What do you think of this?

What do you think of this?

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Memory hole.

Someone outright racist who's not pearly white? Quick, everyone, block your ears.


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there is a lot of kikery in the 'free speech' sphere of the internet trying to convince you that blacks are your friends and that latinos are the REAL parasites.
do not fall for that horseshit.

mexicans are white now don't ya know

>What do you think of this?

Wtf I love spics now

he prob got arrest for some unrelated charge and then fake news turned him into a "Florida man" headline to scare the blacks

not smart, better move to target the local KFC and Popeyes. I expect more from la eme

also this.

That's not racist because they are not whites, only whites are racists.


You're a spic, get over it. You will never be white.

This because blacks don't think they can get easy reparations and victim-cred out of Mexicans so need to make a fuss about it, and since it doesn't subvert whites Jews can't really use it either.

The Mexicans did this in Fontana too, but nobody paid any attention there. Death threats, house burnings, street harrassment, and presto... No more blacks in Fontana.

Almost ensured to be underrated.

Minorities are conditioned to complain against whites in the white for gibs. They complain, whites roll over and they feel good. Meanwhile they complain at the Mexicans and get some La Raza slogan or that Che Guevara quote about them being lazy.

neat what we started the tacos will finish

Funny af. Mexicans are part black, Spaniards and Aztecs don't have wide flat noses or curly hair like so many of them do.

>nigger steals Mexican kids bike
>Mexican grows up to be gang member
>Mexicans decide to purge "crips" that are victimizing their communities
>make pact with Mexican Mafia to indiscriminately kill niggers
>spics go full moonman, slinging lead at every nigger in sight
These spics were so sick of niggers they started a race war. There was an episode of gangland about this but I can't seem to find it.

I doubt this story even happened, it's just typical fake and gayness as seen on 4chinz

Sounds good on the surface, but then you hear about groups like La Raza and realize that whites and Asians are next on the list. Blacks are just easier to target.

Mexicans only do this in neighborhoods where they are the majority, which they are rapidly becoming in large parts

Mexicans in SC or other parts of LA are not doing this. At all.

When I was in college I tutored at a jizzspanic school and all the students were nog worshippers. No culture of their own, just do what the nigs do, quite pathetic.

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Im strangely aroused by this.

You know it happened when multiple outlets cover the story initially but seem to forget when sentencing comes around.

This happened, but the media wishes it didn't.

Basado y Pildora rojo

How do we stoke this fire?

Probably purged from mainstream media like the Jesse Ventura/Alex Jones episodes of Conspiracy theory that was on Court TV way back when.

I think I found it. youtube.com/#/watch?v=jRzW9TWh1go

Only stuff that wypipo do actually matters.


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I wish both sides good luck. I hope they kill each other

When latinos take over California, blacks are fucked.

Mexican Mafia leaders have a irrational hatred if blacks. Read sons ex member bio


Based. However, he still has to go back.

Mexicans are allowed to do this and get away with it because the media doesn't report on it. If whites started to try and do this there would be a media firestorm and national outcry.


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Why? They are driving niggers out so the niggs will now move to a white area and start bothering the whites.

Both Mexicans and blacks are dying, it's a win either way.

seriously once Cali becomes a cartel state the blacks arent going to fare very well

ohhhhhhhhhh... so THAAATS why we consider them white

He did nothing wrong. Fuck niggers.

Wtf I love beaners now

mexicans and blacks honestly dont like each other

Friendly reminder that when wetbacks become the majority, niggers will be begging for the white man to come back.

prison gang members are degenerates and I think it should be legal to shoot them on sight

two or three generations away of farm work and Mexicans become whitish.

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its true and in prison whites and mexicans are allied against blacks but in the end they are all niggers


The Jew uses the nigger as muscle against us Whites, let the Mexicans fight the niggers for our long term benefit. The Mexes keep to themselves in their barrio neighborhoods so can be knocked off with air strikes later.

Nope. The mexicans here that clearly look like they have black genetic admixture (black mexicans) are discriminated more than other indigenous people because they commit more crimes, do some gruesome shit etc. typical nigger mutts. The people flowing into usa isn't mestizo from meds and indigenous mexicans, they are part nigger

Honestly? Pretty much. It happened with the Irish and Italians and pretty much every other European ethnic group that started out as "The Other." Hispanics who have been her more than a generation or two assimilate. They intermarry with non Hispanics and three generations down the road are fully assimilated. Blacks are the only group that doesn't, with individual exceptions, of course. The La Raza movement is because of a massive influx of illegals overwhelming the existing culture. Elsewhere, Hispanic birthrates are dropping to match the norm as they fully integrate.

I'd sent him cookies, but I bet his gang does. What a real man. God bless him.



Hell yeah. Whites have a thing or two to learn from spics. Not many things, but a few.

Spics aren't over-civilized like whites are.

catholic nigger hating mexicans, the best kind of mexicans

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Good, he can get the last bullet.

I think we should mail him some smokes every now and again.

That's not a bad idea



It’s because Mexicans look up to white people. If you look at novellas(or even the rich people in Mexico) they’re all basically white. Latinoamericans have an inherent, subconscious love for the white man that other races simply don’t have. I’m first generation here in the us(born in Mexico) and when I was going through school the 2nd/3rd generation Mexicans didn’t even speak Spanish. I’m going to teach my kids Spanish because it’s smarter to know more languages but even I have already assimilated to white culture. They’ll always be the criminals/scum but over all Latinos shit all over blacks in term of addidng to a society.

I am not sure if it’s due to the racism that blacks have faced or any other reason but the fact they are in general retards after living so long is this country is embarrassing. For example the original Mexicans from when California was part of Mexico don’t exist anymore because they just become white people.

They really came to do the jobs that whites don't want to do.

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ethnic cleansing of blacks by latino gangs has been going on for decades in CA. Press just hasn't been reporting on it.

South Central LA used to be overwhelmingly black. Now it's latino. Blacks have move to Palmdale.

The real conspiracy was Jesse Ventura and Alex Trebek.

The blacks who came to America were not randomly selected: they were slaves, the bottom of the barrel, the losers in all the cruel strife of Africa but too cowardly to die. The Africans who captured and sold them wuz kangz; the ones captured and sold wuz slaves and nothing better than slaves.

at least they didn't ask nicely
that would have been REALLY racist

I think spics don't seem to realize they're not any better than niggers

Came here just to see if someone would make the reference.

I think it's the expected result of Diversity and Proximity.

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Satisfying to use against niggers and illegals alike, especially illegals who are friends with niggers.

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>1 Post by this ID
Y'all got duped.

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It’s not surprising. Mexicans hate blacks more than whites do.

Give him citizenship and a heroes welcome. Allow him to continue and expand his business.

Azunyan is /ourgal/

Daily reminder these are the types liberals want in america