The memes were real

>the memes were real

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Other urls found in this thread:

>very distant ancestors
What does it matters if the ancestors are "very distant" when you're 100% Scottish otherwise? Take people like Sean Hannity or Mike Pence, who are 100% Irish on both sides of their family. Why is it wrong to refer to yourself as ethnically Irish if that's the case?

If anything, it's pathetic to refer to yourself as Indian when you have 1 single half-breed Indian in your family line from 4 generations ago.

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she's right btw



Daily reminder that Europe didn't send their best to America.
>the rest of the world knows we're as bad as Aussies

But every nigger can express their we wuz Kangs nd Sheeet heritige right?

"alt-right" is cringe tho

How was the Scot supposed to know they have electricity? They could be poorfags. We don't know.

>muh ancestors
ye borne on a patch o land somwer that's you real ancesters, not otha people from fuckknowsnowhere cuz he mum shagged you dad a hundred years ago

if some chink came to america fifty yeas ago, and his kids lived ther the whol life, they'd relate much more to the average nigger than a homechink in china

noh, that'd be hippocrates

Do you have electricity in your igloo, user

This is not a new altright exclusive problem. Immigrant children always had this problem visiting ancestral home. "Im chinese" "no you're not"

>new land to conquer
>removes stagnation due to new investments in a massive scale
>didn't send their best

jasus methink i need to fucking kick this autocorrect's cunt in

people forget that a lot of communities in the USA were groups of similar peoples like Germans and Chinese etc. My grandpa ended up over here from Hungary as a kid and married a Hungarian girl from his neighborhood

i get my fellow Americans attaching themselves to Europe, but what is with all the people wanting to be Irish or Scottish? i mean really? might as well just say you're a somali. if i were to claim European ancestry i'd go with anglo Because the anglos are the real masterrace

You realize people do this because if they say they're "American" (which George Washington and crew were btw) then liberals (including euro liberals) always follow with "oh well you're not a real american lol you stole that land that's the natives" (also not true, they werent even native) and the end result is that white Americans/Canadians have nowhere.

It boils down to either:
>You're LARPing as a Euro
>You're "le ebil native colonizer", and therefore your countries arent yours anyway lol

It's either we're getting cucked out of our countries, or we're getting called evil (and therefore deserve to lose our country), or we're told we're LARPing as Euros.

What the fuck are we supposed to do short of just shoahing everyone who doesnt bend the knee to whiteness in US/Canada?

Yeah who want to be associated with yuropoor countries.

>Take people like Sean Hannity or Mike Pence, who are 100% Irish on both sides of their family
Too bad he pissed his genes away on whatever brown toad sub-race his wife is. His poor daughters.

Pence, that is.

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What the fuck are you talking about. She just looks like an older or middle aged woman. Is this b8?


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>ye borne on a patch o land somwer that's you real ancesters, not otha people from fuckknowsnowhere cuz he mum shagged you dad a hundred years ago
It doesn't matter where you are born, what matters is your genetics. It's not like niggers stop being niggers when they are born in Europe/

>Tfw Pennsylvania Dutch
>Tfw didn't have electricity until I was 13
Literally the only American-originated ethnic group and we get mistaken for Dutch LARPers.

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This "I have Scottish heritage" meme is most likely carryover from the time when America started being the great European melting pot. People formed boroughs with others of their own heritage, and in mixed schools got used to saying where their family was from in order to distinguish themselves. As time went on, distinguishing ourselves in this way became less relavent, but the practice remains. I do find it more common for Americans to talk about the state they grew up in than their ethnic heritage though. There are cultural differences between states that come out as far more prevalent than ethnic heritage unless you are a first generation immigrant.

Nowadays however, the heritage meme is pushed to imply that we are all immigrants and have no more right to call this land our own than a Mexican immigrant does. Teddy was right when he said that we need to stop thinking of ourselves as German-Americans or Irish-Americans, and put our American identity first. White Americans and come together as one and kick all of those with separate identities out of the country, lest we lose our country to mestizos and jews who do cling to their own unique identity.

We Americans often identify ourselves with our various European ancestries and europoors are confused by this because they think we're talking about more than just ancestry.

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Do you speak native level Hungarian?

