Brit/pol/ - UFC 226 Edition

>‘DISAPPOINTED’ Sir Bill Cash makes BRILLIANT point about new Soft Brexit plan on Newsnight

>Hunt from missing pensioner, 70, who vanished from home days after car was ‘torched’

> Boris is 'talked down from resigning' over Brexit by David Cameron

>Owen Jones: ‘Snowflakes’ objecting to anti-Trump protests

>Artemis Income Fund: Sticking to stocks …

>Business leaders back cabinet's Brexit deal

>Brexit: Cabinet agrees 'collective' stance on future EU deal

>Boy charged with rape and murder of six-year-old Alesha MacPhail

>Welsh beaches and surf culture 'fuel skin cancer rise'

>Transgender man's legal challenge to N Ireland Secretary

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Who here

>not a nigger
>Not a Scot
>Not a Paddy
>Not a Sheep
>Three Lions


would love this job 2bh

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Truly kys m9

Why do so many of british neets hate professional sports? Is this like kryptonite to them?

stay mad you angry virgin lol

>professional sport
L O L you poorfag pussy

It's not hard to become a photographer lad

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Looks a great job to be honest, apparently being in combat is like taking a drug in terms of the experience, that's one of the reasons people miss it

Terrorism sweep up technician?

Nah m8. I'd rather be a Russian spy desu, just listen to a bunch of (((rich))) cunts and report home and get paid a fortune then get (((novichocked))) at a decent age so you don't have to live through dementia and that bollocks

Because most of them require going outside and socializing.


Its because 'our' teams are full of non-native millionaires

fucking this you virgins

>"wahh im a virgin because a nigger in a lincoln suv shagged the girl i fancy"

Which is a hard undertaking. Fuckin ell m8.


Would you be happy to shoot an Islamic kid in the head? Eyeball him then just open fire?

Getting Novichoked isn't that hard to avoid. Just keep your fucking mouth shut. It's been a problem since the beginning of time. Even criminals and spy agencies don't mind giving the benefit of the doubt if you have a history of shutting the fuck up. But if you've got a history of being a bit blabby about stuff you shouldn't be, then it will happen.

lol u mad u fat greasy virgin cunt

>Randomly choosing Lincoln

Marked your card m8


but you don't like football either you nonce

>Implying grease
>Implying virgin
>Implying cunt

Marked your card m8

yeah. unfortunately i don't think i'd make the cut for a number of reasons
to be completely honest the thought of being shouted at for months and being made to run around all day just seems fucking pointless to me
just gimme a bloody gun and show me who you want dead lol
i'll get the job done

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>this pathetic virgin cope
get a life you loser lmao

since when?

"Brexit has made me ashamed to be English. I’m ashamed of the England of Farage and his xenophobic yobs—and of Cameron whose cowardly opportunism gave them their head. I’m ashamed to be English, not British: I’d be proud to be Scottish or Irish today.

Brexit is the obvious recent manifestation of both the arrogance of the English and itsignominious unjustifiability."

Why is Dawkins such a cuck?

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If you haven't, watch it.

Rightly are lad, I hope you're still about. Pretty sure it was you who first introduced me to this.

But if they don't do all that bullshit you might hesitate when in comes to it, they want you to not think about it and just 'engage the targets'

lol you virgin

>Implying he's English

God hating cunt. Fuck him. He's the downfall of society and the sooner him and his ilk are hanged the better for Britain.

can you not even keep what you've just said in your tiny head?

Which book would you pick?
>pic related

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I actually liked Dawkins, why don't people I like stop publicly airing their politics

I'm running out of people I still like

u mad u seething little virign

Pubesy is a big poof
prove me wrong

>Liking Dawkins

i'll rip your bumhole apart you gayboy

And why were both of these betrayed according to that list? Explain Britbongs:

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I hope nobody of you believes in Novichok and trusts our government's words.

What drugs have you done tonight lads?

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am I speaking to some sort of Yardie?

