How do we annihilate feminists for good?

The rebellious spirit of degeneracy has become mainstream, now us right wingers (the correct ones) are the counter culture. we need to annihilate feminist, gay and black culture for good

Attached: snacks.png (250x261, 60K)

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Step 1: Gas the kikes

I actually think kikes aren't causing all of this, I think it's public school indoctrinating our young teens and children


Only the power of the benis will save them.

Kek. Naïve.

Attached: jewishslaveowners.jpg (800x600, 85K)

Slut shaming, for starters.

It is because of the kikes

Step 2: race war now

Race War is easier than ever thanks to the DNA tests :D

Don't tell that to NBC

Attached: JUST.jpg (690x960, 54K)

I need a fact check on if that's real.

I don't doubt it though. I listen to NPR a lot and it's like reporting from inside the asylum.

>how do we x
>doesn't actually do anything IRL to do "x"
How do you sleep at night being such a LARPer?

>I actually think kikes aren't causing all of this,
So you're saying that the kikes aren't behind feminism?

>inb4 you never post again.

lol what the fuck is nbc even saying with that tweet? We don't need to prove she belongs to a specific tribe, we're trying to prove whether she has any Native blood at all which they just admitted is absolutely possible.

I'm supprised they decided to go full science denial instead of calling Trump racist.

It's only science denial if it goes against the green warming narrative, you racist.

Why not organize via irc or something? Jow Forums's decentralization has its usefulness, but organizing allows bigger strategic reach and concentrates weight on whatever op is planned

This is a board of love and peace.

If you can;'t organize with IRC or anything else then you are a loser at life pic related

Attached: Gregory-Peck---To-Kill-a-Mockingbird-Photograph-C10103782.jpg (359x450, 38K)

Stop being thirsty.