How did these gooks defeat American imperialism?

How did these gooks defeat American imperialism?

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Bc they were literally savages (Asian apes)

that's prob ARVN pointing the gun at her


The same way asians destroy western sexuality today: lots of traps

They didn't.

Quick summary of Vietnam:
Commies attacked. We supported the Vietnamese and we won. Commies defeated, everyone went home.

We made a deal with the Vietnamese: if the commies come back, call us and we'll support you be replacing all your lost gear 1:1. Every tank, every bullet.

Commies came back, we reneged on the deal. Commies won, the end.

No American corps were ever lost. We won the war militarily but then lost it politically.

The same way any country wouldn't be able so successfully invade here. And they were dug in too well. We can even stamp out the resistance in Middle East wars. The home team usually has a massive advantage.

The American left was fighting for them at home.

Vietnamese are known for this.
They fought China for centuries.
Americans simply didn't read history books.

You honestly believe we won and didn't slink away with our tail between our legs? Wew.

The commies fought with their hearts

You guys have had a forced handicap since the 40s , you never really lose, you're just not allowed to win

suckie suckie me take rong Amelican dingdong you so big how you get rike dat big stlong man with yack dingdong me so implessed suck suck big boy

This war was extremely unpopular among the American people. I'd say that it's impossible to win a war without the people's support.

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You could certainly look at it that way. We won, then we left. You could say we slunk if you want. War was over at that point.

Commies won the second war which we didn't show up for.


>if the commies come back, call us
wew this is some bullshit on a whole different level

Most wars should be extremely unpopular, but now we are cucks and just accept never-ending war and unchecked military industrial spending.

You honestly cant google? Top wew

gooks wage war totally
Americans wage war by committee
>war waged by committee isn't a war already lost

Implying that wasn't just a way to placate us, getting rid of the occupiers.

With the extra muscle in her sideways pussy

Can't negotiate a good peace deal with your enemy, if Congress is constantly trying to pass a bill to unilaterally and immediately pull out.

Meanwhile, Le Duan imprisoned everyone anti-war in North Vietnam.

Absolutely crushing the vietcong at the tet offensive was literally the death of the northern army basically. But fucking hippies wanted to bitch

Either way, it was a peace treaty which the commies then violated. Much like the way the war started, they would sign agreements and then break them.

Mind you, I'm not claiming it was a war we won, nor could we have won it short of killing most of the population of Vietnam, but that doesnt make it a loss either. More of a costly stalemate.

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> gooks defeated american imperialism
we dont do imperialism faggot, and the viets didnt defeat us. our politicians jumped into a conflict where we didnt have any real interest, to support the fucking FRENCH, and then let the US get sucked into the quagmire ever deeper until one day they just said "fuck it, lets give up"
when americans fight, they fight to win, washington is full of unamerican plutocrats who dont give a wet shit for the lives they spend on their idiotic foreign adventures.

Yeah, I would agree with the costly stalemate statement.

>we won

I don’t think we could understand until we have a war, here on the land of the states. That will really differentiate the men from the boys.

We won round 1. We didn't participate in round 2.

The fact that there were two distinct phases seems lost on anyone who didn't actually read about the war.

Round 1 was against the French tbhmyfam

Jungles, how do they work? The germans would have succeeded.


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Friendly reminder that some sick aussie cunts helped us out in the war, whilst our """"allies"'"" like Britain and France failed to send any assistance.

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Traitors fucking suck at imperialism and even betray themselves.
Should've stuck to the cotton lads.

No way to win short of genociding the whole country. Vietnam was so fucked.

Hiding in bushes

Long haired warriors

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they had basically already won before we even got there

conducting COIN operations basically meant further destroying the nation (at least in the south), which was already tearing itself apart.

There was no reason for the US to be involved in Vietnam.

Northern Vietnamese leadership said they were willing to spend every Vietnamese life to achieve victory. They meant it.

