

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (960x760, 89K)

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Based Snoozy


Loos are taken for granted here, I know.

kid has a nigger name

what a nice boy

Well, Trump does talk with the vocabulary of an 8 year old, so that kinda makes since.

Future boss chad.

>makes since
Well looks like you'd know all about 8 year old volcabularies

Jow Forums BTFO

>insulting someone's vocabulary
>using the word "kinda" immediately afterward
why don't leftists have any self-awareness?

That boy belongs to Tony

Dat lil Snoozy is on point nigga

How long until insane leftists start trying to find this kid and harass his parents and waiting outside of his school?

>Trae Snoozy
Sounds like a black rapper.

wow it's almost like kids want to feel good about themselves and their countries. is the decades-long era of jews convincing white children to hate themselves and their ancestors finally over?

>Well, Trump does talk with the vocabulary of an 8 year old, so that kinda makes since.


English much?

>makes since
You stepped in it you dumbass libtard

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Not yet, Czech. We have to remove the people still distributing the poison. The hardest parts are yet to come

>Trae Snoozy (professional street nigga)

Not yet.
You will notice that it's over when europes streets are painted red.

WHOLESOME/10, Great post, OP!

Stop glorifying nigger lingo and "culture".

quality leaf post

>Trae Snoozy posted in a roll-for-your-black-name thread on /b/

Racist, homophobic, anti Semitic, islamophobic, NRA supporting, cis-normative white male declares undying loyalty to Trump.

t. CNN

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They'll never find them because they'll be looking for a white kid, not the black kid who said it.

>Trae Snoozy
God damn what a fly fuckin' name.
I bet this kid gets all the teacher /ss/

>Well, Trump does talk with the vocabulary of an 8 year old
>so that kinda makes since.
>kinda makes since

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>Trae Snoozy
What kind of name is that, and why is it legal?

He was adopted into a nigger family at 3 months


inb4 OP reveals the quote is from the shitskin kid on the right
absolutely GOT EEM Jow Forums btfo etc we know its coming just do it already fag

>trae snoozy
>trace noosey

>kinda makes since


dumb libtard

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someone get that kid an ice cream cone

two scoops!

you got blown THE FUCK OUT

Jow Forums BTFO

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>libshits eternally BTFO
You got a taste of the Trump curse. You attempted to insult the President, and instead your own stupidity blew up in your face.

"T-t-that kid is LITERALLY Hitler!!!

F-f-f-f-fuckin' white male!"

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ahahhahahh every time, 1 post by this id and 10 mutts jump on the bait

What a sweet kid

The comments on that tell me there is no compromise with these roaches.

looks like a fine lad

you're not wrong


Democrats are just too smart to win.

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Trolling them softly


The Dunning-Kruger is stronk here.

>Trae Snoozy
More like Trae Wokey.

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If underaged people who havent filled developed mental faculties like Trump, why don't liberals?

did you just come here from leddit yesterday or something

Could have been worse. He could have said I like Hillary because I wear diapers and so does she.

>some libshits says something stupid
>anons rightfully point out the stupidity and laugh
>(You) trying to spin this as an intended joke

ahhh good one user didnt see that

There was a nigger in my hypermarket today. He was buying apples and running his monkey hands over all the apples. Disgusting African ape. Why the fuck do they come in my country, we don't gibs.

>makes since
At least proof read your post before trying to give anyone shit over grammar and vocabulary.

>being this retarded
>is democrat
checks out

We are a German colony.


What's wrong with "kinda"?

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What a great kid

>if you're defeated by your enemies, you win

That was pretty good

I hate numales/liberated white womyn more than nigs and muzzies


>because I get to live here
This is our homeland. Invaders do not get to live here and must leave
>I get to see the ocean
Get to stand on the edge of our vast lands and contemplate the glory of Manifest Destiny
>eat fruit
Conquer and consume our enemies, the gay Jew agenda
>and when I see the flag, I think of Donald Trump, and I like him.
True patriot, true nationalist. Trump is America, America is Trump
10/10 would raise as the future of our people.

calm down sperg

>Why the fuck do they come in my country

Says the Romanian!

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Hail Snoozy

Huh. Making an intentional mistake while otherwise appearing smug is really effective bait. I would think these memefags would best understand that, but...

fucking kek

I one day hope to be as enlightened as you my good sir!

>Because I live here
There you have it! Based Snoozy

One might conclude you don't like our gypsies that camped in Sweden.

Too bad.

We were discriminating them, but you told us off and saved them from that.

> are you kidding? I'd never vote for Killary

----Coworkers 5 year old son

>kinda makes since

Gentlemen, the resistance!

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The schools will destroy that part of him.

because it is slang and bad slang. If you were to use it correctly it would be kind of, kinda is axe vs ask tier.

That will help him in this world now.

This thread just got a whole lot comfier. Nicely done, user.

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Damn that's a handsome Snoozy if ever I've seen one

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as opposed to sounding like an intelligent person and 60% of the country doesnt listen to you

>You Snooze; you lose. Kid.

how is it any diffrent then those godawefull tweets where mommies post what they kids "said"

Those are awful because they are fake, this is how a kid talks.

>Trae Snoozy

kek, never change america

This made me cry, bless his little soul

since what?
Fucking faggot.

Liberals aren't evil because of their ideology, though that is part of it. They're evil because every single liberal believes they are better than everyone else, they are completely and utterly consumed with their own arrogance - everything that occurs after is just secondary to this one fact. Naturally everything that comes after it, will be evil.

No it's not. Go whine somewhere else, fag.

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Das right

You're the fag and he is correct

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