Bear with me for a sec. Chicks dig guys in sports right? So either you don't give a flying fook or they aren't worth your attention and have been jewed beyond repair. What is it?

ya big poof ye

fucking summerfags

i'll stab you

There's nothing wrong with the theory of evolution and putting dullard creationists in their place, I like him for the same reasons I like James Randi

Post your stash like I did mine or else you are full of shit you insufferable larping cretinous tripcunt. Jesus you are as bad, if not worse than fucking eddie.

>What is it?
what is what?

you're literally retarded

you'd like a bit of fudge stabbing you big poof

Ok I guess you're right, do you want me to stop posting? What would make you comfortable?

What kind of chick are you looking for? A fat slob or a fit one?

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stop offering yourself to me, i said no you desperate tranny

fucking pussy

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put on channel 4 lads

i bet women and fascism is interesting

I'm the fittest I've been in my life mate, but I can take or leave competitive sports

What am I doing wrong? What would make it OK for you to post here without feeling anxious?

that's fuckin lit that

bangin to see my fellow british africans on tv innit bruv

get back on your meds you seething virgin

Stop deflecting and post your stash you larping obnoxious cunt. Where is this scarface mountain of coke and keith richards tier bag of smack you are meant to have then?
Could literally be anyones. You could have taken them outside of a dealership. Proves nothing. You are objectively worst tripfag. At lest eddies mongery provides some funny memes and merriment and mirth in anons pisstaking him but you lack even those small virtues.

you'd love us to suck you off you big poof

What does it take to woo a decent looking british women?

No. It like masochism for me. All telly is anathema.

>"A bunch of young black men all dressed in black dancing extremely aggressively on stage, it made me feel so intimidated and it's just not what I expect to see on prime time TV" - Anonymongs
Get with the times you virgins lmao

the Big Narstie Show is kino

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I've done a number on you.

rahh that gyaldem swore a boris Johnson madting cuz

So that's why he is a cuck?

>me inside a car in the middle of the night on a mountain pass means i took a pic of someone else's car
lol you seething little poorfag cry more

check the archives and cry more L O L

you're so desperate for my massive penis

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Yeah but it's impossible to find for some reason!
>full disclosure: i'm a rich fag
and i have not seen anyone selling a copy anywhere all over the world the past 5 years eventhough it's a book that according to british historians i contacted had over 400.000 printings
>mfw it makes me wonder if the British Gov burned books too

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Night lads.

>seething virgin
oh shit he said it twice

I've made you such a mess.

wuz she a buffting tho blud?


big Narstie understands RESPECK
whitebois could learn a thing or two cuz

perhaps stop being so angry and get laid sometime?

The type I go for don't watch football

Means fuck all to me mate and you STILL havent posted your stash so that only leaves me to conclude that you are a full of shit faggot worthy only of scorn and derision.

I win


Why doesn't everyone hate professional sports? Low class people being paid millions to throw balls around to each other is stupid as hell. It's a spectator-driven thing and not even on the level of nerdy card games or videogames since those are participatory. The only interesting athletic activities can be done solo like skiing, hiking, swimming, biking, going to the gym, etc.

>coping this hard because you're poor and incompetent
I can make you rich.

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big narsties name is Tyrone LEL

Don't get me wrong because we're on the same page here lads. Lets say I come to London what should I expect if I want to hook up?

manaman finna get shanked cuz

You are Eddie.

you are gayddie

>implying you have any knowledge of my financial situation
Still not posted your stash faggot.

lol you seething poorfag lmao

just stop being poor lol

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why did you stop pakiposting? that was your best persona.

predict the bbc headline when england win the world cup

Post your stash and ill concede. But you wont because you are a full of shit larper
>im a wealthy chad yuppie but for some reason im posting on 4chinz at 1:45am on a saturday night instead of banging swanky escorts at some rich person club
Im a stay at home dad so I have an excuse but you have none. You are full of shit and everyone knows it.

love big narstie

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Proper tempted to message one of my old teachers on Facebook, lads. Convinced we had some chemistry during sixth form. She’s still single. Reckon it’s a bit more possible than you’d expect, to meet up and shag?

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>stay at home dad
Oh dear lad...

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yes except for everything i posted proving i am what i am but no that doesn't mean anything because you're some asshurt loser with a different opinion of me