Why do anti-vaxers drive liberals insane?

Vaccines causing autism seems more plausible than SUVs melting ice caps and causing hurricanes.

What is it about anti-vaxers that infuriates the shitlibs so much?

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because like global warming it's something that they can point to and say they're smart because they 'believe in science' without having to understand or look at any of the actual science themselves

One reason is because they want government controlling everyone's lives. And they have no God, so they worship the State as God, and if the State-God says vaccines are good then they must be good. To deny that is blasphemy. Also vaccines are poison.

Perhaps they're afraid that a vaccine against homosexuality will be discovered and are eager to vaccinate people with AIDS.

You know, equal things ect..

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The truth is the loss of the idolotry of science scares the shit out of them, and the possibility of declining profit margins scares their owners...err, I mean rich statists.

science is not what it is defined; rather, it is a cult of pseudointellectuals who leverage it to expand their superiority complexes

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They literally can't stand for someone to not accept what they believe to be the truth. You see a lot of this behavior from them with regards to flat earthers as well.

check this out

Shill sells anti-vax "study", you believe it, they're proven wrong and eventually come out as it being a falsified study for money. Hmmm. Probably doesn't make sense to believe it.

>anti-vaxers drive liberals insane

antivaxers drive insane to everyone with a brain. Please explain me why as a conservative I should not care about children.

imblying there's money in doing true anti vax research

Doesn't matter what good vaccines do or not. It should be your choice whether to give them you your kids.

So your feelings are more important than all the old people and others with weakened immune systems. Gotcha.

If they are vaccinated themselves whats the problem?

Many people with compromised immune systems (cancer, AIDS, many other diseases, age) can't be vaccinated. This is especially important in fighting influenza which requires yearly boosters.
Your feelings of smug superiority actually kill people.

>Many people with compromised immune systems (cancer, AIDS, many other diseases, age) can't be vaccinated.
Because it would kill them? You just made my point.

thank you for making me feel alot better about not vaccinating my two children, my wife and myself!
Started to doubt my decision but you made me realize I did the right thing!
Also, fuck people with shitty immune systems!

They hate them because anti vaxxers don't buy shit at face value and do their own research, kinda like sane people and marxism.
They identify with the state instead of their parents, in this case anti vaxxers are shitting on their golden calf hence the salt

This kills the big pharma shill

this. like conspiracy theorists and haarp

Stupid people get to feel superior by looking down on even stupider people.

No, because it wouldn't do anything. Unless they're allergic, then it'll kill them. But that doesn't make vaccines themselves bad any more than it makes strawberries bad because some people are allergic to them.

Anti-vaxxers are actual retards, but leftists tend to blindly believe authority. They don't understand immunology, so they sperg out when challenged by people who are objectively stupid. They don't know why they're right, so if their opinions are impeached the cognitive dissonance kills them.

Anti-vaxers mainly occur in blue areas in America, so here, they're liberals.
Is it different in Australia?

anti-vaxers inffuriate intelligent people with their willfull ignorance, and false sense of superiority

hahaha you deserve all the nigger rape you can get Pablo, hope your conservative ass get the fucking polio, even though you were vaxxxed against it!
Vaccines are a meme, the real deal is Epidemiology, epidemiology is what dropped the rates, vaccines did nothing but kick start new epidemics (see polio in the 1950s) and later with the advent of adjuvants a couple of generations with brain swelling, lowered IQ and a compromised immune system.

Seriously get fucked you spanish piece of shit, enough niggers cannot rape your country for your foul opinion.

>do their own research
Watching spoopy youtube videos is not research.
There is no research that debunks the value of vaccines because they are objectively a boon for humanity and have empirically kept diseases in check that used to regularly ravage the communities they'd flare up in.

Huh, another "coincidence"

It's so fucking annoying reading what these pseuds have to say. Regurgitating what they're told with no understanding of it doesn't make them "smart".

I agree, they view science and (((experts)) as God and his prophets but in reality science is a popularity contest run by central banks and the (((experts))) tend to play dominoes on pasta rather than do any research.

believing thousands of independant professionals around the world is smart, comming to conclussion based on a day of internet "research" and some shitty already discredited studies is stupid

Sup Canafag, who taught you that bullshit?
disease causation, transmission, outbreak investigation, disease surveillance, forensic epidemiology, occupational epidemiology, screening, biomonitoring, and comparisons of treatment effects are the cause of the "boon" vaccines just made millions sick and a few thousand very wealthy.

But, alas, you are a leaf and probably too dumb to realize that correlation =/= causation.
Get the fuck back to reqqit fucking nigger.

This actually coincides more with a spread of soap and better understanding of hygiene (shower at least couple times a week, not once every couple of months) as well as improvement to transportation network, which means fresh fruit and vegetables available to more people.

