What are they trying to do with this, exactly? What's their end game?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Portal to the netherworld

Science bro

Space Jews

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Its main purpose is a why to steal tax dollars in a way that is both transparent but beyond reproach. They will give fake 'results' that cattle taxpayers can neither verify or even comprehend.

checked, fpbp. They are ultimately trying to open a "stargate", or demon portal to unleash hell on earth and usher in the end times that refered to.
They've already had minor successes working up to this ultimate goal.

They played too much Doom and are attempting to cuck Doomguy.

Consequently leading to a Space Hitler.

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Doing shit that don't need t be done for something they have no business dealing with.

access the multiverse

Waste taxes

Finding particles that may allow for ftl travel

Ftl is impossible unfortunately.


They are trying to collude particles together at high energy in order to discover the true nature of the quantum world and ways to subsequently manipulate it

Create a massive nuke reactor so that in 2 years when the Mohammeds claim Germany as the Caliphate they can cause a massive welting radiation all over Europe. Successfully riding this board of those smegma covered dicks

Yeah let me tell you why youre wrong

Sheeiiit we are the netherworld.

red herring

Please do.

Their end game is to summon a being from another dimension.

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ok but whats the real reason though

Basically, it is a device to create, find, house and study dark matter, anti-matter. It does this by breaking apart the universe at the tiniest level and finding the glue, screws and gaffer tape particles which keep the all parts together. They find many things, but the dark matter is their main focus. This stuff is basically chaos distilled, it can "unmake" matter, or cause the normal Euclidian forces of the universe to be suspended or broken thus making it invaluable for technology and weaponry. Incidentally this dark matter seems to be related, a piece in an American lab, when manipulated, evinces change in a separate particle in a European lab. Dark matter is also reported to increase "chaos" in the vicinity of its generation and storage, this is reportedly a negative source behind current events in the world.

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Shut up moron.

This. Look up some of the talks on Quantum Computing and listen to how they explain that works and what they are trying to attempt:

>Open a doorway to other Universe's and take their resources and use them in our own universe.

>Elon Musk

Nothing. They're done. They've probed all the energy levels, found all the particles. Particle physics is done. They're just a make-work operation now. Welfare for physicists.

got any good links?

As much as you hate Merkel she is an actual Physicist, and her governance is the only reason why CERN had the means to construct the LHC.
The LHC opened many doorways into the research of complex particle physics, without it we as a species would have lived and died a generation without any significant research into the scientific understanding of our existence.

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To confirm quantum theories so we can develop better materials and electronics as well increase our knowledge of nuclear physics.
And disproving certain hypothetical ideas of the universe.

Finding the Higgs boson was a pretty big deal

Dark matter isn't a thing.

According to humans. Humans are wrong all the time.

Ley lines

Everything was considered impossible at one time or another.

What you're describing toward the end is quantum entanglement.

this is the most schizophrenic interpretation of quantum computing imaginable

Particles physics isn't done yet.

Glad I saved the cap.

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He explicitly says it at about 9:00, and from that point on he explains in detail that they have already done this.

Well this has always been open sciences failure, to deny the embrace of the magical. Now they are finding at the end of all things logical, the arcane is the only path open to them. I mean, us, me. You are right, there is nothing else now, the factual, understandable world has always only ever been half of the story.

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Shut up idiot.

So are you going to actually give a good answer at some point or just continue being a faggot?

I work at the LHC, you wouldn't believe the shit i've seen.

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something cool

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They're trying to invent a time machine

what did you see?

I'm just correcting erroneous posts

If you could fold spacetime you coukd travel from point A to point B instantaneous. If light would travel from point A to B in the unfolded spacetime it would travel longer.
With this you could achieve ftl travel.

>What's their end game?
Just monkeying around, desu

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interdimensional travel, telepathy

have you not seen flash

G.od's plan.


Then the creator of them that is employed at NASA is schizophrenic.

stop watching popsci. it rots your brain.

Yes but the amount of time that passes is normal outside of that bubble You are describing using an alcubierre drive. This device folds space but travelling one light year would still take at minimum one year. To those in the warped space, it would seem much faster than a year, but as far as the rest of the universe is concerned you would have been travelling the normal amount of time.

They already did that in Event Horizon with hilarious consequences.

That's beautiful isn't it ?

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Ftl travel is only possible in a relative sense, but not absolutely. Since time is emergent you will never escape its constraints using space or motion.

