Be shitlib state

>Be shitlib state
>Majority of people in state also shitlibs
>Shitlib policies are so unsustainable you have to hike taxes every year and a half to try and pay for all your shithead dem-voting welfare queens
>Force out your middle class because they can't live in the state without ending up poor or on the streets
>Wherever they end up they'll still always vote blue and continue the cycle

Liberalism literally spreads like a disease

Attached: california-state-map.jpg (660x520, 42K)

The middle-class Californians moving to different places around the US would probably make them the minority within the area they now live in which in turn would mean that they don't have much of a say in the politics of the area. Additionally. the kids they have will likely go red if they are surrounded by a lot of other reds. So their future would be red too, no?

I'm just trying to be positive. I don't really think middle-class Californians can really change a state or county unless they all end up going to the same place. As a matter of fact, I think California would take a big hit due to its "brain-drain."

Lawmakers aren't always complete idiots though, California has excellent infrastructure to promote high-quality higher education with the UC programs, so the brain-drain will likely just create a vacuum that would be filled in the next 10 years anyway.

This, a lot of anons don't have a clue about California. If you live on the East/Innawoods areas of the state its very conservative (in the Pat Buchanan way).

You could transplant the desert rats or hicks up north and make a lynch-mob tier voting block in any state.

California at its root is a red state. A lot of white farmers.

They even passed prop 187 which basically banned spics from public services. The ultimate gtfo. Then some judge overturned it and the dems started pumping Mexicans in. Been blue ever since.

Think of what a 100 electoral vote swing would do to national policy every 4 years?

The people that are leaving are those Republicans that had their state stolen from them by the nanny state.

I speak as someone living in Los Angeles. This place is a living hell. If someone vis trying to escape it(like me) they are red to the core.

There are so many Gibs here that keep any stupid blue here for ever. Talking about a California only single payer health care, talk of California only UBI, talk of cessesion from the states to start it's own mini venuzela.

this actually sounds pretty cool, I want to quit my job and become a NEET, I'm going to look into welfare queening now, thanks user

Isn't that what happened to Austin Texas though?

Middle class californian here that had to ditch the state and now resides in another state:
I don't vote or get involved in politics in anyway; it's all spectacle and bullshit. Most of the people in the rural area I live now seem pretty liberal. It's very white though

This is the jew that killed California once and for all.

Attached: hi-my-name-is-judge-mariana-pfaelzer-california-prop-187.png (500x941, 234K)

>B-but illegals can’t vote or get w-welfare

>be rural retard in rural retard state
>majority of your state is poor and retarded
>vote in tax cuts for billionaires and corporations
>be net drain on federal resources (take in more federal spending than paying federal taxes)
>vote away your own healthcare
>real states like on the coasts have to bail you out an pay for your gibs

Attached: godblesstheusa.gif (404x402, 958K)

The tax cuts allowed small businesses to save money instead of only allowing mega corporations to save money, like what establishment Dems already do. Helps the smaller guy have at least some chance to become a big guy, instead of only protecting the giants from the small guys.

A lot of Californians are turning red. I live in a Hispanic and black area for my grad school (kill me please) and you wouldn't believe how many are turning their backs on the shitlib ideology.

Yep. California came to it's senses long ago, and voters passed Prop 187 so that illegal invaders after the 1965 Immigration Act, and the 1986 Reagan Amnesty could not invade and sponge off public services.

The Jimmy Carter-appointed jew judge struck down the law, and doomed the state to the multicultural hell it is today. It is communist, anti-white jewish judicial activism that kills these cities. Sooner or later, you will not be able to run anymore. They chase after you like mosquitoes to drain you like parasites.

One other California protip. Liberals say there is no "in-person voter fraud" or whatever. The reason for this choice of words is that California does not consider being a citizen a necessity to vote in it's states elections. They have purposefully carved out legal grey areas to allow non-citizens to vote and leverage the government without fear of arrest.

Attached: california-voter-fraud.png (1284x1692, 295K)

The only problem is that as people in the US comes to their senses, actually have to pay their own bills, be self-reliant, and so forth.... the shitlib jews will illegally import a hoard of ""NEW Americans"" to take your place. They will leverage the state to steal from you in order to sustain their new sacred cow parasites.

If you won't vote democrat, they will import people who will.

Attached: its-very-simple-to-understand-really-if-americans-wont-vote-for-democrats-then-we-will-import-people (1199x648, 101K)

Maybe we should do something about the Jews involvement in importing foreigners instead of being distracted by the foreigners.

Looks like im gonna have to shoot my way out.

I remember it didn't pass public vote, but the judges forced it into law anyways.

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They have to go back.

Pretty sure most white people in California (other than those in the Bay Area) vote red. The problem is the droves of illegal beaners who somehow get to vote. I need to move to Idaho before I have a kid because I don't want them going to school with beaners like I had to.

