He's really just a centrist taking this pandering approach and then acts like he's an authority. He's also obsessed with Anita Sarkeesian to the point where he sat in the front seat at vidcon with his friends, deliberately to annoy her (I'm not defending her, mind you). This resurged a few weeks ago when boogie talked about it and afterwards almost had a mental breakdown. Not to mention he just seems like one of those Amazing Atheist type of YouTubers and overall a cancer cell.
>I don't like a condescending shithead centrist >I'm now part of the Jew World Order Kill yourself
Carter Ward
He's ultimately not our friend. Was an ally in 2016-2017 but cucked hard after Charlottesville.
Gabriel Taylor
You mean during the Sargon v Spencer debate
Brandon Nelson
>taking a shitpost personally
Easton Hughes
To be completely fair, he's in a country where he can be imprisoned for saying the wrong thing. And if he's imprisoned he'd be beaten and potentially killed. The UK is an abomination at this point.
Nicholas Nguyen
is he still around?
Ayden Flores
He's been shitting on Stormfags for years ever since the start of his channel if you thought he was full 1488 you're retarded and delusional
do not be racist to this clearly black man, he wuz kings n sheet
Gabriel Bailey
He was never obssessed with anita. Over last year few of his videos at all were related beyond the resurgence after his garbage human debacle.
Do i think hes playing it safe to the point of cucking yes
Do i think hes the devil you idiots make him out as no
Austin White
Michael Wright
I never made him out to be the devil cuckold. Apparently expressing criticism is demonizing now. Good to know.
Gabriel Williams
Hunter Gomez
No, you dislike that the guy is to "centrist" for your politics, so after watching one of his videos, you go on here to vent and circlejerk with people you think would agree with you
Adrian Richardson
No, he's just a cuck and I don't like him Didn't think I had to repeat that. It's really simple. The way he talks is annoying His pandering is annoying His "atheist youtuber" type personality is obnoxious
I'm saying you're just bitching because of the reasons you just said. You don't agree with him and so you make a scene of it, trying to start a thread circle jerking ().
Hudson Rogers
the existence of centrist figures are a MUST for intelectual redpills like "inconvenient statistics". They are a gateway to a more stable discussion and reaching normies, while at the same time getting some on the side of centrists.
Neo-nazis are fucking retards who turn as much people away as SJWs (Controlled opposition spencer isnt much better). He may be annoying but he is a necessary cog of the machine of gradual learning. Those with self-awareness can take it from there, and people are free to chose sides (which I guess really pains extremists in both corners, especially when people can chose the middle option)
Ian Davis
That's might be true in Europe. But in America, we've already shifted the Overton window to the point where simply complaining about racism makes you a fucking commie.
Charles Torres
Faggot as always. A fucking thread is supposed to be a discussion cuck. I started a thread stating my problems with him. Whether people agree with me is beyond irrelevant. It's you who is bitching because no one has come on his defence yet. >Making a scene (pic related) Overdramatic nigger
I'm aware he can serve as a gateway. But I feel many people just don't want to get past him. And once you get rid of that, you're just stuck with an obnoxious person.
Daniel Cooper
sargon is important because he is so insufferable he gradually turns more and more people to the hard right, he is just so boring people start craving more edginess
Thomas Clark
I like how all of you faggots like to shit on sargon while he still gets $10k a month off patreon while the most popular "alt righters" can barley hold a candle to his success. If you're planning to destroy him then it's clearly not working
Aaron Ramirez
i used to be a faggot big brained centrist / leftist until right after the trump election.
people like sargon just say "its SJWs" or its "communists" but they dont go into WHY or HOW people start thinking this way.
i started listening to red ice, and then some other podcasts. ended up on TDS and FTN (tds is pretty fucking boring now. theyve screwed up so many times doing IRL things and spend 2 hours making shitty boomer jokes about food)
but yeah i guess right after the trump election i started shifting hard right. ive read tons of literature and gone through hundreds of hours of podcasts and documentaries about kikes and all the evils they bring about.
Jordan Brooks
You must have me confused. I don't "plan to destroy Sargon". Even if I wanted to, the big raid days of Jow Forums are over anyways. I just don't like him. No need to act overly defensive and butthurt. Also, intelligent political opinions aren't measured by success. That's why only retards hate Trump only because CNN said it.
Jacob Robinson
>le bake the fucking cake liberalist
Leo Nguyen
Sargon did serve as a gateway to the Alt-Right for me, Now he is fucking insufferable with his RL LARPing, fear of debating, dogmatic centrism and ivory tower bullshit.
Henry Cox
>Sargon gets back on twitter >Sargon threads start appearing on Jow Forums
I really wish that Sargon and all the fucks who argue with him which boosts his e-celeb status would just fuck right off.