>whats the real reason
It's a particle collider. It's a huge underground tunnel in which they accelerate particles at near the speed of light and smash them into each other and study/capture what happens (the atoms break apart into even smaller lesser-understood particles, hence why they are studying them). Dark energy is also released during this process, though only for a moment. dark energy exists in another dimension/plane of existence, and the presence of dark matter implies that the collision of these atomic particles somehow briefly tears a rift in space time, allowing dark energy to escape into our realm. Dark energy, dimensions, etc are things we are only beginning to understand and are nothing short of the scientific study of spirituality. Studying the brief release of dark energy via a minuscule rift in space time is the first step toward the ultimate goal of creating a permanent "stargate", or portal through which dark energy can flood into our dimension.

I had this suspicion as well. It's typical Principle-agent situation

Then there is no such thing as zero and it is not a useful number.
I was trying to keep it simple. Quantum entanglement among normal particles is one thing, but when regarding entanglement of anti-matter particles, it is a principle that can cause massive amounts of death and anarchy, so it takes on a whole new level of importance in my mind. Tis more like xenos containment than experimentation. This stuff will literally unmake any container you place it in, the only way to contain it is to give it enough to eat, and make it a crunchy meal, 60 miles of rock and metal might last a few decades before it starts eating the fabric of the material plane faster and faster. It responds to emotion, only few people very carefully vetted, should approach it.

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You don't need eyes.

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14:45 explains everything.

>The shadows of these paralel worlds overlap with ours and if we are smart enough we can dive into them and grab their resources and pull them back to our own and use them in our world.

cool. sounds like something that should be built on the moon though

that doesn’t explain anything. it’s nonsense.

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perform experiments to probe the subatomic and test their toy model theories
CERN has already done it's primary job and could probably be retired successfully.
The only conspiracy you could possibly find here is that instead of developing tech to reduce the cost and scale of the experiment they convinced a bunch of politicians to pay taxpayer money for a bunch of people to work and make all the stuff.

If you don't understand what he is saying you are retarded. He is pretty clear he is trying to open a doorway to steal the resources of another universe/dimension to use here. It can't be any more clear really. He spells it out to the viewer.

Dark energy is in *this* universe. It doesn't come from outside and it isn't like heat or something it is simply the outward pressure at all points in the universe from the spontaneous formation and annihilation of matter-anti matter pairs of particles. Zero point energy, vacuum energy, ground states, are related to this.

It isn't tho.
An electron is a wave that is at all times everywhere (unless you measure its position). This means at every "point" of the wave the electron (the full electron!) is present simultaneous. Some believe this can only be achieved when the electron exists in every possible alternate universe. If you measure its position you pin it into our universe in a specific eigenstate.
Quantum mechanics are beyond our imagination. Nothing makes "sense", because our mind isn't made for quantum mechanics. Fortunately mathematics can describe QM

>someone who isn’t retarded on Jow Forums
>they summonin demons!

They try to find the "Elementary particle", but it does not exist...

Never ever assume anything large government's do is "for science". Everything with lots of money is for war.

My Uncle is a god damn genius who worked on some CERN projects. The guy got a full ride to MIT and researches time travel of sub atomic particles, like the idea of manipulating a neutrino in one place to have an instant effect on a neutrino in another place (think instant faster than light communication across unlimited distance).

He is also batshit neurotic, but incredibly smart.

A few things to keep in mind with sub atomic forces.
>They don't understand how many of them interact. They measure them doing something, then measure them doing something completely opposite.
>Time is a like a force, it is not linear we just perceive it as linear, and forces like mass and speed effect time.
>The Universe is the sum of all things at all TIME.
>Parallel universes do not exists, but sort of do, and are based on the observer. This is the important part.

To understand parallel universes, according to him, picture a world with 2 people. These two people live their lives but never interact. No force from one encounters a force produced by the other. Now these are essentially 2 universes, the sum of all their forces across all time and space. Now these observers witness time linearly. Now picture an external force is applied that only effects time of ONE party. Suddenly a close call between these two people encountering each other has happened but for ONE party only. Now one person has an experience of encountering the other person, but the other person has no memory (observation) of this force being applied to their universe. Yes it is a paradox but it seems to hold true in sub atomic research.

This is how CERN is fucking with the world. The Mandela effect is real, but not in most cases cited, like Americans not knowing Mandela was president of SA.

Most forces that change go completely unnoticed. Pop culture ones, due to the wide spread knowledge get noticed.
2 ones I have noticed are
"and the lion shall lie down with the lamb"
Third Thursday Thanksgiving

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>We will open this door and take the shit inside
>"What does it MEAN"
Are you literally retarded?

