"building a community equals to eliminating 10,000 gentiles."



Education conference speaker: 'Building a house equals 100 dead Arabs'

>Speaking at an education leaders' conference earlier this week, prominent land dealer Moshe Zar received roaring applause when he asserted that "Building a house equals to eliminating 100 Arabs, building a community equals to eliminating 10,000 gentiles."

Attached: Trust me goyim.gif (540x731, 78K)

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Good post. Fuck Whites.

wtf where do I get a job building houses? I always did like working with my hands and building things.

Trust me goyim

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Why aren't there enough Jews in Norway yet? Are you being anti-semitic?

Zionism means utter contempt for anything that doesn't help the Jewish state. Everything is on the chopping block for them, even other Jews.

Esau showed Jacob love and forgiveness after Jacob's conspiracy against him, and I think that was a mistake.

Esau gave up his birthright for a bowl of beans.

The Synagogue of Satan is Esau. They gave up their birthright land for a bowl of shekels. They are to be spurned and rejected for their inherent lying nature.

yep, sounds just like another nationalist

back to summer camp, boy

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(((They))) are now revealing their true colors.


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> I'll only help my kin if they give up their entire birthright

Jacob conspired with his roastie mother against Esau for his ENTIRE life.

Read the passage for yourself. You're tired from honest labor and your brother only offers to help you in exchange for something disproportionate. It's dishonest and manipulative as fuck and has no place in a healthy society.

Or lets talk about when Isaac was dying and Jacob cheated Esau with the help of his mother and then ran away like a bitch.

Jacob is the cheater to be spurned, not Esau. Esau forgave and then went on to build his own kingdom without his family's help.

Hint: Jacob changed his name to Israel, and the Israelite called themselves 'children of Israel'. It's poetic how the State of Israel is named of a conspiratorial cheater than cannot coexist with its neighbors.

Spoken like a true Jew. Always blaming somebody else for his mistakes. Oy vey!

Jacob didn't change his name to Israel. Go back and read it yourself.

You're calling me a Jew while defending one of the core founding stories of Jews? Ha.

> Jacob didn't change his name to Israel. Go back and read it yourself.
Yes, the 'god' that encourages deception and stealing give him name.

I think I'm touching a nerve.

I specifically said the Synagogue of Satan. Those who say they are Jews but who are not and do lie. These are not from Jacob. They wear the name "Israel" like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

>The bible tells us exactly who the jews are. >Martin Luther who comissioned the KJV Bible wrote and wrote the book "On the Jews and their lies"
Even if somehow jesus is a "jew trick" it doesn't really matter at this point, we have identified the enemy. Jesus did it, Hitler did it. I'm all in bruv.

Behold the children of Jacob.

I'm actually curious: What exactly is the basis of this? My impression is that 'SoS' referred to the segment of Jews that worked for what Jesus considered evil. The whole 'Jews are actually Edomites' idea is new to me.

Please sure.

I'm not going to answer you if you write "SoS" like a kike (kikel) instead of spelling out the actual terminology.

That that stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard and I still think you're trying to subvert the conversation. I gave you a chance to explain your point of view and you refuse based on an extremely minor quibble.

Synagogue of Satan -- there.

Why is it stupid? Don't you know that the strict ones can't name God and have to write g-d instead?

Also the reason they can't name God is because they're involved with Babylonian-style demon worship where they call up demons by naming them. That's why they're afraid to name God.

I'm sure you know this as well.

The basis is that Jow Forums gets a misanthropy high from Christianity and is willing to bury its head in the sand about basic facts. Such as:
*The Bible has a passage in the Old Testament commanding the Jews to take over their rivals through interest loans, which was then cited by the Christian church in the middle ages to ban non-Jews from banking
*It has the entire book of Acts, which describes both pro- and anti-Christian Jews as Jews
*It specifically identifies "Jew" as an ideological and not racial title according to the early Church, meaning that you were a "real Jew" if you were a racial Jew following the ideology of Saul of Tarsus, and a "false Jew" if you were a racial Jew that hadn't converted yet.
*Roman and Greek historians have a lot to say about how classical-era Hebrews treated them for centuries just like modern Jews treat modern Whites, and nothing to say about them being taken over by a racial impostor group
And finally,
*The fruits of Christianity speak for themselves. For a thousand years in Europe, science ground to a halt while it continued apace in China, nation after nation once governed by Rome was lost to the Muslims, and the "Synagogue of Satan" slowly took over the entire financial sphere with the full blessing of the Church. This all would have culminated in our permanent slavery in the 16th or 17th century, with Europeans dying by the millions over which strain of autism was the true way to redeem them for the sin of being born while the Ottomans surged forward over the last remnants of Christian Rome. But fortunately we'd stumbled on a full third of the Earth's landmass, sparsely inhabited by technological weaklings, a few centuries earlier, and used that to become a global Empire instead. The fact that we are currently on death's door despite CONQUERING THE ENTIRE WORLD should tell you that there is something in the fundamental mindset of our race put there to destroy us.