Opinions on organ donors?

Attached: one-organ-donor-eight-lives.jpg (618x326, 44K)

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>letting doctors kill you for your organs


They are heroes

on one hand i dont really care if they harvest my shit when they die, but i dont want my organs going to some fag whore or nigger

you do know that you only donate most your organs after death right?

Basically, a doctor looks at you, looks at your insurance, and might decide he can make more letting you die and harvesting your organs than your insurance will pay to keep you alive.
And then there's the under the table payments from the rich guy who needs an organ.

Imagine if you died on the slab and doctors have to collect your organs quickly but then you come back to life but it's too late, many such cases.

I'm an organ donor, but there are only two people that know about it. My wife and my mom. That way no fucking kike doctors can kill me to harvest my organs.

cuck retards. I drink and smoke.

>one-line writing promptH
Hey OP, why don't you read the rules, condescend to learn anything about your own topic, and then maybe write a legitimate original post with original content, a clear context, some kind of source, and a properly formed argument? My mistake, you're a bot churning out effortless, meaningless distractions. You've probably already inflated the catalog with five more one line writing prompts while I wrote this.

No, usually they'll take a brain dead person on person thats about to die and put them in a coma and harvest the organs. Organs that havent received blood flow right before harvesting are all but useless.

Watch this:

Attached: 1530818721288.jpg (2000x1327, 2.37M)

and this

> blue pill
Organ donation is legitimately good for you and your family, and can save your life one day. It is efficient, and makes practical sense in a society with an advanced medical culture and aging populations.
> red pill
The premise of Organ donation masques a database of matches for the elite, who can access a very rare match if needed. The healthy match is suicided or car crashed and the elite gets your organ post-haste
> white pill
Traditional Organ donation will no longer be necessary now that we can grow the organs in batches based on stem cells that are close to the patient.
> black pill
The elite are going to grow actual humans not just organs, and eventually there will be more lab grown humans (read: slaves) than free-range humans, and they will take on a larger and larger role in society until non-elite free range humans are soft-genocided

don't you Euros have 'implied consent' where they steal your organs unless you explicitly tell them not to? I don't trust doctors not to half-ass it and call code prematurely.

So Parts: The Clonus Horror (or michael bay's The Island, for plebs)

>worth $1M dead
>worth nothing or even cost hospital money alive
> "alive" or "dead" is determined by doctors with no review
>many conditions qualifying as "dead" are recoverable from
>they keep your brain alive when they harvest your organs
>organ trade run by kikes

>Single red parent with blue child
Every time

Nah, just interested. Someone asked me if I wanted to get a donor card and decided to maybe get some info on it out of this place.

100% this

a raepfugee needs new organs, guess where ((((they)))) taking it out from...

>pic related, its the donor id backside. there you can choose allow or deny that organs and tissue can be take from you!

Attached: Organspendeausweisrückseite.png (1024x662, 378K)

It's just fucking stupid. You're dead, it doesn't matter anymore what happens to this world after your death.

I honestly regret becoming an organ donor... Is there anyway I change this? They asked when I was getting my license for the first the time and I agreed. I was so excited about being able to drive, I wasn't thinking.

I did not know anything about organ harvesting or the possibilities of who my organs could go towards. I don't want to save a useless nigger from dying or my organs to go to some Jewish elite atrocity.

Fuuuuckk, I hate this century. :(

And your point is? You're an idiot if you think your organ donor status doesn't influence if they save your life or not in extreme circumstances.

Same here man. I got my license around 2005 which was years before I knew how deep the rabbit hole goes.