I decided that I would like to go to church tomorrow, I have not been for nearly 6 years

I decided that I would like to go to church tomorrow, I have not been for nearly 6 years.

What denomination should I go to?

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All Roads lead to Rome.
Go find a Catholic Church.

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Go Orthodox or be part of the problem

Most are National churches, with no truth outside their geographic borders.
Not the true faith


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>going to a Catholic church in America
If you're in any part of the country besides the Northeast, I hope you habla Espanol because it's gonna be full of fucking Mexicans

Start by crossing off any New Age starry eyed faggot guitar churches.

I will

Maybe I'll try catholic this week

Baptists or Independent Baptists have 80-95% correct teaching of the Bible. Wherever you go, make sure they read from a King James Bible (not to be confused with New King James), and teach that salvation is by faith alone, apart from works (Romans 4:5 is the answer to James 2). Also make sure that they do door-to-door soulwinning/knocking doors to get people saved. There are a lot more things, but those are essential. Although if you are far enough away to not even know to exclude Catholics, Lutherans, and Orthodox (both the Luths and Orthos are Catholic Lite) than you probably don't even care about much legitimately anyway.

If you do, search your area on: militarygetsaved.tripod.com/findchurch.html

Watch these and get saved by Christ, the only way to heaven. Or be lazy and lack an attention span and miss your chance and then have it be too late.





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Most Christians here are Catholics.

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Jewish synagogue

catholicism is full of nothing but dead rituals with no basis in true teaching. the only catholics these days are mexicans and census catholics

who cares, enjoy being bored for 2 hours tomorrow for no fucking reason.

enjoy staring at fake disgusting smiles.

seriously, church folk or nasty and confused people.

The Old Rustbelt is fine

Catholic or Orthodox, everything else just picks and chooses which parts of the faith they like and don't like

Don't take the Eucharist, in the Catholic faith only those who are actual Catholics are supposed to take the host.
As Tradition and the Word teaches, Catholic s believe the bread and wine becomes Jesus
Don't be an ass

There is only 1 true God

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OP, I have examined the issue of denominations in Christianity for a long time and have come to the strong conclusion that the One True Church is the Eastern Orthodox Church. All of the protestant denominations are obviously false since they espouse new, heretical, and schismatic doctrines, while the Roman Catholic Church is heretical and schismatic with their innovative doctrines and papal heresy. Read "The Invention of Peter" by Demacopoulos.

>"How much sin will $6,000 buy me, Father Schlomo?"
Enjoy your corrupt centralized, for-profit (((clergy))) with no cultural to you, your life, and your values which molests kids and imports shitskins.

I'll be sitting here soundly in my stripmall church with friends and neighbors run by the community and thus reflecting our cultural values.

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Mormon or Baptist. These are the two which respect culture and community.
Choose one and stick with it.

There are seven denominations that are derived from the true Christian church and the Roman Catholic Church recognizes those 7 and as “pretty much the same”. I don’t remember all the names but the bottom 4 on the chart are included. Everything else is BS church.

Roman Catholic. All the memesters saying Eastern Orthodox have most likely not set foot in a church of any kind in years, and they're only saying it because they think it's stronk for BTFOing Muslims and not cucking out to political pressure, both of which are stretching the truth at best and blatantly false at worst. Orthodoxy is worth respecting, at least, but if you're shopping around and you're a Westerner there really is no substitute.

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Eastern Orthodox is the path.

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>wanting to be a stupid goy

The papacy is a demonstrable and provable lie. Simple as that really.

I started going to church again last Sunday, and the one I went to would be best described as (((non-denominational))) with Southern Baptist roots.
>patriarchal leadership (male-only pastor and elders lead the church)
>women hold lesser positions in the church, such as sunday school teachers and event coordinators
>the main goal of the church is to convert as many non-believers as possible
>70% of the church service is a band playing christian music
>90% of those attending are millennials
It could be worse, I suppose. It's not like they're pro-faggot or anything.