Daily reminder that alcohol is poison. Don't fall for the Fermented Jew.
Daily reminder that alcohol is poison. Don't fall for the Fermented Jew
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Dose determines the poison, not the substance.
beer and wine are wine white culture.
wine is not white
neither is mongolia 2
The delicate happa
Or, have some self control and drink in moderation. A couple beers a week is good for you.
t. fattest country in the world
Never touched the stuff.
it seems like all successful people are teetotalers
What am I looking at?
>poison is good for you in small doses
I don't think so, tim
source on her? i wanna drunk fuck her
The hapa master race.
/b/ros it's' bad i've taken the tech healer juice from wowhaka mx, ples rek a mend? halp
Sure, but it's not from alcohol. Most Americans hardly drink.
i drink user ...
i drenk
I haven't drank in almost 2 years and I honestly look 5 years younger.
Are you also fat?
>Beer was the most commonly consumed form of alcohol, but with an alcohol content significantly lower than today’s beers. Careful reading of contemporary sources including cookery and domestic economy books suggest that the alcohol percent of beer consumed in the home was probably only 1% to 2%; often less as it was watered down, especially for consumption by women and children [43,46,47]. In pubs, the alcohol content of beer was more regulated and generally higher, ranging from 2% to 3%. These are still weak beers, compared to today’s average of around 5%. Spirits were more intermittently consumed by men and rarely by women: respectability and gin did not go together [48]. Working class men and women seldom drank wine, except for port or sherry. A third or more of households were temperate or teetotal, partly due to the sustained efforts of the anti-alcohol movement. [49,50].
its already known that asians get red in the face
why have to use a Hapa?
Joss fong.
This was a vid demonstrating asians are deficient and cant break down alcohol properly, then end up with vinegar in their blood stream which turns them red. Not vasodilation which turns white people red.
>In terms of alcohol consumption, the comparisons with today are also revealing. Many contemporary reports suggest that around a fifth of Victorian working class men might, when employed, spend up to a fifth of their income on beer [61]. Assuming an average urban income ranging from £1 to £4 per week, and given mid-century pub prices of 3d to 8d per pint for beer, the reported expenditure would account for around 16 pints to 20 per week maximum or between three and four pints per night. As Victorian beer generally had an alcohol content ranging between 1 and 3.5% [62], this is equivalent to one and a half to two pints of beer per day in contemporary terms. Seen in this light, the huge Victorian concerns about drunkenness in the Victorian working classes appear to be more a reflection of respectable morality than a real public health issue [63]. Cost implications ensured that for most, the Victorian ‘alcohol problem’ was certainly less significant than it is in our time, when the frequency of public drunkenness and levels of injury and illness have become a serious public health concern (64). Finally, mid-Victorian tobacco consumption was very much lower than today.
Reminder that alcoholism is pure degeneracy and is NOT European culture
why is beer good for you in small doses
Moron alcohol was around before the fucking Jews lol
I never made the assertion that it was.
>then end up with vinegar in their blood stream which turns them red. Not vasodilation which turns white people red.
Really? Link for this?
i thought you were the same guy
Its sort of like aspirin in that it thins blood. Also, depending on what vitamins/minerals you need it can help deliver those things into the blood faster. It is pretty common knowledge in medical/herbal/historical fields that alcohol is in proper doses strictly beneficial for humans.
In small amounts in order to kill waterborne bacteria
Modern binge drinking clubbing culture is a travesty promoted by corporate alcohol interests, alcoholism is a sign that you/your culture has given up on life, see: the native americans
Nice try, Shlomo. Alcohol is a staple of white cultures and has been for all of recorded history. Only you middle eastern desert kikes and mudslimes have a problem with it.
Have you seen the average white person that partakes in "drinking culture" they are overweight, prematurely aged, low IQ morons suffering severe health problems both physical and mental, a disgrace!
Read this to see how alcohol was viewed when white civilization was respectable
Don't say I never gave you anything user
>European culture
Opinion discarded. Leave it to a retarded fucking leaf to equate regular alcohol consumption that is part of European culture to weekend binge drinking.
You sound low IQ.
On the right picture her blood pressure is elevated as suggested by the redening of her face. Her eyes are watery which is usual under alchohol consumption. Her eyes are more relaxed due to the gaba upregulation alcohol causes. Gaba is a central nervous system relaxing hormone. If you have high values of this hormone you feel more safe, relaxed, sleepy, accepting things you might not usually want.
While in the left her gaze is still focused. Sharp, analytic. Critical
She seems to be faced with an uncomfortable situation of social nature in both gifs. On the left side she reacts reserved. While on the right she is accepting and submitting and even enjoying the situation even if its of uncomfortable nature.
If I put my seed in a Japanese waifu will my child look like OP's pic?
It will be even uglier, so don’t do it.
i used to party a lot but now every time i drink even just half a beer i get sick
am i dying of cancer?
Everything is a poison at high dose (the ld50 for water is 6 litres) . Drinking a few beers is not going to impact your health in any significant way. If you're not only consuming whole organic food just shut the fuck up.
