How do we meme the Sweden Democrats to glorious victory in 2 months fellow anons?

How do we meme the Sweden Democrats to glorious victory in 2 months fellow anons?

The previous politicians have fucked us, eaten us and shit us out again. We, the Swedish people, have had enough. There is only one choice this year, boys. It is not yet another vote for the politicians who have made us look like and turned our country into shit. We all know that it is our time. We need a new alternative in the Swedish government, and our new realistic option not to get fucked over for four more years is the Swedish Democrats.

So fellow anons, what is the plan?

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Good question. It can’t be too dark or people will be afraid. Preferably would have some kind of social proof, since Swedes cannot stand up for themselves. That said, everybody is beyond fed up with the politicians that got us into this

We don't need to, Löfven will do it for us.

false flag pooping in the streets

The basic principle we need is conservative views on Sweden. The rest will fix itself. The only conservative party now is Sweden Democrats.

One approach would be to mock the attacks on SD. They have been painted as racists and nazis, maybe exaggerate this to call out the absurdity. Sweden is hardly 30% nazis.

We let the normies vote SD then we vote AfS so they get at least 4%.

By the way, the girl in the picture was expelled from the party when SD removed their youth party.

Yeah, sometimes the best victory is defeat, right?

As I said. The best choice is to get a conservative party in to normalize "tougher" opinions.

I think Löfvens voters are key. Meme to get those and the rest will follow.

I always wonder when they will run out, I mean the people that consider SD instead of S. At some point we will hit the radical feminists which are basically unturnable.

>what is the plan?

SD have cucked out. they are controlled opposition.

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Still a conservative ground. Enough to get people on the right track at least. The rest will figure out itself.

S has always been split in two parts, it really should be two parties. So at least half is certainly beyond hope, but they might OTOH split to fringe parties, which would greatly weaken S.

Hopefully not, MP must remain at 3,9%.

Yeah and Sweden Democrats always had a hidden opinion, which will show itself.

How about memes that just call attention to the absurdity of the situation? See pic related.

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Do you even understand what conservatism is?

It's not nationalism, it's not rightwing, it's not proactive. Conservatism only seeks to stabilize the current situation of if its host society. And the values of Swedish society is Socialdemocrazy, Equality and Welfare.

>Conservatism only works if the society it is conserving is already good.

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The functioning welfare state is the problem though. Swedish gibs are a natural Somalian attractor. The same thing happened in the US with the descendants of ethinc Swedes in Minnesota, they all moved there for gibs and defrauded the welfare system for millions and sent it back to Somalia. Plus, the whole Swedish welfare system is what gives S power, no? When you become a patron of a particular party, that party has power over you, and you become dependent on the handouts.

>when a party becomes your patron
fixed. plus don't most women in Sweden work in the public sector? that will keep them voting left.

Yes, but that’s kind of the point: a functioning welfare state cannot accept Somalis en masse. Somalis would be the “save the world” option. I guess it wasn’t clear enough.

Having spent the last week walking the streets of Almedalen it's obvious which party will get the most votes, and it's SD.

Now, this doesn't realistically mean shit because you need 51% to be the victor.

Next mandate will be another shit storm because even with SD as the biggest party no one will take their side on anything because butthurt, or something else arbitrary.

Being open about you voting SD, and eventually normalizing voting SD, is the only way to victory. We will get the most votes, but not until the other parties stop feeling like siding with SD means siding with evil will we actually win.

So, Swedeanon, buy a SD hat, walk the streets, talk to your friends and family about you voting SD. It is the only way, and it will take a lot of time and effort from our part.

Actually agree with you. Read pic related by the way. High IQ people knew in the 1800's that conservatism would go nowhere. It literally is not even an ideology.

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Haven't been to Jow Forums for ages and I am surprised that you still shill for SD.
SD will probably be the biggest party no matter what you or SD will be doing. It's a self rolling machine by now, election night will be crazy.

That's why, if you have any grasp about politics should vote for AfS.
They have better educated and more qualified people on their parliament list than any other party.
They are what people think SD is.
But they are not crawling on their knees like a mob victim for the media and the establishment like SD.
What have SD done, they could have done so much more in these seven years if they actually fought fire with fire.
Now SD is just a bleak resemblance of what it once was, which is why AfS is better.

If you have any questions regarding AfS politics I will gladly answer.

