North Korea Foreign Ministry says talks with Pompeo 'regrettable,' accuses US of unilateral demands for denuclearization

>North Korea Foreign Ministry says talks with Pompeo 'regrettable,' accuses US of unilateral demands for denuclearization

>The statement says that the United States betrayed the spirit of last month’s summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by making unilateral demands on “CVID,” or the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea.

>It says the outcome of the follow-up talks was “very concerning” because it has led to a “dangerous phase that might rattle our willingness for denuclearization that had been firm.”

Well, there goes Blimpy's nobel peace prize.

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Other urls found in this thread:

and source:

They were never going to unilaterally denuclearize, and everyone involved knows it. They're trying to hammer out a way for the norks to keep their nukes but have adequate international observation on them.

They want to be Pakistan, not Libya.

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I fucking knew it

>accuses US of unilateral demands for denuclearization
that's kinda the point

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It's insane to me that some people dislike Trump so much they want him to fail in NK, as if a war on the peninsula would help anyone.

This. They'll get their way as well. Most US admins would slap on additional sanctions for awhile before finally accepting the inevitable.
I suspect Trump will skip the sanctions part, get the norks to concede something pretty meaningless and skip to an agreement.

He'll play it off as a win because he needs one.
Friendly reminder that he stopped the mil excercises for literally nothing.

My biggest worry for this whole thing is nuclear proliferation. Everyone in the world will see that the North Koreans were able to build and perfect a nuclear deterrent, and the Great Satan just stood back and asked them to be careful with it. After decades of trying to show that rogue nuclear states are unacceptable, the first time one actually completes their program it's ultimately accepted.

I mean kudos to Kim for pulling it off, but every tin pot dictator is going to be asking his cabinet to look into getting some fissile materiel now.

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Hopefully they won't have decades to do it like they did before Trump was around.

Sempai won't be around forever.

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Not with that attitude


We will have to unleash the Family Atomics of him now. Happening incoming.

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>facebook filename
>shitty deus vult picture
>calling a distinct non-happening a happening

Stop being a faggot.

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I mean the whole Iran thing might work and Euros aren't making any more. This is just some backwater state propped up by China and Russia and it is only Trump getting fooled by their shenanigans.

You should eat a bowl of powdered concrete and drink a gallon of water before going for a long swim, if you thought anything else was going to happen. Here’s another one for your pea brain.
>right before re election, NK starts rattling a saber again and trump takes us to war to circumvent an election.
Be afraid kid. Be very afraid.

i hope it happens I mean trump said at one point that everyone should have nukes that way there would be no war

fuck, they've slipped into steadfast-posting.

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>the whole Iran thing might work

I can't imagine how. Unless we manage to foment a proper insurrection against their leadership or stage an Iraq-style invasion with Israel, they're going to look at the way they've been jerked around for the last decade and decide that it's not worth trying to play fair with America. They took a big risk with their domestic affairs, trying to make a deal with us, and it blew up in their face, because even after we lifted a ton of sanctions and flew a crate full of cash to Tehran, their economy is still a wreck and they're losing face at home.

Personally, Iran looks like a bigger powderkeg than NK. Everyone in the Pacific theater is trying to deescalate, but everyone in the middle east seems to be actively pushing for some final action on the Syrian issue and the Saudi-Iranian proxy war.

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That's some serious faith in the deterrence fairy. Living under a nuclear Sword of Damocles is hardly peace.

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Giving every retard a gun wouldn’t stop retards from shooting each other. Please link to trump saying that or tell me when or where and I’ll look it up.
He’s certainly said dumber things.

Isn't that a Masonic handshake?

I mean Trump hasn't helped them at all. Putting the sanctions back just empowers the extremists who scream death to America. At the very least they were will to sit down and do something instead of lie and scream at our faces like NK. I wish SK could do something but reunification probably won't be a possibility till the Kims are all dead.

The Arabs have no qualms firing missiles at each other: give them tactical nukes and some idiot might actually think it's a viable option to use one without setting the planet on fire.

력사적인 첫 조미수뇌상봉과 회담이 진행된 이후 국제사회의 기대와 관심은 조미수뇌회담 공동성명의 리행을 위한 조미고위급회담에 쏠리였다.

우리는 미국측이 조미수뇌상봉과 회담의 정신에 맞게 신뢰조성에 도움이 되는 건설적인 방안을 가지고 오리라고 기대하면서 그에 상응한 그 무엇인가를 해줄 생각도 하고있었다.

그러나 6일과 7일에 진행된 첫 조미고위급회담에서 나타난 미국측의 태도와 립장은 실로 유감스럽기 그지없는것이였다.

