So true. #PeoplecottWorldcup
So true. #PeoplecottWorldcup
Isn't france an all black team?
France's is entiterly black.
france is still in tho
this can't be real
Lefty Twitter everybody
If niggers never left Africa, there would never be a nigger with an olympic medal.
it isnt
i checked
This is funny because I was thinking that it was bullshit so many white teams were bracketed against each other. It broke my heart to see white teams eliminating other white teams. I wonder if (((they))) did that on purpose.
Because it has never been hosted in africa?
>Our tax money goes to this shit
How? this has been the standard for decades now, football makes enough money on big budget advertising as it is
"peoplecot" kek
Field better non-white players? Just spitballing here...
They won't be happy until the English team is 100% nigger not 66% nigger.
>Giving a shit about your faviourite team winning or losing in a game where they kick a bag of wind
You do know football is as scripted as WWE is?
England has a bunch too.
I didn't find it.
France is the blackest team in the world cup
there will be so much butthurt if Russia or Croatia wins
reminder england needed niggers to beat tunis
It's not real, OP is a nigger
Literally this.
They didn't score out because they're dark skin. They scored out because they naturally did not perform as well as the opponent, who just happen to be white.
At this point I'm cheering for them. It's nice seeing teams that are all white.
Sublime troll
Is that tweet real?
holy shit the signaling is... I don't even
But France is in the semifinals
THIS IS LITERALLY BEST OF THE BEST COMPETITION AT ITS FINEST! Never have I seen so many people going buck wild and NATIONALIST for their countries.
Faggots that don’t like sports shouldn’t comment on them. It’s more than cringe. Has he seen the French and English fucking teams? There is plenty of diversity and only a faggot who got stuffed into lockers would think any different.
We are dealing with the complete losers of this world on the left.
but it is totally fair that the majority of olympic sprinter winners are black huh
There's suprisingly a lot of chatter regarding the race of the teams. Was it always there or is this just the rotten state the world is in right now?
First second third posts best post.
Combo breaker!
Quintessential 1 post by this ID bait slide thread. SAGE this shit
Did he just miss the first FEW WEEKS of countries from around the fucking globe play? He couldn’t take a cheap shot at America not being there even? Complete faggot.
Doesn't mean there isn't people thinking like this. You saw how butthurt blacks got because of Argentina, no?
wtf i love soccer now?
who wants to form a right wing soccer squad?
Lol. Tell that to france.
wtfux wrong with this dipshit? Does he not understand how sports playoffs work? Sure lets just start every cup with an automatic niggest team in the final by default. HOORAY FOR DIVERSITY!
Wait, does he mean non-white countries? Because all the "white" countries (which aren't white anymore, for fuck's sake) all have black people and whatever people on their teams.
>white like argentina
Argentina is at least Mestizo. France is pure nègre.
Go Russia!
>OP is a nigger he's been eliminated at the World Cup, eh?
Watched RT
>All the South American countries are out. Dios Mios!
Literally said dois mios
post link faggot
no way that's real
Obviously Bait
Check 'em.
Gary did not tweet this , at least try and post real news you imbecile ...saged
and btw,
>black people are better at sports because they're stronger and faster
>oh no they lost to stronger and faster people
>clearly they lost because of racism
imagine actually thinking like this
remember when people were saying the falcons lost the superbowl because of racism
s a g e
My sister bitched about this the other day. Its apparently racist because the poor black people cant afford the meds, equipment, faculties, competitive salaries, and extensive talent searching like the white devil can.
I wouldn't begrudge a loss to Russia in the semis if I'm honest
Fake and gay
>it’s another Jow Forums replies to a fake tweet assuming it’s real and then when someone points out that it’s fake they just say that someone out there probably thinks whatever the fake tweet says anyway, so it’s not really fake