Connor Phillips
Hello RalphRetard.
Jason Moore
Ralph is obsessed with Sargoy.
Aiden Smith
everything you wrote is stupid, mister sargoy patreon member
Xavier Barnes
I don't even go on Jewitter
Sebastian Gomez
You are coming off too strong to pass yourself off as a concerned Jow Forumsack.
Tone it down a bit.
Josiah Cooper
I think you forgot to turn on your memeflag, UN kike. Also pay your debts faggot.
Mason Rivera
T.Spencer cuck. and its Onions Goy of Mossad, get it right
Christian Walker
Neither do I usually but one of my mates who happens to be a sargcuck fan told me he got back on twitter a few days ago and since then these threads have been popping back up. It is almost as if most of the cunts that visit Jow Forums nowadays live on twitter incessantly. They all need to take a fucken long walk off a cliff.
Julian Hall
I am.
Looking back I think that making fun of SJWs is the least difficult thing you can do on the internet, so we all though he was clever or based because he was doing something easy. (also the accent helped)
But once the feminists had been thoroughly "rekt" and he had to move on to more difficult content or risk having to get a real job. The problem is that politics are way more complicated than manspreading or the wage gap.
Also the only reason he is going after the Alt Right is because after years of making fun of dummies on the internet, it was finally his turn as the dummy on the internet who became "rekt" in a debate with Richard Spencer.
If you want based fence sitting centrists you could go read some Jordan Peterson. If you want someone to own the libs with facts that don't care about your feelings go watch Ben Shapiro talk on a college campus. If you want to watch someone flail helplessly at the alt right go watch Jim's video on the Kraut saga again. If you want a British politician to push for Brexit follow Nigel Farage. And if you just like Sargon's talking points then go read some Loki.
is he a race realist? can an individualist be an race realist?
Josiah Clark
He's just an idiot spitting hyperbole about a problem that really isn't a problem to sell you on said non-problem to take your time and money.
Luis Flores
He did show that merchant meme of Anita Sarkeesian a few times, and wasn't above the occasional racial joke.
Honestly I think he was perfectly willing to eat hot pockets and play vidya while England burned down around him... until one day he lost a debate with Richard Spencer so hard he went out and formed a political party.
Ryan Murphy
I didn't know every post here had to be 90% shitposting Not paying goy
>centrists leaning our way is bad This is why you never win anything, stormfags
Josiah Sullivan
What the fuck are you on about you moron, I detest all e-celebs regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum. Also I was making a statement that the only thing people on here care about is fucking twitter nowadays, you see how many shit threads pop up with some random e-celeb twitter screengrab?
Also pay denbts you fucking filthy greek cunt, perhaps your country wouldn't be so much of a shithole if you actually did work instead of being a nation of oily fucking jewish wannabe scheisters.
Ian Cruz
I'm not sure what the point is of obsessing about Sargon. Whats the harm of him doing what he does?
Connor White
Replied to the wrong post faggot. It's 5AM here.
Ayden Collins
Again, not obsessing over him. I didn't even know there was so much fuss around him and stormfags. The fact that I don't like him doesn't impact his life one bit. Stop being overdramatic over a single thread.
Noah Hughes
I used to like him, but somewhere along the way he came off as a closet homo. If not a homo, then he is in the closet about something else.
His positions are too vanilla. Too agreeable to the masses. He's good for shitting on SJW's, but that's is a fringe minority when you get down to it.
It's like a gay dude shitting on trannies to claim his place in the pecking order.
Justin Kelly
You made a thread complaining about him. Seems a bit obsessive user, and i suspect you're either one of those obsessive Stormfags or a divide and conquer leftist. The correct attitude is to not give a shit what he does.
Samuel King
He's generally alright but his smugness annoys me. He sees himself as superior to the left and right but he fails to understand that his civic nationalism and democracy stance is literally incapable of solving the problems he wants to solve. The collectivist Muslims will rape his wife and her kids right in front of him, and he will still continue pontificating about how Britain's problems could all be solved if we just educated the migrants to adopt individualism and integrate. Then he'll add some kind of meaningless gesture on top of it all by joining another dead political party.
Like so many others here, the Spencer debacle was the beginning of the end. And then Anglin was the killing blow.
"I'm not here to debate, Andrew. Why don't you tell me about your time in the Philippines, Andrew? I'm disappointed you won't admit you want to gas all the kikes, Andrew."
Pretty much done with his lengthy videos since, even though I'm still subscribed. I basically just stick to this shorter, jokey videos these days. Sad, cause I thought he had potential to move past his ebin centrist crap, when he was rattling on about Soros or cites Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild connections as a reason not to trust him.
