Anybody got any proof for god? If yes let me know we'll be then able to get rid of him pic related

anybody got any proof for god? If yes let me know we'll be then able to get rid of him pic related

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Don't you have enough work to do ruining your own country, Hanz?

The economy will be ok don't worry

nah, I could but like him where he is

Thomas Aquinas

The flowers are pretty and animals are like... really complex and stuff,

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tell him to read saint Aquinas "Summa Teologiae"

>god is the first mover

what does that mean and what does it have to do with the god described in religion. so badly defined it's laughable anyone would think that is an adequate argument

Don't kid yourself Fritz. America is gonna rape you until you throw Merkel out of office and close your borders.

I have the proof but I dont want him to resign so im keeping it to myself

I buy ETF filiipines. Great man.

If people had proof that God, not just any god, but the God of Abraham and Isaac existed, they would have revealed for reasons way more important than getting rid of this faggot.

Spend a few minutes thinking about existence

Where does this all come from?
>inb4 Big Bang
What caused that?
>idk parallel universes smashing into each other
Ok and what caused that? The point is that you have to keep going back to find the previous cause ad infinitum. Ergo God is the first cause

If by your own admission you have to go back ad infinitum, don't you have to acknowledge that something made God then?

No, because something had to be first. That's god.
And don't say you can just remove god too then! If you say that you'll go to hell.

The funny part is that since belief in God is necessarily an act of faith, it's impossible to prove he exists, and you can't prove a negative so you can't prove he doesn't exist either.

Duterte confirmed as best troll ever.

you cant just say there must be something that breaks the infinite recursion and therefore that is god as we understand it from religion

how is god the first mover? What is god?

you cant just say there must be something that breaks the infinite recursion and therefore that is god as we understand it from religion

how is god able to be the first mover? What is god?

Yes I can.
*tips fedora*
You lose.

Duterte is a good alpha monkey for that little archipelago. I like him.

I have the proof i just keep it for myself , imagine the power i have , the world could be at peace . But its not all because of me

The mind itself is proof of God.

We don't care you kike.

these are all terrible arguments, so glad he will remain in power

God is the force behind the universe. What causes it to have motion. Like how man requires the mind to move God is the 'mind' behind the universe.
Hermes put it better than I did.

>Ergo God is the first cause

Wait what?

Why would you be able to understand God? You’re just a human being.

Notice what you’re doing is rejecting this concept because it goes beyond the confines of scientific reasoning. The problem of the first mover IS a real problem that science can never solve because the scientific method is based on cause and effect and the fact of existence demands an uncaused cause (a first cause, a first mover).

Why would something have to be first? How do you prove that? Are we just calling whatever it is "god" for the sake for argument or are their features that go along with the title?

>he didn't get the joke
If you thought for 2 seconds, you'd realize incontrovertible proof of the existence of God cannot exist by definition.
>protip: the requirements for "the proof" extend beyond the entry indefinitely as any class of proof is provided
e.g. show a miracle -> that's just an illusion or advanced tech, reveal yourself to everyone Earth simultaneously telepathically -> that could be aliens, and so on

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What’s the alternative to a first cause?
>inb4 a loop
What started the loop?

Translation for retards:
>define the difference between God and a Godlike creature
and how do you verify between the two?

why don't you sum up the point you're trying to make instead of hoping that I'll somehow interpret in a way that's conducive to whatever your argument may be.

valid questions, I don't have an answer hence why I'm asking.

>we'll be then able to get rid of him
Fuck off Jew. Why would we ever want to get rid of such a wonderful wan?

So if God made everything, why did he make Evil? And don't give me that original sin BS.

Or the free will dodge. Your God is either crazy or an egomaniac that needs worshiping 24/7.

Anything supernatural like that is indistinguishable. All you could determine was that it was supernatural

Causality is caused by time, which doesn't exist outside matter (see: spacetime continuum). Think of time as a dimension instead of a function and it'll make sense.

There you go. There can't be incontrovertible evidence of God's existence because the distinction between supernatural and God cannot be made by definition.

>Communist accepting any evidence that is contrary to his ideology

God does exist, our concept of god is simply flawed
God is the force that created this entire existence
Call him the programmer if you will.
Something caused us to all be here, that is certain. That force is god. Not some old white man in the clouds watching you masturbate to trap porn.

These are fundamentally unanswerable questions, hence the proof of God (or a concept we call God).

>So if God made everything, why did he make Evil?

Because magical God is somehow substantially more better to think in brain for self.

Tell me, what's the difference between a machine and an organism?

It says it pretty clear. God is the fundamental force that moves the universe. Although unmanifest like the human mind he is most manifest due to his ability to control almost everything.
Humans being made in God's image refers to our minds. Our minds are our greatest resource yet God is the mind to the entire universe. He also created our originator. This is the reason why paying respects to God is the only reasonable choice. Not only is he far greater than we can possibly imagine he is also the great*max father of our entire species.

