Are there any Democrats you would vote for over Trump?

Are there any Democrats you would vote for over Trump?

I would vote for Biden if he ran over Trump.

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If some dried shit, literal dried feces was on a podium against a Democrat I would vote for the shit instead.

The only leftist I would vote for would be Hitler

Almost any of them besides Hillary.

Not anymore. They abandoned all integrity or are outright frauds. 2016 scorched the party, and every day since then everything's been sinking into insanity.
I refuse to throw my country into the trash just to stick with a losing team.

child molester Joe? nice

for the democrats its outrageous to inconvenience children by locking them up in a safe environment, but its totally ok to starve children to death if they are from the following countries: children in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and in particular Yemen.

I would never vote dem over trump but I’d consider Tulsi in 2024 on the condition that Hillary is still alive because it would destroy that cunt to see a younger, prettier girl get to be the first president.

I like how biden groped a little girls breast.

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Biden, Oprah, Michel, Sanders. Just please no hillary.

Fuck Democrats, I'll never vote for one in any office at any level of government. They're anti-American, anti-white pieces of shit who should not have any power or responsibility.

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Democrats have lost their minds.

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Kike detected.

jim webb, but he only went democrat to protest the war in the middle east anyway so does he really count?

Maxine Waters

nigger detected.

Not american but i may root for democrats if they tell the open border welfare state socialists (DSA) to fuck off and create their own party, if they take out the corrupt DNC trash, if they stop with their identity politics, race baiting and gender baiting, and if they drop the gun control obsession.
Other than that, nothing wrong with a liberal party!

Barney Saunders.

Only if they give Bernie a real chance. Until then they can burn in hell.

Fuck no.


Bernie won't even agree we need to abolish ICE.

Fuck him. DINO if there ever was one.

There is information in Biden that would keep him from winning an election. It's not the pedo stuff, that's all fake. It's something serious but not sexual.

None of that will happen. Democrats are doubling down on all the shit you just talked about. Their takeaway from 2016 is they didn't go hard enough on their retarded ideas.

Only if it's Hitler.

David A. Clarke Jr. is the only Demonrat worth a fuck because he actual has morals and values. Biden is a child diddler and should be executed on sight.

>I'd vote for a literal pedo over Trump

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Silly OP
You don't need to vote... don't you know the
bLUE WaVE is coming??


The Dems in the 90s gutted welfare and cracked down hard on illegal immigration and gangbangers
Now they're insecticide with identity politics, creating sanctuary cities and pushing the diversity card. They lost the white male vote in almost every fucking state in 2016 because of how out of touch they are


More like EVERY little girl , except for Jeff Sessions grand daughter, he bitch slapped Biden on CSPAN for trying.

stop underestimating Joe Biden

Every poll for Dem 2020 nominees, Biden leads by a lot. There was a recent Harvard Harris poll with him leading the pack with like 20-30%. That's Trump-level of dominance.

They think Joe will be the effective white male counterpoint to Trump. Biden will essentially be the last white male candidate they run, as his run will be used to get the Rust Belt whites one last time before they no longer really need them.

Also, he'll be paired with a minority vp like Kamala Harris, effectively making it a reversal of the Obama 08 ticket, and turning out whites and minorities.

Biden is a neolib piece of shit.

he would be ideal. He should join Trump's admin or turn into a Republican. This new nationalist party would suit him

Biden is a fucking pederast.

I'm afraid the dems can't run anyone I'd vote for because their internal machinery is corrupt. I was a Bernie bro but Trump won my heart. Won't ever go back.

I'm not buying it. Sounds like Hilldawg hype all over again. FUCK the establishment. Bern it up or burn it down bitches.

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I’m glad. He actually makes decisions on his own opinion and doesn’t follow the party.

yeah but that's what the DNC wants

a neolib candidate who appeals to the salt-of-the-Earth working class. Imagine all the stories Biden will tell of his upbringing in Scranton.