Unfortunately no. My grandparents were adamant on not teaching their kids with the idea that they need to assimilate so it was not passed down to me. It also made things awkward when my grandmother had a stroke and only spoke Hungarian for a month.
I've toyed with the idea of learning but I keep putting it off

>It doesn't matter where you are born, what matters is your genetics
ya your fucked in the head m8
read what i fucking wrote again, you think some cunt in the alp mountain gon thinkyou family coz you tell em your party swiss or some shite? nah he's gon tell you to fuck right off or hell kick ya in the dick, ya dick.

>Unconquered frontier
>Untold riches in stone, timber, game and other natural resources
>Not a prison colony like Straya that was picked because the wildlife routinely preys on humans
>New enemy to fight
>Other colonial powers already staking claims

First wave settlers were just people looking for a new home. After that it was prospectors, industrialists and soldiers. Innovation, exploration and warfare were what built our nation from the ground up.

Rest of the world here:

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you're absolutely retarded

>asked if we had electricity at home
>Europeans still don't understand that we are just fucking with them and act all offended

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Vermoord uw eigen

stop being a little lazy bitch and learn it

Baszd meg cigány. Kurva anyatok. Mindent vissza.

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british """"women"""" who immigrated to the U.S. are some of the rudest cunts you will ever meet

le your guys small is our large so fat XDD meanwhile these cunts are overweight themselves

Isn't that Polish?

All Americans do this.
It's not limited to alt-right or whatever.

I have an ancestor born in South Africa to a French nobleman (or something close to it) with an imported French bride in 1890's. Ended up moving to America and getting fucked over by the Great Depression. The "ethnic roots don't matter! only where you were born does!" types don't like when I tell them this story.

>tfw white and more african than most blacks according to them

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So African Americans aren't African?

It is difficult to find the energy when I work 4 12s and on my days off I am usually doing house/garden/yard work

Naw m8 i'm making solid facking points here that you can't refute

lik i said earelier you can relate to an american negro more than you can relate to yo so called """"""ancesters"""""

matter of fact is let's sai you're french, right? ya think some french nanny would rather pick you to be her neighbor than some literal algerian immigrant? course she'd pick the shiteskin because at least he speaks the language and lived in the fucking contry for at least a few years, whereas you just a roleplayer

fucking twat.

nah, they aint.

Uncover your fucking flag kike

>Provence of the EUSSR
>having a salient opinion on "best"

No, they're just niggers

Scottish people have one of the largest European Diasporas, especially in Canada. This is why you will meet many people who have Scottish ancestry.

If niggers can refer to themselves as ''African Americans'' then white people can refer to themselves as ''European Americans.'' What is the fucking difference? There isn't one.
Also when you make fun of someone for claiming they're Scottish, at least make sure the guy isn't actually fucking Scottish. Are we talking about a guy born in Scotland who moved to America as a kid? First generation immigrant? One Scottish parent?
If you're genetically Scottish, then you are Scottish.


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i think it's used all over eastern europe for whatever reason

a truly transcendent curse word

>Being held hostage by our government
You know there's a reason why my government won't allow a nexit-referendum, right?

Yanks are retarded its true but whats worse is eurofag jealousy that their people didnt have the stones to go and conquer new worlds,stuck in their poxy overcrowded countries only to come and shit up the 'colonies' once the hard works been done and complain about everything once they get there.
We are full. All of us.

Nah bro I'm American but my grandparents were from Germany and Ireland. I don't larp as European.


>ya think some french nanny would rather pick you to be her neighbor than some literal algerian immigrant? course she'd pick the shiteskin because at least he speaks the language and lived in the fucking contry for at least a few years, whereas you just a roleplayer
Is this true Frenchmen of pol?

No, it's actually not as you think. European migration patterns were pretty distinct. "Nova Scotia" -- new Scotland even maintains Gaelic language in some parts. There are people with very obvious Scottish backgrounds distinct from Irish who never settled there (or in Canada as much as they did in the US). It's the same reason why Italian ancestry is less mixed in North America as well.

He probably has him confused with Cruz.

tihs ya want?
now, YOU answer me fucking argument you slippery sack o shit.

i don smell any fuckin arguments in here you grease dinkin american scum of shit

She's actually Irish too, but probably more of Celtic ancestry. Her parents were named Batten and Hacker and she grew up Irish Catholic.