우리측은 조미수뇌상봉과 회담의 정신과 합의사항을 성실하게 리행할 변함없는 의지로부터 이번 회담에서 공동성명의 모든 조항들의 균형적인 리행을 위한 건설적인 방도들을 제기하였다.

조미관계개선을 위한 다방면적인 교류를 실현할데 대한 문제와 조선반도에서의 평화체제구축을 위하여 우선 조선정전협정체결 65돐을 계기로 종전선언을 발표할데 대한 문제,비핵화조치의 일환으로 ICBM의 생산중단을 물리적으로 확증하기 위하여 대출력발동기시험장을 페기하는 문제,미군유골발굴을 위한 실무협상을 조속히 시작할데 대한 문제 등 광범위한 행동조치들을 각기 동시적으로 취하는 문제를 토의할것을 제기하였다.

회담에 앞서 조선민주주의인민공화국 국무위원회 위원장 김정은동지께서 트럼프대통령에게 보내시는 친서를 위임에 따라 우리측 수석대표인 김영철 당중앙위원회 부위원장이 미국측 수석대표인 폼페오국무장관에게 정중히 전달하였다.

국무위원회 위원장동지께서는 싱가포르수뇌상봉과 회담을 통하여 트럼프대통령과 맺은 훌륭한 친분관계와 대통령에 대한 신뢰의 감정이 이번 고위급회담을 비롯한 앞으로의 대화과정을 통하여 더욱 공고화되리라는 기대와 확신을 표명하시였다.

그러나 미국측은 싱가포르수뇌상봉과 회담의 정신에 배치되게 CVID요,신고요,검증이요 하면서 일방적이고 강도적인 비핵화요구만을 들고나왔다.

정세악화와 전쟁을 방지하기 위한 기본문제인 조선반도평화체제구축문제에 대하여서는 일절 언급하지 않고 이미 합의된 종전선언문제까지 이러저러한 조건과 구실을 대면서 멀리 뒤로 미루어놓으려는 립장을 취하였다.

종전선언을 하루빨리 발표할데 대한 문제로 말하면 조선반도에서 긴장을 완화하고 공고한 평화보장체제를 구축하기 위한 첫 공정인 동시에 조미사이의 신뢰조성을 위한 선차적인 요소이며 근 70년간 지속되여온 조선반도의 전쟁상태를 종결짓는 력사적과제로서 북남사이의 판문점선언에도 명시된 문제이고 조미수뇌회담에서도 트럼프대통령이 더 열의를 보이였던 문제이다.

미국측이 회담에서 끝까지 고집한 문제들은 과거 이전 행정부들이 고집하다가 대화과정을 다 말아먹고 불신과 전쟁위험만을 증폭시킨 암적존재이다.

미국측은 이번 회담에서 합동군사연습을 한두개 일시적으로 취소한것을 큰 양보처럼 광고했지만 총 한자루 페기하지 않고 모든 병력을 종전의 자기 위치에 그대로 두고있는 상태에서 연습이라는 한개 동작만을 일시적으로 중지한것은 언제이건 임의의 순간에 다시 재개될수 있는 극히 가역적인 조치로서 우리가 취한 핵시험장의 불가역적인 폭파페기조치에 비하면 대비조차 할수 없는 문제이다.

회담결과는 극히 우려스러운것이라고 하지 않을수 없다.

미국측이 조미수뇌상봉과 회담의 정신에 부합되게 건설적인 방안을 가지고 오리라고 생각했던 우리의 기대와 희망은 어리석다고 말할 정도로 순진한것이였다.

낡은 방식으로는 절대로 새것을 창조할수 없으며 백전백패한 케케묵은 낡은 방식을 답습하면 또 실패밖에 차례질것이 없다.

조미관계력사상 처음으로 되는 싱가포르수뇌회담에서 짧은 시간에 귀중한 합의가 이룩된것도 바로 트럼프대통령자신이 조미관계와 조선반도비핵화문제를 새로운 방식으로 풀어나가자고 하였기때문이다.

쌍방이 수뇌급에서 합의한 새로운 방식을 실무적인 전문가급에서 줴버리고 낡은 방식에로 되돌아간다면 두 나라 인민의 리익과 세계의 평화와 안전을 위한 새로운 미래를 열어나가려는 수뇌분들의 결단과 의지에 의하여 마련되였던 세기적인 싱가포르수뇌상봉은 무의미해지게 될것이다.

이번 첫 조미고위급회담을 통하여 조미사이의 신뢰는 더 공고화되기는커녕 오히려 확고부동했던 우리의 비핵화의지가 흔들릴수 있는 위험한 국면에 직면하게 되였다.

우리는 지난 몇달동안 할수 있는 선의의 조치들을 먼저 취하면서 최대의 인내심을 가지고 미국을 주시하여왔다.

그러나 미국은 우리의 선의와 인내심을 잘못 리해한것 같다.