Science have been proven wrong before. Not that long ago doctors were prescribing cocaine and smokes for various aliments.

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The risks of getting hurt by any of these diseases, not even counting the ridiculous odds of actually catching it in the first time, are FAR lower than getting hurt buy injecting chemicals and compounds into your blood stream.
Stop running the jews errands Pole, didn't WW2 teach you anything?

fuck yeah! QUADS!
Vaxxing Kikedicksuckers eternally btfo

also that post was meant for that pole who loves getting monkey cancer cells in his blood!

>legitimate lists of historical health declines from common-use vaccine methods
>list of cons and exploitations caused by a society leveraged by vaccines
>statements of suspicion against 'Big Pharma', often followed by more historical statements and annotations

>you're too dumb to understand it, it's good because it just is

i'm not a fan of tending toward bias in conclusions, but every time these threads crop up, this is the only result that ever occurs. the only ones giving legitimate proofs and arguments are the ones on the side of anti-vaccine, while pro-vaccine just vomits ad-hominem and vague science mumbo

i'd like to make a request on the behalf of all lurkers for pro-vaxx crowd to step up their fucking game in the future please

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I think its true, either it only effects boys or there is a certain percentage chance via the vaccines.
Truth is though can they make them without the side effects.


>$0.5 has been deposited into your account.

KEK has spoken.
All hail. Maybe there is hope for Sweden.

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>Vaccines causing autism seems more plausible than SUVs melting ice caps and causing hurricanes.

Vaccines are good, just take the Thiomersal out and don't give them to children at such a young age. If most people get them between the ages of 18 and 65 we will not have anymore outbreaks than we do already. The fear mongering of pro-vaxxers pisses me off as much as the conspiracy theorizing of the anti-vaxxers

i don't really agree with the comparison, since both examples are a body being given an abrupt foreign substance. at least it wasn't the usual food analogy

What are vaxers so afraid of if they're vaccinated?


that's because the way vaccines work is by introducing a weakened strain of the virus to your body which your immune system learns to take care of. giving a person with a weak immune system a virus is not a good idea you fucking retard
only person who actually knows what they're talking about

sane spainiard

Anti-Vaxxers believe that every disease can be cured by working out, taking CBD oil, and eating a keto diet.

Is Rogan anti-vaxx then?

Yupp, a big one is tetanus, which was almost entirely transmitted by doctors to their patients because they would not clean their equipment, once they started cleaning up their act the instances dropped like a stone, but the fear of it remained and still persists even though basically no one ever catches because people aren't disgusting 19th century pedo doctors keeping aprons stained with former patients blood on as a statement of competence.

Fuck, you people are easy to trick, I basically have to forgive the kikes, why wouldn't they con you faggot ass retards.

It's just so weird because usually lefties are more than happy to sacrifice several people for the benefit of a single person. Why are vaccines different? Why doesn't the "my body my choice" argument count here? Why are they ok with people giving HIV to innocent people, but think it's a second holocaust when innocent people get infected with polio? Faggots think condoms are bothersome and don't care that they give HIV to random people. Anti-vaxxers think vaccines are bothersome and don't care that they spread illnesses to random people. Why does the left treat these two groups so differently?

being proven wrong

not being special 'cause they're vaccinated like everyone else

>vaccines aren't natural so it's BAD
>but it's my choice!

No Rogan is a fucking idiot in general. People who don't have any disease believe that anything can be cured with diet, exercise, and weed products.

When you have an actual disease, you know that shit won't do too much if anything.

Because it's irrational and idiotic to be an antivaccer. You really think there's a massive conspiracy to hide that vaccines are harmful? For what purpose? And it's not harmless conspiracy to believe in like flat-earthers, you are literally putting innocent bystanders - mostly kids- at risks. Furthermore, at least from where I'm from all the anti-vaccers are the far left hippie types. I guess extreme beliefs and irrational thought go hand in hand.

shitlibs are shitlibs because they are people highly susceptible to programming, the very emotional reaction to anti vaxxers is a built in mechanism received through reddit and the media.

>Your feelings of smug superiority actually kill people.
Sometimes freedom comes at a cost.

Anti vaxxers are the and type of people who think essential oils cure cancer.
People who are adamant that vaccines are perfectly safe are generally lefty faggots who think they government would never lie to them.
The way I handle it is to get the big important ones, and refuse the lesser ones (like flu). The risk of getting something like polio and dying is more than the risk of side effects from the vaccine.
If I get foot flu then I'll live. Get something like cholera, probably not. Plus, being in an immigrant shithole it's a good idea to get protection against third world diseases since they don't exactly have the herd immunity that the native population built for so long.