>implying mike pences daughter isn't the cutest thing ever
i imagine since shes a little on thicc side she has a perfect innie vaginia with just the right amount of cushion

You know how I can tell she's not Scottish? She's a woman with an opinion but without a baby.

fucking A imagine callin ya newborn "hacker" the poor beggar's prob had a hard life with that name

What kind of witchcraft is this?
Did she abduct this child for sacrificial purposes?

>literal fucking sandnigger
Hahahaha. I asked Frenchmen a question you dumb fucking dune coon. I don't have any questions about fucking goats, so I don't have any reason to speak to you.

Sorry, but I don't take Europeons seriously when they complain about this. Especially not when they are slathered in clown make-up like this roast beef sandwich. More often than not it's because one innocent, well meaning American made reference to their ethnic roots as an ill-advised attempt to bond with one of these peasants, and naturally the Europoor gets fanny flustered immediately and tries to signal his superiority for having been born in the poor country that the American's ancestors escaped from in the first place.

It's just a manufactured Euroserf complaint born entirely out of their own inferiority complex and irrational anti-Americanism.

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im the same cunt you were talkin to you shit smokin lardnigger

>It's just a manufactured Euroserf complaint born entirely out of their own inferiority complex and irrational anti-Americanism.
yeah its so stupid. People are just trying to find something they have in common with the euro. Why shit on someone trying to be nice to you.

I meant their surnames...

>official language: Arabic
>ethnic groups: 98% Arab
>larping this hard as Scottish
Kill yourself. Sage.

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wher the fuck did yuo get tat implication


I don’t argue with monkeys
Sage as fuck

>confused camel jockey rambling
Go away before I drone strike your cousin's wedding and hang a "Mission Accomplished" sign up.

nah you tattered

the only thing your striking is yu cousin's ass at 2 AM in the woods you alabaman sisterfucker

>mainstream burgers
>not being an ignorant dipshit

pick one and only one

>Being a m*tt in 2018
>Not embracing alt-whiteness and consuming the heritage from native Europeans

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I remember the time on a trip to America some guy thought our soldiers still went into battle wearing Redcoats and we went everywhere on horse. The absolute state of Amerimutts

no nigger, only literal retards relate to niggers. Chinks are very chink-oriented, even after 3 or 4 generations in america


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>from the religion that specifically allows cousin-fucking
Am I on some kind of Jewish psy-op? Because these comments have all been softballs so far.

I'm inclined to agree, but out of curiosity, what would you consider an American or Canadian who's ancestry is entirely European (specifically one's who aren't mixed ethnically)?

conquest isn't theft

you wrong n u kno it, fatscum.

you ar the jewish psyop

It’s one thing to be genetically from somewhere but another thing to be culturally. And also having a nationality/place of residence.

Personally my family came from London all many years ago (rich history we traced back 10+ generations) but for the last 8 or so we have been in America and have been Americans.

Genetically sure we are english, but culturally and nationality wise we are American.

So basically if someone asks me where I’m from I say Montana by the Canadian border. If someone asks what my last name is I say it’s english and maybe tell them what I know about my family and their connection to England.

>youre genetic heritage disappears if you were born somewhere else
Why are europeans so retarded?

Pick one

Shouldn't you be out begging for the one european tourist in your country to give you money?

my guess is this post's odds are
60% underage
30% nigger
30% kike
(room for overlap)

Did he just confuse you for Canadian Mounties?

Also I am seeing someone who Muh Hurritages hard as fuck and believes every word of it. There is no way to snap her out of it.

literally 50% liberals where i live claim to be native american. We have native events in my town center, all white women. (i live in MASS)

Nah he thought Britain was still all horse and carriage. He thought we didn't know what McDonalds was either

So does this mean that...
Very distant ancestors.
Large Continent.

who tha fuck asked this gypsie here

wot? hit a nail right in you balls? can't find an argument? fuck off.

So now yurop's best are asking africans to breed their women.

Australia got criminals, we got crazy religious and political fundamentalists.

>culture of self defense
>culture of free speech
>culture of stopping terrorism for Europe
>culture of being absolute winners

Americans are the best

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Ain't no alt right American going to role play as a Eurofag. Most of us would be happy never knowing of Europes sad existence

Very very few Americans are 100% on both sides. The absolutely overwhelming majority are mutts and that includes the ones that think they are 100%.