미국은 저들의 강도적심리가 반영된 요구조건들까지도 우리가 인내심으로부터 받아들이리라고 여길 정도로 근본적으로 잘못된 생각을 하고있다.

조미사이의 뿌리깊은 불신을 해소하고 신뢰를 조성하며 이를 위해 실패만을 기록한 과거의 방식에서 대담하게 벗어나 기성에 구애되지 않는 전혀 새로운 방식으로 풀어나가는것,신뢰조성을 앞세우면서 단계적으로 동시행동원칙에서 풀수 있는 문제부터 하나씩 풀어나가는것이 조선반도비핵화실현의 가장 빠른 지름길이다.

그러나 미국측이 조바심에 사로잡혀 이전 행정부들이 들고나왔던 낡은 방식을 우리에게 강요하려 한다면 문제해결에 아무런 도움도 주지 못할것이다.

우리의 의지와는 별개로 비핵화실현에 부합되는 객관적환경이 조성되지 못한다면 오히려 좋게 시작된 쌍무관계발전의 기류가 혼탕될수 있다.

역풍이 불기 시작하면 조미량국에는 물론 세계평화와 안전을 바라는 국제사회에도 커다란 실망을 안겨줄수 있으며 그렇게 되면 서로가 필경 다른 선택을 모색하게 되고 그것이 비극적인 결과에로 이어지지 않으리라는 담보는 어디에도 없다.

우리는 트럼프대통령에 대한 신뢰심을 아직 그대로 간직하고있다.

미국은 수뇌분들의 의지와는 달리 역풍을 허용하는것이 과연 세계인민들의 지향과 기대에 부합되고 자국의 리익에도 부합되는것인가를 심중히 따져보아야 할것이다.
주체107(2018)년 7월 7일

평 양(끝)

>accuses US of unilateral demands for denuclearization

wasnt this the whole fucking point? lmao

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Anything CNN related is disregarding. Clear Slide Thread.

It says CNBC you blind retard.

Fuck Pompeo and Bolton, disgusting warhawks.

hmmm, sounds exactly like the Iran Deal. Why did he get rid of that again?


Another "Unnamed source." Just like the Russian Dossier... Its getting old Onions Toys...

It's insane that you believed he could get NK to give up nukes. Maybe someone else can, he definitely can't.


Because israel and jews. the cancer of our world.

CNBC cited an anonymous "high ranking official." Much like the anonymous sourcing reports confirming the Russian Dossier... Smells like a bull shit story...

MSM same thing...

If you even for one second believed that Trump could accomplish anything of importance on the international stage, you really are an extremely special kind of stupid

He's making of mess and a mockery of the USA and it's reputation on the world stage. Why in the hell would anyone believe he would be able to succeed at something that much more diplomatic and smarter people have had issues with.

what a fucking cuck......

This situation is bigly different because North Korea has the capability to completely destroy a close ally of ours, and they also have chemical and probably biological weapons as well. I’d say, Turkmenistan decided to make nukes then the situation would be contained easily. Regimes like Iran and NK have teeth which make an effective deterrent

What did we gain again??

Bush's, Clinton, and Obama, we definitely could not...... What's your point.

It's more likely than not. They have the money. They have deals in place with everyone else. As long as Iran keeps to the deal, they look like good guys, we look like assholes.

Plus, they can stop being nice anytime and go back to making nukes. Trump fucked this up so much, we got nothing for it. What are we going to do, start a war in Iran? FFS we can't get out of Afghanistan!!!

A nuclear state in the middle east who is going to keep the fuckers there busy.

Same as China and North Korea.

Little bit of the old whats bad for you is good for me.

You blame him? Look at what they did to Ghadaffi. He was loved by his people. They had free everything and no taxes. Everything was paid for with oil money. They told us he was an asshole who was killing his own people. Hmmm? Where have we heard that before and why do we even fucking care so much. My question is when do we de nuclearize israel? Never gonna happen. Money talks and the lies keep coming.

Also reported on Fox, Red State, and Breitbart. Check'd.

Not really, most of us knew that denuclearization is radical. The only sane approach to this is to treat NK like Pakistan.

The exact same thing some Trumpettes are saying he will do for NK. The. exact. same. thing.

Lol this is what pol has become. Instead of nililst kill em all happening fags. It is anti trump shilly concern fags. The fucking onions lobby is powerful.

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That's debatable, Britain, Canada, and EU think we're a joke. On the other hand however, we're solidifying relations with SK and Japan even more.

I think my point was pretty clear. Trump is incompetent and won't be able to get a NK nuclear deal. You listed competent people who couldn't do it which gets me back to my original point, it's insane that you believed he could. Faggot.