>The correct attitude If you think anyone who has any interest in posting his opinion is "obsessive" you're a massive moron. Just to clarify: Fuck leftism Fuck the alt right I'm right wing
Brody Richardson
>nice meme you have there, would be a shame if someone stole and destroy it...
He surely knows enough to see why people believe it, but those guys laughing at him for being a literal cuckold also believe it so I guess he can't hold to such a position.
Ok so he's annoying. Move on with your life. Bitching about him on Jow Forums isn't going to make him less annoying.
Lucas Bell
Get raked leaf.
Asher Lopez
Again, you're the one bitching. Apparently every other person Jow Forums complains about can be mutually hated, except this faggot. I don't care nearly as much as you think I do. I don't like him. I didn't know he had to be the exception to criticism and now you're revoking the all mighty "get a life" card
Juan Williams
He's just not interesting to complain about. He hasn't done anything recently that warrants a discussion other than having a circle jerk on how much everyone dislikes him, it's boring.
Michael King
Nazis-kill all jews CENTRIST-kill half the jews COMMUNIST-kill no jews
Andrew James
Nazis-Kill all jews Centrist-Do what you want m8 I don't give a shite Communist-Make everyone slaves Ftfy
Grayson Richardson
it's easier to pretend you dont know about it and collect your big boy bucks than to mention it and get lawsuits against you. Especially living in one of the largest cuck havens in the world. He's a coward in many sense because he cares more about making sure his life is as comfortable as possible while maintaining a PJW tier persona shitpost, the only problem with those shitposts is that they eventually get shit on themselves.
These people eventually break down from their inability to maintain their narrative and spouting the truths as lies.
He's just a cog on the centrist to 1488 conveyer belt. A youtuber with the typical youtuber ego who breaks the 100k subs mark. He's a lolcow because he tries so hard to project an air of intelligence yet fails to understand or address points that completely destroy his stances. Someone needed to address to SJW in computer games media shit and he did an ok job of that, he's 'destroyed' one or two complete retard SJWs since then which is amusing but he's a complete brainlet in terms of political/moral philosophy etc. We only keep him around to laugh at now and so he keeps churning out babbys first redpill to normies that we can show the real redpills later.
Justin Wilson
He is the epitome of a man who read one fucking book on one political philosophy and decided that classical liberalism is absolutely fucking cricket and if the muslims and niggers read locke they will become tea drinking liberal atheists. Fuck this guy, resurrect Mosely.
The problem is he never "rekt" the SJWs. He declared victory so he could bow out of this fight which gave him his popularity in the first place. Sargon and GamerGaters in general did absolutely nothing to make any lasting changes.
Liberals are just functionally no different than the far left in the grand scheme of things. They come out of the wood work to reestablish some liberal world order after the far left has made political gains using extremist methods. Everyone is just supposed to accept the 'new normal' achieved through terrorism which Liberals are extremely happy with, because Liberals are also 'fixing' things but restoring order until such a time that they get frustrated by the rule of law and once again resort to violence and terror to make further gains.
Sargon is simply having an extreme reaction to the possibility that people are starting to see the game being played here. No one sane wants a 'return to law and order' wherein the criminals who have drastically shifted the political landscape get to keep the fruits of their collective crimes. This pattern will simply keep repeating itself until such a time that people are literally incapable of resisting the inevitable absolute consolidation of power being effected.
Sargon's ideology is a part of the system of anarcho-tyranny. He and all Liberals are simply playing the role of "Good Cop". If 'horseshoe theory' is real and the Alt-Right and SJWs are morally equivalent why exactly the extreme averse reaction to the largely powerless Alt-Right as opposed to the incredibly powerful Far Left? It's almost like the Good Cop and the Bad Cop are working together.
Christian Martin
You've got to understand the British mindset to understand Sargon.
He hates Richard Spencer's ideas, not because he hates the idea of an ethnostate, but because Spencer's idea of unifying a loose group of people (whites) under a new nation with no culture is stupid. Spencer has made no comment on how this hypothetical ethnostate will function or what society will be like there; sure, he's made suggestions that a dictatorship would protect the ideals better than a democracy (but he's also claimed homosex is a good, 'white' thing and that anime is ebin rebpilled), but that's not concrete, nor has he given any indication of how the dictatorship will function in detail, or how society will be regimented.
However, Sargon does value liberty and freedom over the desire to save the British race and nation from its inevitable doom, which is something I disagree with him. I do have confidence, though, that if such a solution were to exist that would protect the liberties he desires and save the British race and nation, that he'd happily agree with it.
Gabriel Jones
I like him because of the moral outrage around him, and I watch his stuff because we have a similar sense of humor. I don't agree with him politically very often though.