>when reality became real?

Stop asking stupid questions

You could call these things whatever you want. God is the term most people use. God is a concept, not a distinct entity

>ignorant humans can't stand the fact that we are just a happy accident on a rock spinning around a giant star
You can believe in whatever you want, but it doesn't change the fact that when you die so does everything around you as you go back into ERT(earth relative time) and the whole planet gets nuked and black holed by the sun.

You're dumb.

Christians should be exterminated so white race could fights back

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If "God" in this context has any qualities that differ from an unanswerable question then that's a non sequitur, correct? Otherwise, why go through the extra step of saying that an unanswerable question should be called "God"?

From my position you're not giving me any information I don't already have, you only appear to be messing with the semantics.

God is a distinct entity in the same way that our minds are distinct from our bodies.

Not sure what you're driving at, given the topic at hand (Duterte's statement).

There is no "first cause", you're thinking inappropriate terms. Casuality (cause and effect, i.e. linear logic) is a feature created by presence of matter. There is no reason to assume time and therefore linear logic exists outside the universe. See

Study Gödel and his ontological proof.

This. God is the force of creation. (Obviously ‘programmer’ is an anthropomorphic analogy.)

The reason Christianity was such a powerful idea was that it anthropomorphised God which made it much more accessible as a concept.

You can't get rid of God , user. But He can get rid of you.

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The machine/programmer analogy is patently shit due to the fundamental differences between machines and organisms. How do you not get that?

So God it's a computer made of gas like in Futurama?

Not much tbqhwu
our bodies are just organic machines
theres some sort of free will mechanism but our free will is not as free as alot of people arrogantly believe.
when you are born your mind is a blank slate saved some information passed down in your genes. you are exposed to things that determine the person you are. everything you think that makes you unique is simply information taken from human beings that existed before you.
to some extent we have free will but we are the sum of other free wills that existed since the creation of human beings, however that might have been.
This explains why people turn gay. it is not in their genes to no procreate and pass on their genetic information. they are indoctrinated when they are you and programmed incorrectly by (((society)))

Under a pantheistic conception of God, the fact that anything exists is proof of the existence of God.

Shit tier level atheist argument.

How does Gödel prove Christianity?
I bet you don't even understand the implications of the Incompleteness Theorems for Mathematics, let alone Ontology.

flakey wireless keyboard

Because that is exactly the classical definition given to God in theological studies. Fedora-tipping retards like to argue against the "Daddy in the sky who created the universe" as described in the Bible, but from a theological viewpoint that's never been the true conception of God.
God is a name we give to what can't be understood, not now nor never. It is the first mover, and it is movement itself.
I'm not saying you necessarily have to call it God, if you want you can call it Destiny, Fate, or even just "Existence", but I simply think that once you actually start studying these concepts, then God is the most encompassing and nuanced one, and as such is preferable.

He's 'made' of whatever the mind is made of and holds the good of the universe (using the ancient definition of good).
Are you a computer made of gas in your mind? What the heck were you thinking?

>Op: proof of God?
>Gödel: proof of god
>proof of God =/= proof of Christianity
And you're the one trying to give lessons about logic? Fucking jungle monkey...

>I don't understand it so God did it
The ABSOLUTE state of theofags

The question is fundamentally unsanswerable not for lack of information or an improvement in technology but because human reason itself cannot answer it. Human reason about reality is based on cause and effect and the question of what caused existence cannot be approached with cause and effect.

>our bodies are just organic machines
wew lad

did you drop out of junior high? Here are the cliff notes for you, bud

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>spend time thinking
>your imagination creates, rationalizes and justifies itself

Ok, that's enough internet for today lad.

The point is that the question itself cannot be answered with scientific reasoning since scientific reasoning depends on cause and effect. It’s not about not understanding. It’s about the fundamental unanswerable quality of the question posed given human faculties.

I'm not making any assumptions, just asking questions. I understand the concept of alternate functions of logic outside of the local universe, I have no reason to call them "god" however

.Well you're presenting claims and concepts but no evidence for me to come to these conclusions with. To me this is a bit like if I said "Prove to me that starwars isn't fiction" and then you explain the concept of the force. I understand the concept you're presenting but I have no more of a reason to believe it than when I asked the question.

I’m just explaining the problem of the uncaused cause which is the oldest metaphysical question.

Really you should kill yourself

You might not know how a TV works but surely you've seen a TV work. If someone tells you how the TV works and you don't believe it then what can I say?

