Being a Trump supporter is racist

Prove me wrong

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the retards here literally can't and will report you because they are uneducated rural idiots (as proven by multiple credible polls)

Roll you dirty kike

Someone's triggered
Come here take you lost dignity white boi

Oy vey.. Just reverse the situation. White guy goes to Mexico, pulls this shit against mexican wearing an el presidenta hat... I bet to you the white guy is the racist in both examples.


No need to. I don't like brown people of any shade, and voted for the candidate most likely to help ensure I have minimum interaction with them

So how big is your nose?

It's funny that leftists have tried to meme with this brainlet who's now facing years in prison and, at the very least, a felony record that will ruin his life all because he had no self-control and had to pick on a group of children at a burger place. Please keep acting like clowns and self-removing yourself from any voting rights, gun ownership, or respectable career. It's really quite hilarious.

you forgot the proxy jew faggot

But the only person heard yelling racial slurs in that vidya was the brown guy?

Is he racist because he said the N-word?

>when your bait is so stale you have to use your Jew flag for (you)s

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Being a jew is racist. Prove me wrong.

possible correlation between the two. but it does not come without reason, you think we're just gonna let you kikes commit white genocide and institute communism in the U.S... let's be real now

another one post wonder.

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Ok, and?

i fucking hate spics and niggers

>Prove me wrong

You're from Israel. Which means you're wrong.


Being an anti Trump supporter is being a violent criminal

prove me wrong

You can't because racism is a good thing : ^ )

i don't care lol

This is not his first felony. Along with DUIs, robbery and something else, he's been convicted of molesting his nephew.
There's a chance he was violating parole on that charge by even interacting with a minor.


>Not an argument

There. You're wrong. Provide me with an argument next time, and we can have a rational discussion.

Our currency is better than yours so get fucked jew.

San Antonio is owned by the DNC/Cartels. The Warden will let him out for Christmas. Just like what they do with the others.

there is nothing wrong with racism.

Impeach drumph now!!!1

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Idiot alert...

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It is impossible to prove you wrong. I'm a Trump supporter who hates all nonwhites, including satanic kikes like you.

Don't tell me what to do.



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Voting in your own interests doesn’t imply racial superiority. Delete this thread pussy

Impeach blumpf

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I Thought you were white kike?hahahaa GAS fire up the oven!

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he's in prison

Race isn't real ergo racism doesn't exist. Get fucked shlomo. We're better at your game than you.

you mean county jail. completely different in almost every aspect.

Yep. This one's going to prison, bitch.

Eyewitness testimony says that these Whataburger MAGA kids were saying completely racist shit about blacks and browns. And that's why Kino approached them. Unfortunately the leftists were too stupid to video record the MAGA teens saying that shit and getting them doxxed.
You fucking morons need to be careful what you say in public. You never know when someone is going to get out their smartphone and record you.
I hope these MAGA teens get their just desserts. Since they basically ruined Kino's life. Even though they are racist shitheads who instigated the encounter openly talking about wanting to hang black and brown people.

>Being a Trump supporter is racist
>Prove me wrong
Muh "BASED" niggers and "BASED" kikes, Jerusalem is the real capital goyim!
>inb4 tokenism
MAGApedes hate "notsees" more than they hate commies; they're more anti-Fa than antifa.

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>Eyewitness testimony
The only "witness" being Kino and his friend lol. Notice the dark skin of the kids in the video? Fucking leftard shill.

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