Is There A Rape Epidemic?

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I can think of cannibalism

lol tell Jeffery dahmer that one

No, there's a whiny bitch epidemic.

Rape is okay I’m certain situations.

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shes right, women need to stop throwing babies away in dumpsters

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Expectation: men stop raping
Reality: men start eating women after raping them

Well, you are Russian, you practiced cannibalism frequently in the soviet union.

>spend months around a bunch of meth addicted white cunts and some niggers
>be surprised when aforementioned obviously completely sane and healthy individuals rape you

What if I'm really, really hungry?

So rape is as fine as cannibalism when SHTF, aka the natural state of mankind?

The rape threshold is somewhere between non-verbal consent and oops you raped me.


I still like to eat women

>Some kike woman wrote something
who gives a fuck.
We're going to keep raping until we get western civilization back. Aand after that, there will be even more rape as punishment.

>young men need to be socialized
I can already think of a number of young men who have been socialized in this way. They are very respecful of women, don't get much sex though.

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>There's no food, cannibalism is last resort
>There's no sex, rape is last resort


women lie about rape and police even agree many make up false stories

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>Is There A Rape Epidemic?
yes, but it isn’t coming from white men

Then the smell of fresh human meat will appeal you from faraway in the deep edible universe

maybe it already is.

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>men need to be brainwashed blah blah
>its fine for women to continue to grow up as entitled spoiled bitches that are allowed to act like children their entire lives and be told they never have to be responsible for anything
I'm so tired

Spoken like a true beta male.

I don’t think so. But I think there is an epidemic of sexual misunderstandings. And I think young women are as much if not more to blame for this as men. Think Brock Turner. You have a woman dress slutty, get ridiculously drunk at a party, leave with a guy to go fuck, and then cry assault bc she passed out while they were fooling around. Those kinds of things happen a lot.

Is rape even wrong? Shouldn’t men dominate women? Isn’t our rightful place on top? Who even instilled the idea that rape is wrong?

This is how the elites rule us, they corrupt our women and make us the criminals.

To most men it is. You cannot change sickos. The only real solution is to make men and women equal in strength which is impossible.

there's a regretful whore epidemic.

>unthinkable as cannibalism

Please allow me to introduce you to the nation of China

Now do that to the muslim invaders walking around with their cock and balls hanging out.

Damn. I would only cannibalism if I was starving.
Guess I would only rape if deprived. Or is it depraved?

It'll only be come harder and harder to desensitize rape when the definition becomes more and more loose. Eventually you'll reach a breaking point where men will commit rape simply because a hysterical woman is going to claim rape just because they were in the same elevator together.

There is when you can retroactively remove consent for a sexual encounter. According to liberal logic I was raped by a woman because I was intoxicated and she wasn't and I then regretted it after.

>man who grows up and does nothing but post on social media: disgusting manchild piece of shit that needs to get a job and stop being a drain on society
>women who grows up and does nothing but post on social media: exactly as they are expected to be because they are taught they can just marry a sugar daddy and its a successful life

>My single mother told me I was a product of rape because she doesn't want me to know she got knocked up at a Guns 'n Roses show while coked out of her mind and can't possibly know which roadie it was so I'm going to project that lie on to the world and assume rape is a major problem in the world when it clearly is a rare occurrence where I actually live, in the safe and wonderful west.

i'd say cannibalism isn't too far a leap for most rapists (luka magnotta and dahmer spring to mind), so i would argue men already are socialised that way.

women who carry guns seem to have fewer problems with rapists
not that a bong would understand

If we continue pretending that people can be molded into any shape through social forces and upbringing, then you'll be sorely disappointed when the results don't match your hypothesis.
When the results don't fit the original premise then one of two things must be done: 1. You throw out the original premise and begin with a new one you test more thoroughly OR 2. Double Down and believe in what you want religiously by rejecting the grounds for failure. Deflect the blame to confounding factors, suggest that it wasn't carried out correctly etc.

Fact: Men are raped more than women, by a lot. "War rape" has been the most common form of rape in the world for all of human history.

Wait this could be a good thing.

Pedo's also need a good socializing.

Know what I'm sayin?

As long as you continue to let women make rape about them they will own you.

Translation: "rape me daddy"

>rape epicdick
yes among niggers spics and used camelgoat salesmen

kek cannibalism wouldn't be unthinkable if it provided as much pleasure as sex does
I'm sure if you're on a desert island then cannibalism would feel better than sex

.. but girls can be as slutty and disgusting as they want to be.. got it!

We need to return to a time when we police each other with fat, slut and degenerate "shaming". Today they wear it like a fucking badge of honor..

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>human nature should be molded
If being gay was natural then you would never have to be told to have a queer identity

> Is There A Rape Epidemic?
In Sub-Saharan Africa? Yes
In civilized countries? No

Boomer here. I wish I had raped

You'll be surprised at how vehemently it is denied that women rape. Total double standard.