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You have to go back, Cai-Göran

>civic liberal cuckolds who wont do anything

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That's pretty much the SD platform minus flat tax.

Flat tax is stupid too, because it still uses the same shitty tax system that we have today, when really all labour and sales taxes should be abolished.

I will support any uncucking movement of Sweden because the migrants come to us through Tornio, and le laestadian engineer will never have the spine to close the borders.

Yeah but that does not mean that the current socialism is the same as today. 50 years ago it was pretty decent, but in recent years it has changed to be something "progressive" and "new"

You want the truth? Get on your knees and pray.

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>le laestadian engineer will never have the spine to close the borders.
All we need to do is to replace the Lesta with Master Halla-Aho and then close the border and let the Sw*des drown in their shit.

This guy is more or less right, but America has never had anything but radical liberalism and radical liberalism from a generation ago (conservatism). Movement left doesn't stop until your power structure stabilizes, and the American constitution is designed to prevent this from happening for fear of >gubmint overreach. The writers of the Constitution of course probably never considered that the government would refuse to enforce its own laws in the name of gaining more power.

SD is not that cucked, they are a cultural nationalists. Still a bit cucked, but on a scale from 1 to 10 they're a 3.5.

Halla-aho better win.

That is cuckery. Ethnic/racial nationalism or go home. Civic 'nationalism' isn't nationalism, it's globalism in one country.

Jag se helt enkelt inte hur de skiljer sig nog för att jag ska rösta på dem. SD vill ha asylstopp och återvandring vilket är de två viktigaste sakerna som finns.

Ethnic nationalism is ideal, cultural nationalism is a little cuckery, civic nationalism is high cuckery and open globalism is extreme cuckery. SD is in the cultural category.

I really don't get it. Your country have some minor problem so you vote for a racist? This is fanatical

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>The general Swedish population support immigrant critical parties around 25 - 28%
>Christian priests and deacons support immigrant critical parties at like 2.5 - 2.8%

oven yourself traitor

Fuck SD, are you retarded

I'd prefer segregated 'multiculti' crap than 'LOOK AT THIS BASED SOMALI WRAPPED IN A SWEDISH FLAG! BASED!'. In segregation they don't mix as much as a civic entity where they'd be encouraged to marry Swedes and 'integrate'. If you want civic nationalism look at the US.

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>If you have any questions regarding AfS politics I will gladly answer.

Create a website/board/megasharelink/thread where you keep dropping
>quotes by AfS politicans
>images of AfS politicians

Can't create good memes without good material

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You're the country has built a wall to keep Palestinians out and like half of your populace support deporting all nig nogs. Don't even fucking try.

>Implying priests and deacons represent christianity and God's will

oh man i'd love to fuck one of those with the costume on. no wonder all the fat ugly feminists support this shit


Conservative is key here. Dont forget that. And it will pave the way for more hardcore parties if people desire that. It is either that or start from ground up, very fucking slowly sucking cock for votes.

Again they're not civic nationalists, they want most nignogs and mudslimes to be repatriated back to their home countries. Again, not ideal, but it's cultural nationalism which is a step better than civic nationalism.

That's different

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>they're not civic nationalists
They're not even nationalists lmao

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It's generally similar for regular Christians. The most immigrant critical people in Sweden are young, white, non-religious males.

Christianity in western Europe is not like it is in America. In Europe, Christianity and all her institutions are in the spearhead of Islamisation and Africanisation.

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Wow, look who’s talking. The entire religion your country is founded on is racist, you”chosen one”.

You're right, Israelis look just like mudslimes so there's really nothing to preserve there.

SD har nämnt återvandring, av frivillig art. En sådan har vi redan idag. SD har mesat ur på så många frågor.
NATO-frågan är ju ett annat exempel där de bytte fot på en dag. Går inte att lita på SD längre.
SD har även fått en tendens att hoppa i frågor, fram och tillbaka. Precis som de övriga riksdagspartierna, ett knep för att förvirra väljarna. Irriterande.

AfS talar i alla fall klarspråk och talar om återvandring i sina samtliga framträdanden.
Uppmuntrar dig till att titta på alla deras almedalstal för att bilda dig en bättre uppfattning om partiet.

He's joking, calm down.

no I'm not signing in, there is titties here. I do not what is going on

also why can't I just click here. t HA boomer. you owe me money

>Christianity and all her institutions are in the spearhead of Islamisation and Africanisation.
That's horrifying. Doesn't mean you should stop praying, best of luck to you guys. I'll keep you in my prayers!