There are verifiable studies showing beer and red wine in moderation actually act as an anti-axodiants, and beer in particular is full of amino acids and vitamins
Look who's talking. The British drinking culture is way more severe than in America
joss fong(OP) is an AMWF hapa
the Jews first evolved around the Cambrian explosion, long before mammals had emerged, let alone humans or agriculture
This. Fpbps.
you such a retard. maybe once you should get your fat ass out and drink something and maybe then you will get some pussy you virgin.
Mexico is the fattest country in the world you fucking moron.
Holy shit you are so drunk right now you can barely type, fucking get it together. You need alcohol to get laid? Embarrassing, develop some social skills.
>30% of people don't drink.
Interdasting. Also, how the fuck do you have 73.85 drinks a week and not die in a month?
lots and lots and LOTS of practice
that's only 10 a day m8 that's child's play. I did 15-20 a day for years
Don't drink water either. Fish poop in it. Diseases can kill you
she's very fuckable
get the fuck out, reddit retard
>guise, its okay, its just a little mercury/lead/fluoride/aluminum/ect.
fucking intellectually dishonest FAGGOT
Getting drunk is poison and stupid, nothing wrong with a beer every now and then.
The oldest recipe for anything that has ever been found was for beer.
A single shot of whiskey a day won't really hurt you.
Anything in excess is bad.
What is the OP image trying to show? I'd screw either but the the one on the right looks hotter.
Drinking alcohol changes your white balance?
I drink regularly but I don't remember the last time I had more than 8 in a night. Maybe like twice in my life that's happened.
Call me a pussy but I always know my limit and it's usually 5 or 6
whoever thinks that alcohol is good in small doses is a fag
Prohibitionist's did nothing wrong
I bet you would argue in favor of legal heroin (ad long as it's in small amounts of course)
>all of the people who conducted peer-reviewed studies proving moderate alcohol intake is good for you are fags
Churchill was alcoholic
he also sold out his nation and attacked a peaceful superpower because of the Rothschilds
why do you think Hitler let the BEF escape at Dunkirk?
As an actual chemist/pharmacologist, you're wrong nigga. Just as the other reply states, some substances are fundamentally damaging to biological structures and processes. It is about the cytoplasmic environment the drug induces on a range of your cells that determines poison or not. If that shit even slightly alters the biological process of a cell in a negative factor with no positive that is called poison nigga. That being said I just indulged in some poison 10 minutes ago, and nigga I'm chillin' with some latinx sluts.
PS Argentinean people are not white
t. Gringo in BA
What dose of hydrogen fluoride isn't poison?
So alcohol can turn Asians white? Wow.
None of what you stated as benefits is related to the ethanol itself.
Go drink dealcoholized beer or wine then and stop being a degenerate.
Why the fuck shouldn't we have legal heroin?
Anyway beer is shit and contains estrogen.
Drink wine like a true med.
lol this muslim thinks it's subversive
I'm picking up some booze tonight for the first time in a month. I don't care if it's unhealthy, moderation is key
white power!
> alcoholism is a sign that you/your culture has given up on life
She looks better with the blushing
>As an actual ... myself
>le reddit edit
wew lad
Wine is Iranian invention
>alcohol is degenerate
>the people who built western civilization didn't drink plenty of beer and wine
much of europe wouldn't have survived the dark age if beer wasn't available to drink as the water was too contaminated with germs to be safe. just because you or some other certain people can not handle a substance does not make it degenerate. you sound like a child.
>have a beer or two/night during the week
well fuck
Wine is the only redpilled alcohol (it's literally red, queers). Everything else is nigger-tier.
>In small amounts in order to kill waterborne bacteria
Complete myth, doesn't actually happen (you can very sick on beer brewed with unclean water and not boiling was standard for beermaking until the last couple hundred years).
The people who invented wine and beer didn't have the capacity to create much of it. It's kind of how refined sugar wouldn't be a problem for modern day people if an hour of minimum wage labor didn't make it possible to buy more sugar than you should probably use in several months.
There are wine aunts out there who probably drink more than ancient queens.
right looks better than left.
>The people who invented wine and beer didn't have the capacity to create much of it
what the fuck are you on about? simple forms of wine literally make themselves. people just made their own instead of having commercial wineries. are you trying to imply there was a shortage of barley and grapes?
>tfw drink maybe a six pack at most every other weekend in the privacy of my own home and I maybe ramp that up more in the summer during lake season
>tfw apparently part of some invisible drinking culture
It's true, you have to build tolerances to things, like bullets. start with BBs, shootin' yourself in the foot and work your way up. I'm at 9mm atm, it's pretty rough.
Thanks for the (you) le Trudeau faggot. Do you not respect rich lantinx culture and fat culo'd chicas? lol
I like left. Right looks/acts like typical cunts.
It's Georgian actually. Sidenote: they also make the best brandy I've ever had.
Alcohol has ruined our women. Don't date a girl that drinks.
lol 9mm
That's not really too much. 2 drinks an hour for 5 hours after work.
>haha you're trudeau gotcha
spic women look like hobgoblins and they all have a moustache and that weird gut by 30.
sorry for offending reddit, I didn't mean to strike a nerve
I'm so glad I don't drink.
Modern alcohol prices are incredibly low by historical standards. Mass production of the beverages and especially mass production of the vessels in which they are distributed has made alcohol consumption much cheaper and easier than ever before.
the burger is correct, it's georgian.
this iranian will kick your narrow ass irl dude.