This ideology teaches people that all men are rapist. If you agree with them then you agree with that statement. Double speak.

women never mature past 12-18
they are not held accountable for their actions, as they are emotional and illogical beings

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you'd have to start by not raping them as 3 day old infants which permanently teaches them that rape is not only OK, but expected, when you rape a 3 day old infant you teach them that rape is the norm

Where are women actually hanging out that they are under the impression that rape is condoned by anyone?
>tl;dr women shouldn't have gotten access to the internet

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They say that in the end, you regret what you didn’t do more than what you did.

'No please don't rape me, I might actually like it!" - Every Female Ever.

Anti rape campaigns are always about unrapeably ugly women haranguing beta males who would never commit rape anyway.

It kinda is to me.



>make rape unthinkable
>but also push that all men are rapists living in a rape culture

Teaching women to read and write was a fucking mistake.

Who the hell is raping 3 day old infants?

What's the problem with cannibalism?

>yes, but it isn’t coming from white men

came here to post this right here

I'd eat human right now if they sold it at stores or restaurants. The only thing stopping me from trying it is that they don't.

I guess I am better off than a convicted rapist, but being more sexually assertive would have been better. Sadly there was no internet around to tell me that girls wanted to be pushed around, and spit on, and choked, and have their faces slapped with penises, etc.

Too bad rape is normal for nogs and muslims. But they can't talk about that, it would be racist. Better blame white guys for sins of others.

With the bad boys who interest them

Look behind you.

Blame all men for the sins of specific populations

The tastier human organs are expensive as hell.

I’ll let you eat my ass for $20

No thanks I'd rather eat skin cheetos.

People already know rape is bad, the problem is the data they use to justify this sort of horseshit is incredibly flawed, it includes shit like consensual drunken sex, awkward interactions, and sex you regret later, which is 90% of sex for men who go out and fuck fat slags so by their own logic fat slags are all rapists.

but cannibalism is okay in certain situations... what a garbage comparison

[1 Post by this ID] SAGE


The first and only thing that should come out of your mouth regarding the Muslims is that they must all leave. There is nothing else that needs to be said.

Instead you whine to women that they aren't pussy-whipping the Muslims as much as they have you, because they know the Muslims won't put up with it, but you will. Stop being a fucking child. Stop listening to women, especially any on the left, and stop acting like the Muslims' presence isn't an outright act of war and that they shouldn't be removed without compromises.

>consensual penetration is rape
>well if consensual penetration is rape anyways, why bother getting consent?

Does nobody remember the Welsh proverb "might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb"

I give you a deal and you still refuse? When you’re offered to eat ass for the low price of $30, you do it.

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It pretty much is unthinkable, if you're talking about actual rape.

The problem comes when you try to define absolutely everything that a male does as rape.

But poop comes from there.

parents, and the nonhuman demon kikes they pay money to in order to have their child raped by them, a practice characteristically carried out by boomers

No, but there's a women being allowed to have rights epidemic that desperately needs to be fixed.

send bob and vagene
..( no reply)

ok, rape you next week

"Young women need to be socialized in such a way that being a whiny bitch is as unthinkable to them as cannibalism"

The problem is fornication. I've been raped. He didn't say stop when I kept saying no and stop, and pushing him away. My actions were definitely to blame. I found the guy, I invited him over, I wanted to have sex. It just all went bad from there. The part I assume is the hardest for most is the guilt, because most are partially to blame. You take a major hit to your self esteem as well. It's easier for women to say "teach men not to rape" rather than "teach people safety when having casual sex," or "teach people not to have sex until marriage." The latter requires the victim to take responsibility for what they did.

God these people are stupid. You have to be socialized into cannibalism since it is intrinsically revolting and even then the socialization fails to completely overcome the instinctual resistances to it.

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>"we need to teach men not to rape."
>"we also need to import millions of mexicans/muslims, whose entire culture revolves around raping, because borders are racist!"

really makes me think women are putting all of western civilization through a colossal bullshit test

> "Young women need to be socialized in such a way that being a whiny bitch is as unthinkable to them as cannibalism"

Here's one even better:
>"Young women need to be socialized in such a way that collecting alimony is as unthinkable to them as cannibalism"

what the hell... i love cannibalism now !

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Women always say the opposite of what they want.

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Big difference between the two... in one case the victim is easily identified, in the other its questionable

Rape was pretty unthinkable to average men in the west. Good luck convincing the Africans with an average IQ of 70 something to think about that.

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In London there is. But there it’s okay because it’s part of paki Muslim culture and therefore must be respected

Real rape basically already is to anyone except the worst niggers.


hunger drives you mad and you will be singing a different tune then
you would be complimenting the chef

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Nah just a third worlder in Western countries one

I now understand that song by Paparoach.