Not believing in God is an immediate sign of demon possession.

and here is a great example of arrogance
you are not that unique, you are a organic machine.
Ill trust my experience as a engineer than your arrogance, the similarities are amazing.
but remember this, every word that human beings create to describe natural phenomena is simply movements of the tongue that we use to rationalize the concepts of how things work. mans wisdom is flawed.
stop being so arrogant.

Summa Theologiae Question 2 Article 3

Evil isn't what you think it is. Nothing grows without stress, so is stress evil?

The older I get the more I support the idea of machine-gunning druggies into a pit, including those on anti-depressants.

It's hard to find someone who isn't completely up their own ass on something these days.

>Gödel: proof of god
His theological ARGUMENT doesn't PROVE anything. He thinks he's defending Alselm of Canterbury when in fact he's much closer to Hegel.

>responding to tone
You're way down the ladder, kid. I'm an engineer too.

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>He probably means a specific god

What came before god?

Fundamentally scientific reasoning depends on causality. Therefore humans can not penetrate the question of existence.
>there’s no reason to assume time exists outside of this universe
Can you explain how this is relevant?

You would be right if it was possible to understand everything, but there are things that by definition cannot be understood.
As Nicholas of Cusa said, you can envision the whole of the universe as a sphere. The human mind may have started as a triangle when we were just starting to speak, then we thought that some entities which we called God caused rain and snow, and it "became" a square as our conception of the universe widened, and so on and so forth as we went on to discover more and more things. But the fact is that however many things we discover, and however many sides the "geometry" of our mind gains, we can never reach the perfect nature of the Universe.
That is God, the impossibility of understanding the whole. It is the "cause" which we cannot understand. As other have put it, it is, in this meaning, "the first mover". As I said in my previous message, you don't necessarily have to call it God, you can call it however you want, but the concept itself does exist and cannot be denied.

Why do atheist think God is a human being when clearly religions state that God is not in any physical presence whatsoever and that he is the force that drives the whole universe, God is literally everything because God created everything

Right, I'm not debating that. We obviously can both agree that the question (as far as we know) can never be answered.

I was questioning why "God" was being used in this situation. If the question is unanswerable than it can't be answered with "God" unless you're simply calling the concept of an unanswerable question that name without implying that the title would bestow additional properties like consciousness, intent etc.

That which came first is God (the concept we refer to as God). God isn’t a specific entity, it’s a concept

>Can you explain how this is relevant?
As there is no reason to assume time exists outside this universe, talking about "loops" and "first causes" is rendered nonsensical.

They take 'humans are made in the image of god' to mean our flesh rather than our soul.

Answering your own question does really answer anything. You just content yourself with a preexisting idea of your own, or worse, someone elses.

Here's the problem with theology. You spend all day reading and taking heed of other people's ideas, and these people are not God, not Angels, not 'the divine' in any sense of even their own understanding.

>kys because you disagreed with me reeeee

Absolute state of moralfags. Gonna inquisition all those heretical free thinkers now, boy?

If God was real, you wouldn't need to invent absurd arguments to defend your belief, because we'd all be able to accept God's existence by virtue of him standing right before us.

You can LARP all you want if it makes you feel good and high and mighty and like you're a good guy fighting off evil and demons and dragons and sheeit, but that's all self importance, vanity and your inner desire to control other people and be worshiped by them, the same as God is.

Behind all the facade of your 'belief', you secretly believe you deserve to looked up to as you look up to God. You're a narcissist. You have a God complex. Most moralfags do. There's no humility involved, no obesience to your Lord. You just wanna stand next to him and thumb your nose at everyone else.

Reality check. God isn't real. Your religion is relatively new, and it's the same exact thing as the countless religions before it, with all the same absurd platitudes.

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This, as Aquinas puts it "Ipsum esse subsistens" God is subsistent existence itself, the cause of existence at every possible moment.

God is literally all around you and the image of God that is your mind allows you to doubt him. If you aren't retarded then who is?

Nothing could have come before God, because God is the concept itself of "First mover".
The point is not that "God is the first cause", it is that we as humans must conceive a first cause, and we've come to call that first cause "God".

In English, doc?

You people knows a lot a bout that god thing even if you can't study or contact it or even know to begin with, almost if this was all made up bullshit.

Proving god is as simple as proving nature and mans desire to overcome and surpass nature.
Desire vs limitations.
That's god in a nut shell.
The entity of god, is another story.

well if youre a engineer that maintenances machines instead of sitting on a computer than this discussion is over. you are a imbecil.
when you troubleshoot complex systems, like say a car, you realize just how similar they are to our bodies. there is fundamentally no difference between machines and our bodies.
they are made of the same elements that come from the earth, they work off hydraulic systems, they collect impurities and need to filter them. I could go on but i doubt im having any impact on a arrogant person like yourself.
>man kinds wisdom is supreme