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that ius the most ignorant and retarded assessment of the situation i ever heard.
before WW2, the viets were chattel, run by the french colonial powers, treated like slaves, robbed blind and forced to adopt french language and customs.
once WW2 started, the frogs BOUNCED, leaving the disarmed and helpless viets to the tender mercies of the jappo invaders.
when the jappos were beaten in the pacific, the viets threw off their jappo captors and declared independence from the frogs who left them hanging, they even drafted a constitution which was copy/paste of ours with America scribbled out and Vietnam penned in.
Ho Chi M in sent a letter to truman, imploring him to tell the french to fuck off and let the vietnamese people go, truman didnt even respond.
the french came back and the viets resisted, the french, being french asked truman for help and truman, being a fucking democrat, sent OUR BOYS to prop up the surrender monkeys in their attempt to put the viets back in chains.
and from there things just kept getting worse. the viets turned to the only powers that might help them, the soviets and china. the price of communist assistence was the acceptance of communism, but communism is better than slavery (slightly) and then shit got wacky. more US troops, eventual french withdrawal, but we kept sending more guys to prop up the dickheads the french put in charge on their way out the door, and finally, open undeclared war against people who just wanted to be free of french oppression, and were forced into communism by truman's incompetence and cupidity.
shit just kept getting worse and worse, until finally, washington plutocrats decided it wasnt worth the trouble and gave up.
thats what happened faggot, none of the retarded shit you asserted is true.

unrelated note, heres this mutt bitch I went to school with and I swear her bf is the living 56% muttface meme.

Anyone else agree?

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We didn't "win" Round 1. The best you could say is that it was a stalemate.

>viets had Better equipment provided from russia
>underground molerat like trenches
>USA had inferior plastic weapons that would jam and muh dick lets rape

stfu retard, USA lost the conflict, it wasnt even a war. USA went there to raid, raped children and women, killed harmless civilians and then got their asses handed to them by some farmers so they napalmed everything to hide the shit they did including some of their own men.

USA hasnt won a war since during the revolutionary war against britain. The rest has been nothing but little skirmishes and there were they get more casualties than anything so they can fill up jews pockts before withdrawing.

>muh WWII

no nigger that doesnt count, you didnt win anything, USSR did. You only nuked a pointless country on the other side of the globe

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March 29, 1973, faggot. The day the last American troops left Vietnam.

Saigon fell in 1975.

Look at those two dates closely. Use your powers of deduction on them. Or use the internet. Or a book.

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Quite simply because they fought Boomers.

Boomers cannot defeat literal jungle monkeys, even with the best technology and most money behind them.

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That's quite the story you have there. Why do you think John Kerry threw his Vietnam medals away? Because he's embarrassed of participating in a war that the US lost. If the US had won, he would have kept them and bragged about then

Imagine being an irrelevant shithole like Portugal, who loses at soccer, and cant into history.

yes there was, but we were on the wrong side.
we should have stood with the viets when they asked for our help against the french colonial authorities, instead we left them hanging so THEN they turned to the commies.
if truman had told the french to piss off, and recognized vietnam as a n independent nation, vietnam would be a free capitalist society today, and we wouldnt have lost 60k men in the jungles.

>cant into history.

Next you're gonna get on your knees and shout "YOURE NOT EVEN WHITE!!!"

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american troops withdrew, the south vietnamese puppets kept reisisting, whats your point?
if truman hadnt left ho chi min twisting in the wind, vietnam would have never been at war, wouldnt be communist today, and faggots like you would probably be bitching about how evil the korean war was instead.

They were trying to fight French imperialism. Americans got involved because Ho Chi Minh was a communist and was trained and backed by russia 30 years before. During WWII Ho Chi Minh was armed and trained by the US to resist the Japanese. Ultimately all they wanted was to rule themselves, and the US backed Diem who wasn’t communist but was a corrupt scumbag which ultimately disenfranchised more Vietnamese who really wanted an independent free country. The whole war was just a series of blunders that got worse and worse until Nixon who actually began turning it around but by that point it was too late and the US populace was too fatigued with the shit show they had been witnessing,

Didn't Ho Chi Minh train in Paris to be a chef?

>USA loses and withdraws trooops
>Saigon falling 2 years later means we didn't lose
The Vietnam war was a loss no matter how you spin it. It's like guy with a high k/d leaving a losing objective game. Kills mean nothing if you don't do the damn objective!

john kerry didnt throw HIS medals away. he threw away somebody else's medals, likely bought at a pawn shop.
he still displays his medals in his office you cunt.
john kerry is a liar and a poltroon.

ho chi min was NOT a communist until communism was the only place to get help keeping the french from re-invading his country.
his letter to truman details how he wants to be just like america, even his constitution was identical to ours, but truman valued the french more than freedom.

