What it should have been

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because we have to get rid of all the non Europeans (eg. gypsies, and niggers/arabs that are newly arrived in our countries) and standing united will make us stronger, promoting a pan-south-slavi brotherhood would be beneficial for all of us, but we let the petty reactionary chauvinistic rethoric guide us, separating us and making us the little insignificant nations that we are fighting against one another while the whole world faces cathaclismic changes and we fail to see the bigger picture

maybe.. but i can't stand this...


You might sperg the shit about "Ustaše".. but we have no such thing while you have got these guys promoted by your government...

You have to move on and change like we did or there's no point talking about any kind of union...

>tfw i would unironically go fight for Serbia in Kosovo but i would be killed by the same serbs...

that is really sad, i hate any kind of separatism or any promotion of genocide among us, be they against serb, croat, bosniak, bulgar or slovene no matter by who is done.
History should never be forgotten, but we should get over and leave behind our bad feelings.
What happened back then should be a lesson that war among benefit no one but those who ingnite and support such wars.

>being this much of a fag
I hate you all evenly.

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Yugoslavia was shit

Slav boys want Yugoslavia again? Thought Slavs were meant to be against Fascists

ok, fuck off, lel

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>but we have no such like ustashe
>You have to move on and change like we did
breathe in
ne pali se Stipe i teraj se u kurac i ti i ovaj pederko sto je nostalgican za Jugom.
Never again.

Attached: gtaotg.jpg (496x496, 146K)

USA is shit, let all those states free, let them have their independence.
look, we are against fascism that is against us, but i will gladly embrace fascism updated to our standards, fascism itself have so many branches italian fascism, nazism, romanian legionarism, spanish and polish falangism beeing just some of them

>History should never be forgotten, but we should get over and leave behind our bad feelings.
Now ask mehow do i know you have similar head to that.

Attached: heh.jpg (480x477, 16K)

If that's what you boys need for the Balkans to be a great place.

that is exactly how i look, i am a half gypsy half negro that likes to wonder across the balkans and inpregnate slavic women, since their men are to cucked and busy fighting their neighbour

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GO to bed you little shit its 4 am.
Fucking milenials and their sleeping to noon.
Joj sto nisi moj kaisem bi te ujutru.

Attached: listenhere.jpg (500x315, 49K)

>neck yourself "millenial"

Also this is all Dalmatian land.. fuck off

>Serbs larping as krajišnici actually dalmatian pravoslavci

come back home your larping assholes

Attached: Ancient_balkans_4thcentury.png (1113x845, 88K)

Ironically Yugoslavia would have worked out if only it had remained the Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs and Serbia proper had remained by itself

> be croat
> get genocided

serbia literally cucked every other balkan country just 30 years ago. croats and bosnians are not allowed to talk shit about other countries for another 50 years.

Hey speaking of Dalmatians, I had an argument with some girl at work who's a history professor, and she said Croats are not Slavs, they're Dalmatians. I told her Slavic is a linguistic group but she laughed at me and said no it's an ethnic one and there are no real Slavs in that part of Europe. Who was in the right?

.. why is there a part of Ukraine called White Croatia?

It not so clear cut.. But yea Croats are Dalmatians and Slavs at the same time.

The Clinton's still laugh at you Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
Infight is inherentilly bad.
