>The Constitutional Self-Evident Right To Life begins at the moment of conception >direct abortion is inherently evil >direct abortion is homicide >Life begins at conception >unique human dna at the moment of conception
Conservatives take issue with Kavanaugh’s decisions on ObamaCare and abortion-related cases.
In a 2011 opinion, he suggested that the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate could be made a “tax,” providing a “roadmap” to a 2012 Supreme Court ruling that Republicans believe saved the 2010 healthcare law.
Kavanaugh's ruling on "Garza v. Hargan" - better known as the "teen-immigration abortion case"
His opinion dissenting from the court's ultimate decision to permit the abortion was not "as constitutionally principled" as another conservative judge who considered the issue.
"He came straight out of the Ivy League to Washington, was never outside the beltway and went to the Bush White House."
Rent free for life. Trump will end his two terms and he will haunt their minds for the rest of their lives.
Parker Butler
100% chance It's Amy Barrett that gets picked
Thomas Wilson
>Kethledge Has A Record That Shows Weakness On Immigration
Kethledge has consistently demonstrated interpretations of immigration law at odds with the conservative wing of the Supreme Court and, more broadly, the notion that American immigration laws exist for the benefit of Americans.
Kethledge’s opinion in Patel v. USCIS expressly rejected the government’s contention that the sole purpose of those laws is to protect American workers and benefit American businesses that need foreign labor in qualifying circumstances where they cannot find Americans.
Kethledge joined an opinion in Nguyen v. Holder blocking the deportation of a criminal with a green card who, after lying about an earlier drug conviction on his citizenship application, committed grand theft auto. Kethledge signed on to the opinion, holding that his conviction was not an “aggravated felony” mandating deportation. Another judge on the panel, while he agreed that grand theft auto was not a “crime of violence” and therefore not an “aggravated felony” for deportation purposes, rebuked the opinion Kethledge joined for going too far and not focusing on the federal definition of such a crime, which includes those includes those that involve a “‘substantial risk’ that physical force may be used against property.”
I don't mean to be picky but maybe more OC and causes could be showcased in the OP? We could hunt for things to push for more or things which generate activity, attention, and important discussion.
No, there were long debates at the constitutional convention about slavery and the general consensus was that it was dying out but still economically important at the time. No one advocated freeing the slaves in 1776. Thats plebbit tier foolishness.
Gabriel Long
Nobody gives a fuck
John Gutierrez
>I don't really drink, sorry. I'll drink for you old man. I just want to learn damnit
>Rent free for life. Trump will end his two terms and he will haunt their minds for the rest of their lives. If Trump does not get the final election for God Emperor, after his 8 years he'll make a fortune on books and shows. Everyone will still tune in to watch him.
Jackson Martinez
Amy Coney Barrett is by far the best choice for the next SCOTUS
>is anti Roe vs. Wade, will fuck over Planned Parenthood >is a constitutionalist >is a cute MILF >not a Bush stooge >said that Reagan is an idol of hers >is a woman, so Dems won’t criticize her and it will help Trump with women in the midterms >is Catholic so Mexicans and other Hispanics will vote for Trump in the midterms >triggers feminists, racists, atheists, the far left, and the far right >has made Dems so angry they’re shilling on Jow Forums against her and for Kavanough
I was going to insult you, but then I realize I was sitting at home drinking alone. Gen 1 is still the best though.
Justin White
Every fucking thread? Jesus. >Kethledge read the law and followed it >He should have made shit up because it suits the cause Ohs noes
Jackson Brown
>memeflag dixieflag (Canadian) defends his desire to keep niggers on the plantation What a disingenuous kike shill, fucking Jefferson, one of the most prominent slaveowners at the time AND THE AUTHOR OF THE DECLARATION put in manumission of slaves before Rutledge started a coalition to force him to cross it out. Lying fucking traitorous redcoat jew rat.
Alexander Myers
Obama did more to destroy this country than whatever nonsense EO's he signed and policies he pushed through. His legacy is still intact as long as the Jewish media complex is pushing cultural Marxism on the world.
Juan Ortiz
>oh no she has the audacity to adopt Haitians! Crucify her!!! Back to Stormfront, racist.
>No one advocated freeing the slaves in 1776. Doubtful. Vermont abolished slavery in 1777. There was absolutely a political movement prior to then.