>believing thousands of independant professionals

That's the problem right there. An appeal to authority stops your critical thinking dead in its tracks. Perhaps you should open your mind to the possibility that they're wrong.

*If I get flu
Fucking phone

Having too much sex during pregnancy causes autism.
Even arousal alters womb hormones.
People with autistic kids have only their own lasciviousness to blame.
Putting their pleasure high above their future child. Disgusting.
Virtually all wild female mammals reject copulation during pregnancy.

If the anti vax people are right that’s an argument against the state and against (or at least not for) raising taxes. The left see taxes as a good thing in itself, never mind how crazy that may seem to you.

>If a person is immunodeficient, you can't vaccinate them because they don't have an immune system to form memory
>Oh yeah?! Well here's the CDC's list of side effects of vaccines that has nothing to do with immunodeficiency!
Keep in mind that adverse effects are declared based on correlation, not causation. If out of 10,000 people getting a shot, 3 have some problem, it gets listed as an adverse effect. Almost all of the listed effects are indicative of an intact immune response, and are not actually caused by the vaccine itself, but rather the body's own immune system acting in a normal and healthy way.
Just wait until you realize how dirty white coats are, but because they did studies that show patients have an improves psychological response they keep them around.
The reason why flu vaccines are important is because the people who typically die from the flu are the people who can't be vaccinated, so they rely on herd immunity. I get it because I work in health care, but your way is probably pretty rational.

related essential redpill

>Of all members of the mammalian family, civilized man alone is a victim of an exaggerated and morbid sexual urge, a condition which he has inflicted, to a certain extent, on the animals which he has domesticated and which have adopted his diet, especially the dog. Wild animals in a state of nature practice copulation only at certain mating seasons for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act at all times, and in most cases without intention to conceive. On the other hand, so-called savages and primitive races leading more natural lives and who follow their natural instincts to a greater extent are far chaste in their sexual behavior, as noted by Havelock Ellis. Such considerations must lead one to the conclusion that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural and that the excessive manifestation of the sex urge among them is due to certain aphrodisiacal stimuli rather than to natural instinct; among such stimuli are a high-protein meat diet (if accompanied by physical inactivity), the use of tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, dramas, motion pictures, conversation, etc. For these reasons civilized man has departed from the natural law, obeyed by animal and primitive races, which requires the separation of the sexes during pregnancy and lactation, for the benefit of both mother and child. Violation of this law may account for the large number of physically and mentally defective offspring produced by civilized races as compared with animals and primitive peoples.

The sexual revolution was a mistake.

Nah, everyone here are vaxxing like crazy, we gotta move soon since the kids are getting into mandatory school age.
No vaxx
No Kikergarten
No Pedositters
No TV programming
No dairy
No gluten
No söy
Just giving them the least amount of trauma possible while waiting for them to be able to be reasoned with.

My kids basically eat rotten apples cause it makes them drunk, but they never fucking get sick... I don't know what to do, the little fuckers won't get sick no matter how low effort I put in to keep them from eating shit of the ground.

All the vaxxed kids are sick all the time for some reason, probably more related to their shitty pasta/pizza/bread diet than their exposed immune system from the (((serum))).

I totally don't mind you doing what you think is best for your rats, but, the moment you want to force me to do what you want or even try to shame me into accepting that I'm putting someone else in danger for not going along with what you believe, you turn into a fucking demon and I only want to see you and your blood suffer.
I literally started hating Canada, Poland and Spain for these three retarded posters, who I FUCKING KNOW are kikes.
Do you also support kids being raped, so they are better at doing anal later in life?
Pro vaxxers = Pedo enabling.
It's basically about putting something into a childs body without consent, which can't be given by a child.

Pick your fucking side carefully Jow Forums
one day it might save your life.

Jesus would have hated vaccines.

I work in healthcare as well and always refuse it. I've had nurses try to bully me into getting it, saying I can lose my job and a load of crap but I still refused. I had it once and was ill as fuck for two weeks after, even though it's not a live vaccine.

Nobody was against vaccinations for real killers like smallpox, diphtheria, and polio. Now they're insisting on giving vaccines for disease that are relatively harmless.

Did they actually do human trials on these? Some of these are given at 6 months of age, a time when the neurons in the brain are starting to make connections. It wouldn't surprise me if vaccines given at a young age push some kids over the edge. Remember Thalidomide?

My God we have found her gentlemen..
The mythical Liberal Queen.

Interesting theory. I also heard anal sex during pregnancy will provide you with a gay son.