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>baby suffrage

Great quote, and proven 100% true

Gillar allt utan att ta bort plattskatt.
Hatar den kosmopolitiska borgerligheten och jag vill skatta dem till döds för sveket mot sverige

also, links to quotes where SD are cucking out is also helpful. Creating a few easy to read infographs/banners would help shutting up people like who haven't heard about SDs compromises on immigration

just post pics of blonde chicks being blacked

We don't. We sacrifice you for the greater good. You will serve as a warning to every future marxist pussy. You will be spoken of like people spoke of Nazi Germany 10 years ago.

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Yeah, that went right over my head.

Spiken i kistan för mig var när Mattias Karlsson skrev om partiprogrammet och tog bort delen om att ett land fungerar bättre med en etniskt homogen befolkning.

Get out of here Mohammed.

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mek me burgerchan

guess where all the slimes will go after we tank

They will come for you next Norway. Dont think you will be spared.

>unironically voting for the Perussuomalaiset
I hate to you but while they may be larping as "National Conservatives", they're in fact at best traditional Regressive Leftists. Not to mention that, closing the boarders isn't something that Finland is going to do our modern society.

I'm never joke about the second holocaust about to happen

Call the campaign ”Sista avstigning innan ändhållplats”.

Hade gärnat konfirmerat saken om iden om återvandring verkligen skulle ske frivilligt, men får inte den här länken att fungera:

Hag har dock sett det runt på några andra ställen, och frivillig återvandring är givetvis oacceptabelt. Återvandring måste vara obligatorisk.

Nu blir jag verkligen osäker. Har nästan lust att chance direktdemokraterna det här valet och satsa på AfS nästa.

Then you better prepare your anus, Israel.

Your women are very beautiful. That is all. Thank you.

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What do you suggest voting then? Kokoomus?

And no, I'm not wasting my vote on some Perähikiä Aryan Union with 0% chance of getting into the parliament.

Got your point, but I’ve seen the inside of some boardrooms and many are redpilled. They just can’t deal with the repercussions. It’s primarily our activist media that’s driving this.

You surely meant nordfront "zyklon" .se?

have beautiful people in your memes, giving people something to aspire to. make your brand enviable.

this is actually a good recommendation. false flags are EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE. it obviously takes more balls and planning and skills to execute, but if you can portray the opposition in as repulsive a light as you portray yourselves in an attractive one, victory will be within reach.

Haha no, I'd give it at least 20-25 years before we initiate the next one.

Please read Isaiah 53 in the tanakh. Yeshua is the messiah. Please become Messianic

It's a weird thought for Americans, but every European country has a state-run church. The Swedish Church is just another branch of government, and they are financed by tax payer money (about 3% of income tax goes to the state-run church). Every citizen is by default a member of the church from birth, and most people never opt out, because some people like some of the work that the church does, like maintaining historical buildings, beautiful churches and grave yards -- but there has been a big push from the "free churches" to leave the state church, so they've lost something like 300,000 members in the last few years.

Sweden has a fairly large Pentecostal and Baptist free church movement, and most of those people vote for Sweden Democrats or the Christian Values Party. The """"""""priests""""""""" and """""""deacons"""""""" in the state church are nothing more than agents of the state.

That's the big reason that the Swedish Church is so fanatically pro-LGBT, cultural marxist, anti-nationalist, etc. They are not even remotely Christian.

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I'm preparing by countering hate. I will use all the energy I can use to fight people like you!

I will make sure it won't ever happen again! Never!

Seems like it’s time for a crusade

Unlike most of Jow Forums I am not a complete anti semite. Please read Isaiah 53. Also view the YouTube channel, "One for Israel" Yeshua is the messiah.


Wow I had no idea. Thanks for enlightening me.

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Problem with voting AfS or NMR is that you are allowing Social Democrats to win. AfS and NMR will not be biggest this year anyway, so a vote for them is a vote for Löfven. Then SD is maybe not the optimal party, but at least they are not S or M

Isn't church membership heredary? Like you only are a member at birth if your parents are, right? And then you can freely choose to leave or join if you want to.



It wasn't real the first time, but you're going to meme it to happen the way you people behave.

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It was real, but only 4 million Jews died and there were only labour camps, no gas chambers.

Anyone can convert to Christianity because Jesus is salvation