>That one time Portugal lost all its soldiers and nobility (including the heirless king) to shitskins and ended up being Castille bitch boy

they didnt? the NVA/VC signed a peace treaty with the US. too bad watergate fucked Vietnam war part 2

Your talking about politics. They didn't lose the military battle.

>how he wants to be just like america
"I wanna be like you" parody of Ho Chi Min and Truman, when?

Annons assessment was actually petty accurate. Yes, South Vietnamese kept resisting but they were an elitist group who basically wanted a dictatorship. And he’s 100% correct that the greatest blunder in a series of blunders was Truman’s inaction. Hi chi Minh wrote Truman several times and he never even was given the letter. Also Charles de Gaulle threatened the US that they might join the USSR if the US didn’t help the French re-exert their control over Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh was a communist from 1919, before the Treaty of Versailles, was hated by non-Communist Vietnamese nationalists from as early as 1925, and even collaborated with the French after Ho-Sainteny to kill his Vietnamese opposition.

If were using video game metaphors then America and Australia were the little kids who had their console unplugged when they were about to clock the game.

They didn't. They defeated themselves in a civil war.

Also this, de Gaulle was a treacherous kike and the French have been useless to us ever since

no, we didnt lose a single engagement.
the politicians started the war (but it wasnt TECHNICALLY a war...) for bullshit reasons, in direct opposition to american values and principles, to prop up the french colonialsim halfway around the world against people who were NOT communists until that was the only door left to them, then the selfsame politicians decided to throw in the towel because it was politically untenable, despite the ease with which we could have stomped the vietcong into submission had we actually gone to war.
vietnam was very much like iraq 2 electric boogaloo, and afghanistan, not a war, not fighting to crush the enemy, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentation of their women, but rather a fumbling incompetent attempt at "nation building" in a place where nations simply cant exist the way ours does.

This is incorrect he was a communist before WWII. He was a founding member of he French communist party in 1920. He went to France about 10 years earlier to be a chef. He was a communist and believed in Marx and Lenin, but he was also really mostly focused on Vietnamese independence and probably would have accepted a US style democracy if it came with Vietnamese independence from French rule.

You got most of it right, but
>he was also really mostly focused on Vietnamese independence and probably would have accepted a US style democracy if it came with Vietnamese independence from French rule.

He would never have had such a thing. When he could, he killed anyone who did not fall within his narrow ideological pigeon-hole, like the VNQDD, Dai Viet, Trotskyites (like Ta Thu Thau), and even had French help doing so.

Wasnt it Le Duan doing all that greasy stuff, or was Ho doing it before Duan joined him?

For me, I believe it was conviction and a genuine belief in what they were fighting for.

The men the United States sent to Vietnam really didn't have a horse in the race. I think this contributed significantly towards the USA's performance. That combined with the fact that the terrain they found themselves in was wholly unfamiliar to the USA, whereas your opponents had lived in those conditions for generations.

I do find it interesting speaking with the split of Vietnamese people who lament the USA pulling out, and conversely those that celebrated it. It's actually very strange to see such polarised attitudes.

That was before Le Duan had that much power; Ho only became a figurehead in '64, and Le Duan only began his ascent sometime around '56 when the plans to hold elections fell apart and the commies wanted to get more aggressive in the South during the darkest days.

Limited war is a dumb policy, excluding the deployment of nukes. Don't show up if you don't want to win. What other empires in history purposely tied their hands behind their backs?

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The Vietnam war was roughly 10 years long. Banking on the Lefts protest of the war towards the end as a reason that we didnt win is pretty pathetic.

his letters to truman demonstrate otherwise.
the viets have a long and turbulent history with the chinese, and would be unlikely to accept them as their allies were there any other option, likewise, in the early 1900s being a "communist" was quite fashionable, especially in france. lotsa people claimed to be communist for all the usual reasons, generally revolving around it being the simplest way to get a french coed's panties off.
this proves nothing.
fuck, i wa a communist for a while myself.
dudes do lotsa stupid stuff to get pussy.

You won battles.
You utterly lost the war.
War is more than killing your enemy in the field. If he keeps coming back and all territory you seize is recaptured almost immediately, you aren't winning.
If your home front is riven with civil unrest as a direct result of opinion towards your war, you aren't winning.
North Vietnam were willing to engage in total war. The US dabbles it's toe in the water. All the force projection and superior military technology in the world doesn't count for shit if you don't have a nation willing to accept and endorse it's full deployment in the field.
You were politically hamstrung by your own freedom to openly question your government. The NV knew it and exploited the ever loving crap out of it.

