>*Breathes in*
Indiana church booted from building after posting anti-LGBT sign
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Flaming faggots on suicide watch. Why cant you u derstand that you are an abomination?
>God is omnipotent and creates and guides all Universe
pick one
I'd rather be kicked out of my building than kicked out of heaven.
God doesn't make people gay. Gay is a choice.
>what is free will
Degeneracy is temporary, but the kingdom of Heaven is forever.
The god of this earth is Satan, you disgusting heathen. Repent now so at least your soul can be saved.
tick tock
SAGE fag threads
>I believe in Yahweh god of Israel because digits on a Japanese anime board connected to an egyptian frog lord telepathically told me so via random digits
You really are a Christian! DELS VELT!
Christcucks BTFO
God makes you gay as a test. Period. Both of you are heretical Satanist. Gay man pray and fight your desire. It is a test. Rejoice in the opportunity. And you wicked pretender. Pray for forgiveness for your zeal will lead many from god.
>LARPing as Christian on a Mongolian image board
>"benevolent" god creates people knowing they will suffer for eternity
>"b-but free will!!"
He created you and free will, which is why you have a choice whether to obtain prolapses or not.
The funny thing is I am not going to lie nor will I hide. I am a Christian and I the same thoughts as you. The difference between me and you is I will not act on them. I will pray daily for them to go away.
Satanic fool. You do not burn forever in hell. That is a Pagan concept. You are destroyed. Meaning you cease to exist.
God doesn't make people gay. Bad parenting makes you gay.
>* gets the belt and bets the fagness out of you *
He does not create people knowing they will suffer for eternity.
He doesn't send people to hell, people willingly send themselves there by rejecting doctrine and benevolence.
In all honesty if you reject him for a lifetime, then why would you want to live in his kingdom for eternity?
>questioning God
Why do you faggots act like you could possibly comprehend all of God's reasoning? (He's beyond our conceptual understanding of "reason.")
If you could, He wouldn't be God.
Read Job.
fake news
I disagree. God is both good and evil. Read your Bible. He knows of both.
They won't if they don't act on it. If you have pray and be saved.
Also I point you to this. Hell in Christianity is not a place of forever torment. It is where your soul is destroyed. You send yourself there by choosing it.
>LARPing as a homosexual atheist on a board of Christians
But he does not create someone knowing they will suffer for all eternity. That's brain dead and would imply that man does not have a choice in the matter.
There are no Christians on Jow Forums
I like the LARP though
Hail Satan, Hail Moloch
Jesus speaks against churches multiple times in the Bible. Congregation is all well in fine but pretending like one identity is better than another will blind you from the truth. I myself do not have a label. I have faith in Yahweh. (Which is not a man in the clouds but existence itself.) and his physical form/son Jesus.
Romans 1 says God does turn them into faggots. They reject God so hard that God rejects them. He gives them up to vile affections, gives them over to a reprobate mind.
Gods says it's ok to kill faggots, my man.
Jesus did too, but only if you aren't one.
>making shit up on your own
Someone does not go to hell for being gay. They go to hell for acting on it. Fight it. If it helps I'm (gay) though I hate dignifying it with a label. Acting on it is a sin user. If you have a thought pull out a bible and read or pray for that matter.
I read the Geneva bible. I do not make anything up.
you're a self-hating gay?
>so much for the tolerant left
Boomer genocide when?
You have faith in a label not god. Have fun with your earthly connection.
at least you know your Bible, unlike other LARPers ITT
props for that
I do not hate gays. Nor do I hate myself. Acting on it is a sin. Repent.
That's why they need to find faith. Without it they will never change.
Thanks. Now kys.
I am LARPing as gay though. I'm not really gay
Just be gay man, don't hate yourself for it
Religion is dead.
The church will own the building after they sue.
What about the butthole.
It exists only as online LARP
Reprobates can't be saved. They are rejected by God.
If they wanted to stay in the building they should own it and not be renting
A building got booted from a building?
I disagree. Anyone can be saved.
I don't believe in preordained damnation and anyways what is your point in saying this? To turn people from god?
What do you expect, that's yankee land, queerboys don't win here in the south
God has spoken.
You joke now. Repent. Is the only way you will be saved.
Jow Forums is a CHRISTIAN board and there's nothing you can do about it faggot! now purify yourself in literal flames and purge your grids ridden self of this faggotry
The gift that keeps giving. PRAISE GOD. PRAISE JESUS.
Here's a question for you. How many times did Christ say that Jews were the sanguine of Satan in the bible?
Bye bye
Dead kike on a stick.
On the contrary, religion is alive and well. It's merely the Christian religion that is in decline. Meanwhile the religion of poopdick is gaining more followers every day. You even posted a bunch of their religious processions! You will notice that, to these people, the dogmas of poopdick are just as important and fanatically held as was the Holy Trinity for Catholics, regardless of what science and reason and evidence have to say about any of it.