We really need to get rid of Mexicans nationwide. Hispanics are the worst race that was ever created. Worse than blacks. For real. You folks back east who always complain about niggers don't know how good you've got it.

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Why the hell did they have Mexican flags? Did they think this would make people sympathetic towards them?

Attached: 1486429830175.jpg (420x308, 23K)

Middle class southern Californian here. I live in the only red county in the state and we still have all the problems op posted because of the state we live in if not more so because the republicans just pay lip service to immigration reform and never actually do anything about it. I welcome the nukes the rest of the country will drop on us.

Newport Beach is ultra conservative, on the coast and rich as fuck.

Orange County?

Yep. It's great around here. We literally live in apartheid with white neighborhoods, Mexican neighborhoods, and Asian neighborhood. Barely any niggers. I just wish this county could secede from the state.

>droves of illegal beaners who somehow get to vote

It's California Assembly Bill 60 and automatic voter registration at the California DMV. AB60 passed in 2013, and the deomcrat governor, as well as crooked, mafia-wired democrats in sanctuary cities, set up automatic voter registration at DMVs. Pic related. Liberals think it is bad that complete foreigners, mostly Mexican Reconquestas are "discriminated" against if we prohibit them from using the resources of the United States. Any time you hear "automatic voter registration", it is so democrats can give documents and status to illegal invader moocher groups to steal elections for them.

Attached: liberals-think-this-is-bad.jpg (638x479, 67K)

The only reason Orange is red is because you don't have enough big cities within your tiny-as-fuck county to import more beaners.

One day you will meet San Diego County's fate. We were the most conservative county in the state until around 2008.

Attached: mexico.gif (750x658, 141K)

There is no room for them to move to though. Seriously, were so jam packed and everything is so expensive I think it keeps them out.

I'm from Denver. Masses of Califags moved here in the 80s and 90s. While they weren't enough themselves to turn the city into a leftist shithole, they WERE enough to tip the left/right balance. Also, because of Cali's ridiculously inflated prices, they were able to price locals out of the market. I finally gave up around 2000 and moved to nice, conservative Nashville.

Guess what happened there?

The problem is that those aren't the people moving. It's the shitlibs.

>the republicans just pay lip service to immigration reform and never actually do anything about it

The wages of cuckservative lipservice is eventual extinction. Cuckservatives almost cause MORE damage since they neuter real, sane opposition to the looting, corruption, and dispossession. Cuckservatives give power to the jews and invaders by legitimizing their claims of "you're racist". Any time they say "I'm not racist", or "We are a melting pot" or whatever, they are doing the jews bidding for them. They are doing the bidding of the enemy, any time they even give the slightest light of day to their insanity instead of telling them to go fuck off and take a hard line against them.

Attached: reagan-spics-vote.jpg (1024x525, 136K)

No. Austin has always been weird. The city is the capital of Texas, and as such is the seat of power. Liberals love big government so want to live as close as they can to seats of power, thus Austin has always been liberal compared to Texas. That being said the old country liberals knew how to hunt and raise chickens and this new breed is just degenerate but I'm probably just being an old fuck.

t. 8th generation Texan

Being right next to Camp Pendleton helps as well. Good luck staying red past 2018 since Issa is not running again, and the woman Republicans are going to run seems like a RINO.

Attached: 2016-election-camp-pendleton-CA-49.png (1200x1164, 431K)

Yeah I'm moving out of the state asap and so are a lot of people. Taxes have gone up, groceries have gone up, overall quality of life has gone down, cost of living is up, and recently property values also went up so now is a good time to sell. I'm probably going to move to Minnesota or Idaho as they are the some of the last places spics will want to move to and I love cold weather.

CA-49, while firmly San Diego clay, is red due to rich people in La Costa and Orange. Marines have some of the lowest turnout here, if they're even registered to vote in California at all.

Also: a RINO is fine because at least Republicans ultimately vote with the party.

The Republican part is just as corrupt as the dems, they just lie about it. I wish this wasn't the case but they are shills for israel.

Addendum: The San Diego Republican Party is run by fags and trannies. It's really disgusting. They're worse than RINOs. Harkey is at least a rich white lady from Orange.

All of California is heading to Arizona. I know because I live in Arizona, and they stick out. It is depressing. I really dislike the natives, spics, shitlibs, and nogs. It just makes me sad. Why can't I live in a society filled with my own people? The natives at least get a place that's their land. Still they get shit faced and come to ours just so they can take a piss outside my window. Jeezus what the fuck are we going to do lads?

Ahmeds, Nogs, Cubans, Spics, and Poo In The Loos as far as the eye can see? That'd be my guess.

>voter votes republican
>Reagan legalizes millions of illegals
>"wtf? i love democrats now"
>voter votes democrat