Swedes are fucking retards.

you're the parent of that Christian kid in school who wasn't allowed to celebrate Halloween

I'd be more worried about your children being raped by Ahmed than being given autism by vaccines

No. Vaccines are the only medication on earth that requires no actual scientific data. The FDA just makes sure there's enough thiomersal in the formulation and approve.

if you think I'm retarded you'd prolly love swedes, they love the boot as much as the next guy.
But, if you're calling blue pilled Swedes retards, yeah I could not agree more, they KBG subversion went deep here, most are totally demoralized, but now all of a sudden all the migrant crime has awakened something really feisty in people. I might even grow some hope for this retarded nation!
But, you probably just called me a retard, in that case, fuck you nigger, I'm going to move to the U.S just to fuck with people like you!

Alright, I'll be waiting.

good theory.
good digits

>vaccine against homosexuality
That would mean it's genetic and "natural"

to do what? Act salty because you cannot force me to adhere to your will?
You sound like a kike or a victim of their practices.

This is such a kike issue that only newfags would fall for.
After every invasion it's the same trick, the kikes know they blue pilled normies love their vaccines so they try to make it a hot topic when Jow Forums has rejected vaccines and the (((scientific))) data supporting the benefits of it.

We just want you goyim to be free. Sad.

Yes. Im not anti vaccination, but if you are then it is your right to not vaccinate.

Sickly people can go to hell, i don't want the precedent set that i can be compulsively injected with chemicals for the benefit of others.

You don't want to get sick? Get the vaccine. This is an argument that revolves solely around tribe security vs. Individual liberty, and I will pick liberty every time.

What's the most interesting to me is how little capability in using science the people arguing over it have. I see so many people making claims they do not understand or reposting information they discover but can't review.

Science is a method. Every human is a peer.

>why do scammers want you to pay for their vaccine scam
>why do scammers want you to pay their carbon tax scam
gosh I dunno

Naturally, perverts would be having the most sex, and that alone would profoundly affect neonatal development.
Anal "intercourse" could have two adverse mechanisms that contribute to defective off spring.
1. Opportunistic infections
2. If the penis is large, in the rectum, it's bound to contort against proximal tissues surrounding the uterus where the head of the fetus is, inducing trauma to the developing child's brain. Look at any pregnancy anatomy drawing and see for yourself how close the fetus is.

It's an affront to human knowledge, should be punished with jail or even death, and the progeny should be aborted.


This times a billion. Why do vaccine courts exist to settle lawsuits in secret, why do some mothers of twins experience regression of both children immediately after being vaccinated, pro-vaxxers are sheep.

You mean grids


Vaccines are dysgenic alchemy brought to you by the (((puritans))) and the royal society. Watch "UnSpun 112 – Holly Seeliger & Caleb Thomas: “Pandemics & Plagues: Manufactured Genocide"" on YouTube

The same ones that supported lobotomies for depression and smoking for breathing problems?

Don't be a fucking moron, quackery slides under the radar all the time, traps being a great example.

The sexual revolution wasn't a mistake it was manufactured. Watch "UnSpun 052 - The CIA's Creation of Flower Power Exposed: Fifty Years of Mind Control" on YouTube

The idea of someone distrusting the government makes them panic

I think it is because you have to be literally a retard to believe that vaccines cause autism. Also since global warming is clearly real, and can be confirmed by even the minimally non simple.

A baby is given a shot for a rare sexually transmitted disease (hep b) 12 hrs after birth. I don't care what side of the debate your on this is obviously wrong. If you can convince millions to do this then you can convince millions that 3 yr olds are choosing to be transsexual.

What level of education do you have good sir?

Most hep B is not sexually transmitted. You clearly do not understand science at all . top kek

>wait you didn't get your vaccines that the same govt is behind?

It says it's a possible side-effect on the fucking inserts you total spastic.

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people claim autism caused by vaccination?
>state of murrica

A lot of anti vaxxers are also extreme liberals. In the mid 2000s all these demsocs were pushing the antivax shit. This shit changes depending on who is in charge.

it's funny because this whole anti-vaxxer shit started with one professional publishing a study that many gullible people read into

>What is it about anti-vaxers that infuriates the shitlibs so much?

probably fucking homeschooled

Being this stupid that you post literal fake pics AND call others dumb. I am truly scared for this world.


>Vaccines causing autism seems more plausible than SUVs melting ice caps and causing hurricanes.
>seems more plausible
No, it doesn't

i dont care what they say about you and no matter how much vaccines steal your thunder, youll always be my favorite

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It started with people reading the inserts and questioning why pharmaceutical industries take no responsibility for any side-effects.

It's the equivalent of someone saying their bridge is perfectly safe but won't issue compensation if it randomly collapses beneath you.

Snopes? Really? Get an insert and read it for yourself, it's not fake and is easily accessible.

Yet clearly states that it is based off peoples self reported issues. Hence someone claiming it gave them autism. Are you poor by the way?

most anti-vaxxers are libshits.