Put aside policies, people forget how talented Bill Clinton was at that compared to many other Dems like Obama and Hillary. Biden would do similar

no way the DNC would let Bernie win. Biden is literally the ONLY good/viable candidate right now. Big name, ties to Obama, working class appeal to cover up neolib policies, etc.

Who else? Oprah will never run and the rest are all jokes

Maybe i watched too many american movies but the 90s clinton era was very patriotic. Bill may be a corrupt rapist piece of shit but his presidency wasn't too bad.

Pffft. You are Share Blue Pedo DELUSIONAL. Hahaha.
BIDEN is an open pedo..
Kamilla Harris is going down the tubes when ALL of those pics come out of her banging anything & everything with Corey Booker an others at those "Climbing the ladder for success " parties. Wahhh haha
You are an absolute RETARD if you think the American people will ever believe a POLL after Trump being declared dead the day before the Election, by ALL the "polls".

OP fag

You’re uninformed. Biden is not a bright guy and constantly puts his foot in his mouth. He’s been popped for plagiarism several times and is creepy around female children. Unlike Trump he knows nothing about economics and he’s been at the government teat his whole life. He and his stupid hair plugs are awful.

That is why the dnc deserves to lose again.

Everything pre-9/11 is going to seem better than the post-9/11 shitheap.

Drunk, gay and stupid is no way to go through life, son

>I would vote for Biden if he ran over Trump.
Funniest thing I've read on Jow Forums in months.

id never seen that before. fuck that guy is a creep..

There is LIVE TELEVISED FOOTAGE of this man molesting children and advocating white genocide.
The fucking meme is already there, we just need to hammer it harder than Shillary having the plague.


and that's a good thing

I don't hate Biden. I quite like him as politicians go. It's just that there is something about him that will make him unelectable and enough people know it so that it will get used.

every time I see this post, I think this as Fusion market research


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No more boomer presidents! Those fuckers are almost dead. Stop letting them fuck us as they march to their graves.

Dems dont have a viable younger candidate

Obama used the DNC for himself rather than cultivating the next generation of leaders. Now the Dems are fucked

Joe Biden is a unabashed Zionist.

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Andrew Jackson

so what will you say if Dems say Trump and Republicans supported a pedo Roy Moore? Or that Trump used to walk into the dressing room of Miss Universe pageants?

They WILL bring those as counterarguements

Jim Webb

You mean like they did in 2016?

It's coming to that now, isn't it user?

Roy Moore was during the presidency thing

I agree the Miss Universe thing wont have any impact, but what about that?

Joe biden is scum and everyone coming up is so radical/sociolist/communist dems are fuct

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I would ask why didn't the yearbook (which was altered) that they claimed was their evidence?

Neither party has many because we keep letting senile old boomers cuck us.

Elizabeth Warren. Actually would do something about the (((banks)))

It's not a dick measuring contest, user. It's just that if people knew certain things about Biden they wouldn't turn out to vote for him. Not unless the Republicans nominate Roy Moore. But all those cards have been played against Trump.

Virtually any Democrat that didnt want open borders would be fine.
Biden obviously over trump.

I don't think I could ever vote for a man named after a flower.

And his platform is going to be what? Im old and might die in office? Make America Miedicore Again? Free School for Votes?

>Virtually any Democrat that didnt want open borders would be fine.
Not wanting open borders equals being a literal Nazi in the Democrat party and we are going to keep it that way. Push the Left further left and keep them there.

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>no video of Moore
>nobody cares about anything you say about trump
literally every normie I show those Biden videos to gets really pisssd off real fast. Please run Biden. I’ll have a fuckin field day with it

yeah dude women are notorious thirty and wise with money

She's an extremely watered down, ineffectual version of Bernie Sanders. Plus she would never win due to having a mental breakdown over Trump bants.

>I would vote for Biden if he ran over Trump.
I would vote for Biden if he ran over Hillary

Bidens a creep.

I'd vote Rand over Trump but that will never happen.

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Democrats require more punishment. They insist upon insulting and denigrating whites, men, heterosexuality and Christianity. Fuck 'em.