Jow Forums, what's yall's opinion on yanks?
Jow Forums, what's yall's opinion on yanks?
Puritans. It's a shame that the founding fathers allowed them to become a part of this country.
When they move to our areas and start dictating their beliefs on everyone else it makes me wonder about their heritage, or at the very least their IQ.
American girls are peng innit and they're easy meat for the Anglo snatch hunter.
Now eat your frogs.
They ruined America
Lmao wut. Most British people are ugly as fuck
Fags, the lot of them.
You mad, yankee boi?
>what do you think about those people who decimated my previous way of life
>they sure are cucks lol
Every time
Not true, you just see the pics of our obese football fans.
It's well-known in England that American women love us. No Englishman goes to America without getting his cyclops snake wet.
oh yanks
The only people stupid enough to celebrate their own high treason.
Exactly. Why are confederate flag posters so awful, pol?
>larping about 'muh confederacy' while drowning in niggers
>can't even go to memphis cuz niggers
>might as well stay in chicago with the niggers here
Yanks are a phantom. The demographics up here have changed so much since the civil war you are angry at a group of people that doesnt exist. That said the north, at least where I am, sucks absolute shit. At least Christian zionism isnt a thing up here tho
Lul sure m8
don't forget that most are all civic natties and /ptg/ boomers.
Possibly the worst memeflag out there.
wow so based, definetly makes up for the fact that blacks make up 40 percent of the region.
>that pic
Idiotic myth really. Brits are descended from wave after wave of settlers from all over Europe (Welsh, Romans, Irish, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans, French). Britain's also a fairly large island compared to other islands in Europe Crete, and has a very high population. Scandinavian countries are probably more inbred than us.
American women still love English cock though. This isn't even shitposting, it's 100% true. You can pull bare pengtings in America just by speaking in your funny English accent.
they don't know shit about being human
>Pay more to live in a colder more expensive area without sweet tea but less niggers
I can understand their logic
They are a bunch of faggots who need to fuck off out of my state
"Yanks" is too generic of a term. Northerners shouldn't all be lumped up, but I will gladly concede that New Englanders are loathsome leftist faggots. It's one of the last areas in the country where whites still vote Democrat. Despicable cucks.
I think that most of them are the most hilariously inept, entitled assholes I have ever encountered. But man if you meet a cool one, they are awesome.
Hideous fucking women though. Horrible bitchy accent.
The mutt stereotype is really that ugly fat dago/jewess/mick mix that so man of those new england bitches appear to be.
I thought that Brits eat kebab not frogs
ugly jewish yankee bitches hit that wall hard
It's disgusting our country was forced against each other for a tyrant and Jews then nothing came of it except the one assassination.
Fuck em. Wish all the niggers went up north to join their Yankee savior fucks. But they still live in the same poor ass slave villages they used to near 200 years ago. There are so many niggers hovels in old plantation fields it's hilarious.
is a yank like a boomer lol?
Yep, You mad.
They should go home, shut up, and fuck off.
sorry i would rather live around white people then BASED BLACK PEOPLE. But it's mostly because democrats are the real racists. Now go to your abomination of a church that brainwashes zog support into you.
>sweet tea
more like sweet tears
anyone that says yall is a nigger
>anyone that says yall is a nigger
sounds like something a nigger would say
here in the north literally only niggers say it.
white trash says yins, and theyre almost as shit
Then reality strikes
they were always right and they should of finished the job instead of like nigger only do half the work
"Let's have a cheeky trip to the ghetto, mate, the locals won't mind a bitta bantz"
I don't like em.