why are canadians such pussies Jow Forums
Why are canadians such pussies Jow Forums
Because Canada is usually a cold place, yankee boy.
Who can't handle a easy 35~40C nice summer day? Wtf
said it was 34c or around 93f. it gets over 100f here everyday in the summer
actually White people can't stand more than 25°C
it was 45 with the humidity or 113 in burger degrees
Yeah fuck off with that metric.
Hahaha good one, did you forgot your past on africa already jamal?
>70% humidity
kill me
>wirtten by Ashifa Kassam
>t. memeflaggot enjoying 35-40C, which only nigger admixture allows
i was in vegas years ago and it was 120 to 125f everyday in august. canucks are just bitchmade
Vegas has no fucking humidity you ape.
Environmental stress creates strong people; the absence of it creates Canadians.
so can we expect flooding to wipe you fuckers out
Yesterday was fuggen warm.
I just kept telling myself that if it was a sauna I'd pay good money to get in and worked away.
baawww poor wittle canuckistan cant take a little steam. stop cryin so much and the humidity will go down fag
not strong enough to invent such a simple thing as a fucking wheel, though
i dont think you know what humidity is burger
i dont think you know what anal continence means leaf
You wouldn't last 15 seconds in an Alberta winter. You know, the weather white people are built for.
post a timestamped pic of skin tone chang. guarantee im whiter than you
120f dry heat is ez
116f with 70% humidity is another story
how is that a bad thing???
Alberta has dry winters. -20C is comfy. Not like bitch ass Ontario winter.
Lol, suckers
I doubt it buddy. I only moved here 4 years ago. 100% of my heritage is Dutch, not a speck of foreign blood.
I did one winter in Ottawa and I legit wanted to die. It gets colder here but that fucking wind back there just claws right through you.
Canadians never had to fight for anything. Masculinity never developed in their society.
Not Canadians; just pussy q*ebeckers
Big difference
Ontario winter cold is the kind that chills you to your bone, it just feels damp and gross. In Alberta, it's just dry. So it kinda sucks in some ways, but it doesn't have that same "chill to the bone" that it does in Ontario, where somehow -5C feels like the worst thing ever, but in Alberta would be sweater weather
still a leaf tho
Yeah I'm not disagreeing. Had a few -45 days last year and I just walked to work without so much as a scarf or hat.
I miss Alberta now :(
Nah. Applying for my leafland passport next year. Seriously though Alberta is comfy as hell.
bants aside i actually dont doubt its comfiness. i just love my burgerland too much to leave
All your winters are fucking easy. I grew up in the Yukon and Northern BC. We get -50 or lower winters. And they're wet.
Yeah ok you win.
Dry heat means you go in the shade and it's 20 degrees cooler
Humidity means you sweat ballsacks even at night
Lol. Because Canadian winters are easier to cope with then summer.
why the fuck would you live there
jesus christ this is the ultimate basedboy experience
no a/c
While Canucks are bitches, I've been to Vegas in the middle of summer before and it's nothing because there's virtually no humidity.
Pussies like you probably wouldn't last an afternoon in like New Orleans where humidity hits the upper 80's almost every day for a month and a half.
They were probably all brown or yellow because it's Toronto.
this but unironically
Disgusting weather, I hate the heat. +12c is perfect.
>Live in the Florida swamp
>Constantly 110F+/44C with 88% humidity 24/7
>West coast pussies are crying about 90 degree weather and canadians are fucking dying
What the fuck is wrong with you all?
>t. shitskin
it is not hard if this is you
>Where I live is basically Satan's asshole, why aren't you as miserable as me!?
It's been fucking sunny in Toronto for about 2 months straight, the grass is dying. Temperature is always like 30-40 c with high humidity. Fucking hate summer so god damn much, summer nights are awesome though.
I've been to Florida one year in july/august, it made me never want to come back to your shithole state.
they're dehydrated because they pipe in maple syrup into their sinks instead of water
Reminder anything above 20 degrees is non white weather
Reminder that heat is nonwhite
Says the niggers in this thread who can't handle -40C. Blood thickness increases with cold weather as insulation, if it suddenly gets hot in a place that's usually cold it causes problems. As opposed to places that are always hot and therefor the blood is thinner.
Can't we all agree that everyone is adapted to their particular hot or cold environment and that such feature doesn't make you more or less masculine?
kill yourself
average winters are -40C here, usually 5-8 feet of snow