thought it was really faked looking at the time but now I’m not so sure. A couple of those folks look really fuckin dead.

No it was years ago, but i know the facility very well.

There are about 7 different storage tanks that hold different jet fuels there.
It disperses it to the airport run ways


A .223 round will go right through a wood door or drywall and still have enough force to be deadly. Hell, even a handgun can penetrate a door like that.

the bright strobe in the back

His hit's were med-high to very-high. Im just glad the tank wasn't full and he couldn't hit the tannerite.

He was using AK's from the looks of the guns. They are 7.62x39 (I think x39) they deal even more damage than a .223 but even if that's the case, you can punch through drywall or a door. What user was trying to point out was that they said only 35 shots were fired....and there were 200+ hits. And im 100% positive this dude was shooting API's (Armor Piercing Incendiary) there are burns from the API explosive residue on the tanks. I can't imagine he ONLY had API's for that purpose.