Yet the Jews and their king hated him. They killed him for criticizing them and their actions. You aren't fooling anyone. Not only that but Christ went against the idea that Jews were the choose people more than once. Oh and if you're gonna use a quote of an apostle saying Jews are the chosen people then you are a fool. Jesus was a teacher of his apostles and when his words went against his his were clearly correct.
The end times are coming, clearly.
The Left has hijacked the "God is Love" and "Only God can judge us" message to push their LGBT degeneracy. The Left has successfully exploited one of the many weakness of Christianity. Any Christian that disagrees with LGBT faggorty will be ostracized and castigated for their anti-LGBT "hatred" and "bigotry". Religion is dead and God gave the Left every tool to kill it.
All according to plan
The jews came up with Christianity to weaken European civilization.
They were playing the long game, but after 2000 years it's finally paying off for them
You are not a Christian. The bible also says to smite evil and also says in the end time Jesus will bring a sword. They are right Yahweh is love. He is also anger and punishment. Yahweh is existence itself. Also you should not fear being ostracized. Not of that matters.
>A leaf
What did I expect.
faggot are choosing with thier freewill to be degenerate animals, they're rationalizing off natural animal impulses and pro-homosexuality teachings rather then traditional cathoic teachings.
Don't you have a gay wedding to officiate, Christian?
No Christianity is not where this weakness came from. Even ancient Romans started the fall of their nation without it. It is the weakness of men. Men such as you that look for anyone to blame but yourself that causes nations to fall.
Gay weddings are against god. You are a fool and I will not argue with a fool.
It clearly says that homosexuals are to be stoned.
Leviticus 20:13 American Standard Version (ASV)
13 And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
As all denominations of Christianity continue to barrel towards acceptance of total degeneracy with the "God is Love" and "Judge the Sin, Not the Sinner" propaganda forced on them 24/7 at a point the church will be doing more damage than good. No major denomination with a significant following will be able to resist the LGBT degeneracy. The Left knows how to defeat Christianity. Allowing the church to continue will only give the Left a platform to push their agenda.
Then to hell with the churches. They will spread Satanism through their lips and I will tell them they serve Satan.
>Citing the Old Testament
Not going to cut it with modern church.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
being a fag is literally God's punishment for your actions, you need to repent and accept him as God again
The problem is the church at least in the US will not collectively stand against the leftist degeneracy of the LGBT. Any church that does so will be focused down by the mainstream media, Dems in congress, and activist/protesters. The church has and will continue to be forced to accept the leftist LGBT degeneracy or face destruction.
>Gave them up
Actually user that means God stopped trying to save them. It is not a curse. God just stooped trying to help them.
Gay is a choice
>no free speech for you
fucking faggot ass kikes
Filth. To think just due to thoughts I have to be grouped in with these people. It puts me in a hard place. If someone asks if I've ever had these thoughts it would be a lie to say no. But if I say yes they will assume I support acting on it. Christians like this make the problem six times worse.
times 6 times 6.
....and gave them up to a debased mind....
Acting on it is a choice. I will correct every lier here. You go against god and the bible with your lies. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
Not only that you are giving gays room for an argument. If you say it is not a choice but it's against god to act on then they have no room to move. Stop spreading Satan's will.
Like most Pride parades, it's straight try-hards saying "I'm helping!"
Yea they're helping. Helping themselves and others go straight to hell.
What is sin?
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Hell is forever. BUUUUT your soul is destroyed in hell. Sorry but Christians need to stop larping. Most don't even know that you don't stay in heaven. You await till after Judgement day till the world is made anew.
>"Our faith is over 2000 years old. Our thinking is not"
Soooooo progressive. Seriously, do Christians think by opening their arms and churches to LGBT degeneracy that they will change the faggots when in reality it only fills the church with degenerates who latch on to the "Judge the Sin, Not the Sinner" message to excuse their actions. This is like voluntarily deciding to infect yourselves with AIDS in hopes that by being fills with the AIDS virus you can make the AIDS virus less deadly and destructive. Insanity.
If you think that then you think that you could choose to be gay.
As a heterosexual, I know that this is not possible, there is nothing I could do to convince myself to lust after another man's ass.
You are a faggot.
You are doing god's work user. Have faith and be strong.
There are no real Christians left. No one who believed in God would let sin go on like it has the last 60 years. Christianity is a shell of it's former self. It used to have balls and lawfully punish heretics. The secular nation has destroyed it. We really should have just fought it out until one main protestant denomination remained. Reform be damned.
God gave us free will so we could choose to follow him and fulfill our natural purpose. Fags rebel and follow satan. They will pay the price.
It died the moment people incorporated Paganism into it. Both Protestants and Catholics go against god in their own ways. Be careful not to fall into "which Christian are you" trap. Get a Geneva Bible. It is the original scripture. Heads up though. They're expensive.