Playing for a stalemate worked in Korea


Industrial war can't do shit against asymmetrical warfare. It's nothing to do with the people or how well armed. It's how you fight. The thinking behind it. Yeah so what thousands of Vietcong died at the barrel ends of American arms but newsflash tardies, that doesn't mean that you win a war.

Which war do you mean? A 20 year old conflict has phases you know. To be honest US was pretty successful for the most of the conflict, they prevented the South from falling for more than a decade even though south wasn't as competent militarily. They lost the war when the popular support decreased. Just like Iraq, initial invasion was a huge success but every presidential candidate promised removal of troops and now we have a mess. So when determined to fight, they were successful.

Since we are dealing with a conflict of 20 years, why not extend it even further, we should look at the final results, a pseudo capitalist manufacturing base Vietnam is definitely a win for US. Just not a military victory.

>spend trillions of $ and waste 50k young american mens lives on a stupid, pointless war
>people are literally rioting back home
>somehow we won

you have potential to become mental gymnastics gold medalist at the next paraolympics, kid

>March 29, 1973, faggot. The day the last American troops left Vietnam.
>last US military personnel killed in the Vietnam War were the 18 Marines who died in the Mayaguez incident on May 15th, 1975 (after the Fall of Saigon)

Jesus Christ this post reeks of neocon delusions.

Just face it man, we lost the Vietnam War, and nothing is going to change that.

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that's not true

the vietminh were staunchly aligned with the communist cause

they weren't nationalists with a red coat of paint; they considered themselves the true champions of communism.

get out of here with your facts and shit. we are ignoring the paris peace accords and other historical shit


these are the ugliest 2 people ive seen

The gas tube in that rifle is a little out of spec.

checked and i agree, imagine what their spawn will look like

What you need to understand is, Liv Tyler is the daughter of Steven Tyler. Miracles happen.

They didn't.

We never lost any significant battles, every operation was a success at a cost. The problem was communist subversion in leadership, and media scrutiny. They didn't want it to make it seem like the Americans were "imperialistic", so after every single battle or operation troops were explicitly prevented from seizing or capturing territory -- this popularized in the movie Hamburger Hill. Take a hill, wipe out the enemy, then leave the hill so the enemy retakes it at no cost -- because commie leadership was trying to "win hearts and minds".

Troops were also prevented from crossing borders to wipe out strongholds. The entire war was routinely hamstrung by traitors.

We won in every way. 60:1 kill ratio. They never touched our country. We signed a peace treaty when we were done. Our objective was to stop communism from the USSR by engaging them in endless proxy wars. We did that and the USSR died soon after. Vietnam now manufactures cheap goods for us.

They didn't defeat America. The American people defeated America.

>They never touched our country.


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You fail to see the bigger picture

Read a book about the vietnam war. you had it won once the Democrats took control of congress and refused to honor your agreement to come to the aid of South Vietnam.

hahaha, ukraine with the bantz

It's not really a loss if you don't get any land stolen.

If the US wanted to they would have fucked the North so hard they would never know what hit them. Unfortunately as early as the Eisenhower administration they were already deploying troops as damage control

1. South Vietnamese government was corrupt, unpopular, and out of touch.

2. We couldn't destroy the North's morale.

3. We couldn't convince major allies like Britain and France to enter Vietnam with us.

4. We couldn't convince the American people that the fight for Vietnam was worth their boy's lives.

5. The US military personel had a poor understanding of Vietnamese culture and terrain.

6. The US and South Vietnamese forces failed to prove that they could protect the people (for example, while many times US forces would build things like schools and wells for villages, they couldn't stay, and the Vietnam Cong would just come in later that day and destroy them).

7. The North used a combination of guerilla and conventional warfare to great effecr. US military leadership wasn't very experienced in confronting guerilla warfare like the Viet Cong used.
We won virtually every engagement but no matter how many battles were won, the VC just came crawling back.

They didn't. American communist 20 something year old boomers in the 60's and 70's defeated the American army.
The American army was approximately 10 months from reaching the Chinese border when the war came to a close.