You are very misinformed about anti matter and how it interacts with normal matter.

He’s being metaphorical and frankly I think it’s irresponsible of him because it gives rubes like you the wrong impression.

>Ftl travel is only possible in a relative sense
Nobody said it wouldn't be. Time itself is subjective so traveling a distance and the time it takes to do that is subjective too.

>Some believe this can only be achieved when the electron exists in every possible alternate universe.
Point me to an actual physicist saying electrons exist across multiple universes.

I swear to god you people can just read books on this stuff.

No he isn't. That is why the person that gathered the speakers to speak at that conference has him with the other eccentric speakers you retard, and introduces him the way he was introduced.

Okay, then he’s an idiot and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

He is the inventor of quantum computing, head of the company and works at NASA you dumb faggot.

The main results will be something like "we've determined that the true nature of reality is composed of 14-dimensional hyper strings".

99% of new research papers published these days are never "peer reviewed" no one ever duplicates results. With something like cern, they guaranty that no one *can* peer review because don't have a magic 100B underground circle, do you?

Its infinite energy research. They want to control it. It is not accessible in its underground location.

It's not cool because dark energy has a profoundly negative effect on humanity. Dark energy is what mankind has always known as spiritual evil (and the effects on us are described as demonic possession, including but not limited to self-harm, deceit and deception, malice, lack of peace, etc.). The difference is that now our understanding of reality has come so far that we are now unearthing the very fabric of creation and seeing the underlying structure of reality, seen and unseen.

*this* universe is comprised of many dimensions. It's just that when you are in a lower dimension reality, you cannot perceive reality in a higher dimension. This is why we only experience time (4th dimension) as a cross-section (the present) instead of a "continuous" chain of events that are "being" simultaneously.

So wait. If they are going for parallel universe, what universe are they going after?
I mean surely they aren't going for a universe where the Nazis won the war, because they would literally get BTFO'd by modern day Nazi Germany.
So what the fuck are they going after? I'm pretty sure there have been encounters with people from other realities and the people on top know details about other worlds.

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Yes but you would still get fucked by time. If you went 100 light years using warp, it may seem to you to take only a few years, but the time on earth would still pass normally do by the time you got to your destination everybody you knew on earth would be dead.

To destroy this world with no survivors

No he isn’t, irrelevant, and irrelevant. The EM drive people worked at nasa too.

He's going to be able to point you to one, you know.
>Dude, electrons
>t. physicist
summarizes it for the layman I think.
Check this crazy shit they also consider. Who? Yes, this *that* Wheeler, *that* Feynman
>The one-electron universe postulate, proposed by John Wheeler in a telephone call to Richard Feynman in the spring of 1940, hypothesises that all electrons and positrons are actually manifestations of a single entity moving backwards and forwards in time.


>in a telephone call to Richard Feynman
okay, good point, I should’ve restricted it to published work of some kind

>Point me to an actual physicist saying electrons exist across multiple universes.
Ever heard of many worlds? The fact that you need source on that is evidence enough you don't know shit.
bigthink. com/dr-kakus-universe/nobel-prize-awarded-to-two-quantum-physicists

Apparently these were just employees '''''letting their sense of humour go too far'''''' but I don't see how this is funny in any way

rare image of the ritual leaders

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sounds a lot like the idea of increased galactic radiation and plasma fucking with our heads.
>solar system leaves dusty area
>everyone goes crazy

Mandela Effect bullshit, really?

Weird how every "example" of this bullshit is some small thing that could easily be misremembered.

Call me when Pokemon changes to Dokeymon or some shit

I have quick rundown; Of course they are doing their experiments for power. They are trying to find the "elementary particle", which according to their theory is the smallest thing out of which the universe is made. The modern scientists thought they had found this already, when they found the "atoms", which appear on the periodic table. That's why they called them "atoms" which means "indivisible"; See this article:

The discovery of the atom lead to the atomic bomb invention, the most powerful weapon ever made. But the crucial point i want to make is that they will never find the true "atom" because the universe is not made out of "matter". It is made of two types of "matter", materia prima and materia secunda, this was discovered by the scholastic monks in the middle ages. Rene Guenon reveals this in his book, just ask me if you want to know more.

Maybe you have only seen the "un-excited" samples, most normal humans, that's all they should hope they ever see. The first emotion in a child, is hunger, that is all.

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