You have to go back you actual butt fucking faggot

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->rogue nuclear states are unacceptable
Yeah not like israel who won't even say they have illegal nukes and we give them "aid" against our own laws. There's always a blank check for israel and we always look the other way for them. It's nit like no one knows all this. Everyone knows it. And then we wonder why they hate us. Oh no they hate us for our free dums hurr durr! What a joke.

So you're against 2A?

C'mon, don't lie. Your user here. No one knows it's you when you make a stupid decision, or say something stupid. Without denuclearization Trump has failed (again) at what he set out to do, and made us all less safe because of his failure.

Figures Pompeo would screw it up. Probably did it on purpose, being former CIA. Trump should put him in GITMO to send a message to the rest of his staff that failure is unacceptable.

If there are any anons actually left on this shit website they would know how desperately lame these appeal to emotions shill attempts are. It's like kindergarten. Rope is coming to all you faggots

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That's it? I hit you with some real truth and that's the best you got? MAGA

Oh yeah... Israel, our master.

The most you're worth

b-but Jow Forums told me trump was getting the novel prize and NK was too poor and starving to negotiate anything but complete surrender and their nukes didn't work so they had no choice and trump made world peace!!

how can I go to work on monday if this falls apart, I made fun of all the nevertrumper obamatards because of you faggots!! i'm calling in sick until trump 4D chesses this thanks for nothing Jow Forums

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>trumplets ACTUALLY BELIEVED north korea's version of denuclearization was convergent with our own
>they HONESTLY THOUGHT it would be different this time

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It's amateur hour in the White House. I'm just looking forward to the books about this clusterfuck of a presidency.
Trump is literally discussing policy with Sean fucking Hannity. Absolutely insane.

Come Armageddon, come nuclear war.

Nobody can because they don't trust us! Is anyone paying attention? Every dictator that goes along with our (((demands))) winds us dead. Why the fuck would anyone agree to anything we say anymore no matter who is doing the negotiations? Trump tore up the Iran deal that says it all. I know it wasn't his deal and i know that parts of it weren't perfect but we had a deal that we went back on. We have a trust problem. No one trusts us.

This user gets it. Bravo!

But user this has nothing to do with trump. We jave been jerking chains all over the world for decades. Every administration does whatever israel wants them to do. It doesn't matter who is president the real masters are in tel aviv. They own us.

>the first time one actually completes their program
>first time
isn't it by definition rogue?

I don't think anyone reasonable is surprised by the underlying content of this "revelation".

What's curious are timing, publicity and the people involved. Why did Pompeo push them so hard when Trump took a soft approach? Why are cracks showing so early before the election? Trump did a brilliant PR operation and now his own Secretary shits all over it? Pompeo is not an idiot and he prepared the Singapore Summit extensively - surely he knew all along what the deal between the two leaders was.

Is it Pompeo backstabbing Trump? Or did Trump actually believe he personally solved the nuclear crisis and that NK would be willing to surrender the nukes? I thought it was just a photo op and everyone was on the same page about it.

>On the other hand however, we're solidifying relations with SK and Japan even more.
By cancelling a finished trade agreement with them? By pulling out troops from the Korean peninsula? By abandoning war games because they hurt the Norks' feelings? By making huge announcements and sweeping policy changes without consulting or informing them in advance?

US relations with SK and Japan are as strained as they've ever been in recent history.

Maybe we can get Shatner to help negotiate with Little Rocketman.

What has been achieved other than the unilateral nuke disarmament?
>Intention to officially end the war
>Peaceful overtures and dialogue with Worst K.
>Dialogue with US
>End to immediate threatening war exercises and nuke missile testing
I think it's not unexpected nor perhaps even imprudent for Kim to question the deal. Trump may still pull it off, or have an ultimately positive outcome. Or it could be war. But we'd need to clean up at home first.

I think you give them too much credit. The Iran deal was a good, enough, framework. Had we lived up to our end NK would have two examples to consider: Iran succeeds because it held to the deal, Gaddafi is dead because he didn't.

We got rid of the Iran deal because Israel wanted us to? Let me get this straight... Israel wants Iran to have the unmonitored freedom to create nukes AND the $400 Billion we gave back to them. Is that what you expect me to believe? Stop wasting everyone's' time.

there goes the Novel price, I can't waith for Cucked Carlson to talk about this in his show, oh, he won't.

>The statement by an unnamed North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman
Wow I'm sure this is legit

Israel wanted Trump to renege on the Iran deal, since they knew Iran would react, giving Israel's fav bitch, the USA, the excuse it wanted to fuck up Iran and turn it into another Syria.

Everything to do with the trade war with China. I think the US and China will Duke it out in the South China Sea. If the us loses then they will leave the Asian region forever.

Is that why you elected Trump? To start a war in Iran?

They'll denuclearize whether they want to or not.