Aaron Diaz
No, if she's Trump's choice and she performs well on immigration issues, that's a dumb move. People who trust Trump trust Trump to not pick her in the first place, obviously. Which is a superior kind of trust than "lol well just go along with whatever!"
I have no love for spencer. Is he against her? I don't much care for any of these top choices but find barrett a troubling for her lack of substantial record on key issues, her adopted negro children, and the fact shes a she. There are better options and honestly if shes are truconservative as you claim I really don't see Trump getting into a fight like that right before a critical election.
If Trump does pick her so be it. I simply find it unlikely given the other options on the table.
Brandon Nelson
what a loser, i'm here with the cast of bay watch doing shots.
Landon Powell
>when you falseflag to turn everyone against ACB doing God's work user, unfortunately there are people ITT that actually think this way
Thank you, nice music video kind of corny and funny sometimes but good. I love that Jeff Buckley So Real or Lamp Sachiko one, if you remember me posting those.
>and he will haunt their minds for the rest of their lives. I think they are due some gratitude
After all, it's partially thanks to them and the never ending publicity they supply that Trump will likely go down as one of the most influential presidents in history
Eli Wood
>AMERICA >SCOTUS >Pray For (You)r President >Light And Wisdom >That (You) Will No Longer Be Forgotten
>Who fucking cares, Jim Jordon’s gonna be our for blood as long as he doesn’t cave This. All he needs to do is stand strong, this all looks shady af.
Brody Nelson
Haitians are savages you fucking moron.
Hunter Flores
there are non-racist reasons to oppose barrett. i have fears she could end up being another sandra day o'connor. she is anti-death penalty and we don't know enough about her immigration stance. i could see her moderating as the years went by.
Brandon Peterson
Talking about muh gibs, is the countdown still ticking?
Cooper Lee
Nope. Weak on immigration even in her own personal life.
Caleb Gomez
Many nations aren't worth helping and the establishment of the state of Haiti is an abomination.
Blake Jackson
How are you right wing retards enjoying Based Obama’s economy?
>He brought the stock market from a low of 7300 to a new record breaking high of 19800. >He brought the Nasdaq from 1500 to a new record breaking high of 5300 >He brought the S&P 500 from 800 to 2500
If economy is any indicator of the success of a president, then Obama was an incredible success, bringing us out of a deep recession with a roaring recovery.
always remember: he saved the economy. Then he passed off a rocketing economy to the orange lard ass.
>17 months to undo 96 months of destruction He's gotta pick up the pace, it'd take over 9 years to wind us back from 1965. Unless the first 2 years are just a training arc before the real battle
small scale, skills based legal immigration could be workable, the current million per year and chain migration is not.
Zachary Ross
There is nothing inherently wrong with adopting 2 little niglets from Haiti, but it does show a potential weakness in upholding Trump's immigration policies, which we ABSOLUTELY cannot have.
They won’t. Same thing happened when Reagan appointed Thomas, left wingers are powerless against right wing women and minorities.
Gavin Myers
That's not going to make anyone happy
Jose Hill
Do you honestly think at the time of independence when the southern states were lukewarm at best and winning the war was still in doubt there was a massive push to end slavery?
Landon Williams
The bigger flaw in his logic is thinking Mexicans are anything but death worshipping Aztec cannibals.
>There’s nothing wrong with legal immigration Wrong. Also >>triggers feminists, racists, atheists, the far left, and the far right kek. I'm not convinced you're not just false flagging. Keep it up, if so...
So, then, what we know for sure, is that Kethledge will not be the pick.
Gabriel Clark
>going from the very worst scenario to normal >Trump continues pushing it to record territory >Still takes credit
Just like a nigger.
Liam Rodriguez
i guess if you are a moderate probably not, but she issued a lot of liberal opinions and was untrustworthy from a conservative perspective.
we know that libs will always nominate far left justices like sotomayor and kagan from here on out, we have to nominate good conservatives to balance it out. someone to the left of kennedy is not acceptable.
Juan Powell
Why does it show weakness when it comes to immigration? This is functionally equivalent to arguing that Thomas would be weak on race relations because he's married to a white woman.
Ayden Russell
How fucking ignorant of history are you. Have you never heard the phrase “high-tech lynching”? They tried to crucify Thomas with a bullshit #metoo incident. Learn some history before you run your shill mouth.
Grayson Rivera
>there's nothing wrong with bringing 2 haitians into the US