They Killed Him

They killed Jim Jordan's nephew.
There is a war going on. Pick a side, faggots!

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Rosenstein is behind this.



Imagine the angry phone call to Perkins Soi after the first attempt hits the news.


"He knew about a fucking doctor jacking off 23 year old college atheletes against their will. We did not pay for this shit. We are sending a movie script over right now."

>Ok, we will get right on it

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Bump. Someone give me a complete rundown

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Im on the side of whoever ensures that Peterson fades into obscurity as quickly as possible.

Watch video from last week....

Then Jim Jordan accused of knowing about team doctor and college wrestling boys in Ohio State.....

Then his nephew is killed in a car accident. ....

don't worry, we fight fire with FIRE.

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Rodstein looks so uncomfortable in this

Fuck off kike. it was Israel

Notice how all the shills are saying that Rosenstein is some sort of mastermind who conducts assassinations. That shit is so fucking retarded it's not even funny.

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How come these shills hate Rosenstein so much but never talk about Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Schumer or Schiff or Feinstein or Warner or Blumenthal or any other fucking kike?

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Trump needs to make shit public so that the Jews are exposed and if they try anything else EVERYONE will know who is responsible.

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have a bump op
death to all jews

>death to all jews
Nope. Just Zionism.

I am so suspicious of these events, first, the FBI has been proven to be lying pieces of shit, and to cause homicides, and that might makes right

What make , model , year , was the car.
That will tell you if it eas even possible to cradh it by computer.

Great video. Bookmarking this shit.

Nothing personal Rod. Your boss days are numbered.

Nigger I have nothing to do with Rod Rosenstein, but it's fucking obvious how much you hate the guy because he's not on Israel's team. There's a reason you focus all your hate on him. It's because Mueller is gonna expose Israel and Rosenstein won't let that investigation get derailed.

Because at this point in our history, Rosenstein is the most powerful man in the country. He is the mastermind behind it all, provoke Comey firing, get put in charge, appoint Mueller...and stonewall and entire congress.
Your faggot self can't see past your shylock nose to see the real picture

Yeah. Congress is full of traitors. That's why you attack Rosenstein, because he's making sure the Mueller investigation continues. Israel is fucked and you won't stop it no matter how many peopel you kill.

In other news:
>Famous KFC-founder Colonel Sanders takes part-time position as "Chicken babysitter"
Mueller "took care" of sheep-dipping (((information))) related to 9/11

Jim Jordan's nephew got Seth Rich'd ?

Your temper is not befitting of a boss. Media reports of you threatening staffers and refusing to hand over the documents are troubling. Now you're threatening sitting congressman. You're overstepping your bounds.

You shill fuck. Nice spam of the thread with your narrative.
The only thing Mueller is doing is gathering enough to strong arm Trump. Rosenstein can make all the disinformation public through leaks before anything is declassified. He can muddy the waters enough that we will never know the truth. Kind of like Las Vegas Paddock...the narrative was dispatched and the public swallows so they can clear their mind for the Superbowl. The same will happen here with Trump if he's allies like Jordan fall.

And you think they are good jews who will come around on the end.
Open your eyes.

No he didn't.

Bill Priestap is under investigation. Bill Priestap's wife is Sabina Menschel. Sabina Menschel worked at the FBI as well as Kroll and the 9/11 commission. They know everything about 9/11. Mueller knows a ton about 9.11 too and he's the perfect person to go dig up all that information that the Jews want to keep buried.

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This is laughable, Rod.
So Rosenstein is empowering Trump, stonewalling congress from documents and signed off on the illegal spying and FISA warrants to protect Trump???
Yeah, nice narrative.
You are on your last bit of thread, hang from it you subversive rat

Exactly, leaf user, exactly.

Wonder who is Greenberg' Congressional Rep.?

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I remember right after Parkland happened Rodger Stone was on Infowars and he was lauding Sheriff Israel profusely despite all the bullshit that kike pulled.

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Sure thing shill. Anyone above room temp IQ can see the narrative you're pushing here. Get fucked.

What are you talking about? I know this might be a hard concept, but spend some time typing out your thoughts in a way that explains why you think what you think. Blurting out insults only makes you look like you're projecting.

Rosenstein really is such a smug slimy kike.

it's a bot

The face of a 20 year old boomer

Oh :(


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Well I guess a full doks of the ladies is in order

Good riddance. Let's hope he's next.

Do you work for a SuperPAC or NGO?

You all are being given a special opportunity to bring this suspicious situation into the lime light. Do whatever you have to to get this media attention. If you can get donald Trump Jr to tweet about it. It will cause a massive spaz out abong kosher individuals. Please I'm begging do not squander this chance to pull back the curtain for average people a little bit. God speed boys.

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my cities hero is dead! Sucks to hear he died but UW-Madison needs to fucking BURN! I avoid campus like the plague.

Oi m80, you got a liocense to gas them kiokes?

the lady with the gryffindor tie works in DC

>Get owned by Rosenstein
>Disgraced over wrestler sex abuse cover up
>Russian collusion cover up
>Favorite nephew dies

Jim Jordan literally on suicide watch

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Liddle kid

John podester running clean up. Ditch the flaka vid & the caps. Unbecoming

The Republican party should change it's name to NAMBLA already

Yes, Rosenstein obviously wouldn't have assassinated someone himself, personally, thus we can conclude he could not have conspired nor had an organization member conspire in response to his unsatisfactory performance. Clearly. QED

Mueller is such a pinprick smug faggot. Even his sagging face makes me want to punch him.

You mean the Uniparty should, bitch