Is it too far gone or is there any hope for salvage?

Is it too far gone or is there any hope for salvage?

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I hope so. England's country side seems so cozy.

I think most Brits are hopelessly bluepilled. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Britbongs dun goofed.
The EUs hate against Trumps USA is bigger than their hate against the other members.
Britain is just regarded as a quitter now and will suffer from repercussions. Lots of jobs will be lost and the Brits are going to have a very bad time in general.

Of course there's hope.
Even our civicucks, leftists & immigrants agree that the government is an absolute state.
All we need is a decent resistance to build against it, & our biggest problem's gone; and all the problems they've been covering up or making worse can get dealt with.
I give it less than a decade before the right swings back hard, and afte that a matter of years before the replacers are either deported or see the way the wind is blowing & leave of their own accord.

London and all of the affluent areas in the UK. They are the places where all of the fucking cunts that drag this country down are located.

The best thing we can hope for is that either Charles becomes king and actually has some influence like Victoria or that it descends into civil war

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Not after letting May be PM. It's as obvious she sabotaged Brexit as any of Clinton's shenanigans.

No, it's hopeless. The City is in control, and The City despises anybody outside The City.

Would a war help swing things in your favor, like maybe Argentina trys to invade Falklands again. Nationalism raises ect..?

Oh fuck off you utter spastic, unless the "decent resistance" is the full blown revival of the BUF and formation of a hundred thousand strong black shirt army, better get used to kissing carpet. Ridiculous tosser.

Proabably not.
It'd just be used as a diversity photoshoot. "Look at how diverse our army is! Truly a force for modern Britain! And Good ol' Harry's gone to join them in a move that definitely wasn't calculated and was entirely his idea! Look at him laughing with this nice group of asian fellows like he's normal!"
Not that i'm worried about things swinging in our favour. May's destroyed people's faith in the tories & Corbyn's a joke, he might win some labour seats in hard-left areas but h'll lose the white ones when his candidates turn them into shitholes.
People are already looking for a third position.

Why is it always Americans who fetishise those (((puppets))) on this board?

Someone's cranky. It's well past you bedtime m8.

maybe because Charles is sort of redpilled?

I'm at work you dole scum cunt.

it's done. put a fork in it.

a,erican here (drunk). I am jealous of UK. They seem better off than us. More liberal. more white. better. respetecte dby EU

So was Philip. Being 'sort-of' rdpilled means jack shit. They know the job they're there to do and it's not to serve us. They can say whatever they like as long as they tow the line.

I dont care and neither should you you stupid fuck, look at our country and how bad it is getting, England is still 87% white and we're 56% and dropping, Marxists are openly distributing newspapers in our universities, hating on whites is hip and cool, and the inner cities look worse than Brazil

For fuck's sake

Don't be jealous, your chimpouts are the envy of white men everywhere. "Dey white, beat his sheeit". Heartwarming.

Storm the Gates on Bastille day

>I'm at work
Caught in the act.

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I would like to think so. However nowadays, after living in peace for such a long time, a decent amount of people have become complacent, weak-willed and scared of any such conflict. But those who still long for any opportunity of war will rally.

What the fuck are you carping on about?

What better option do you have then? Farage isn't going to try to go for the Prime Minister seat so you pretty much have no one to help your country

Jacob Reese Mogg ousting May and becoming PM will slow the rot for a little while, but until we abandon the myth of liberty and civic nationalism we're going to be fucked no matter what.

Is it comin' 'ome la's?

>what better option do you have then?
Maybe you're not paying attention- Charles isn't a good option. He's a Royal. Sitting back and waiting in the hopes that he'll swoop in & save us is just going to leave us burned.
And our lack of other options on the table right now doesn't change that.

shit, you guys are fucked

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Americans don't seem to grasp that Cromwell won so our royalty can't do shit except attract tourists and gold digging kike niggers.

well I was hoping he would be as influential as Victoria

Because i didn't indulge your fetish for Rothschild cucks?
I've already explained things aren't as dire as they seem & why change is on the way.
The fact we're not capitalising on that is th problem, but it's a problem that'll be cured by getting off our asses & start pushing.

>American history
Victoria wasn't 'influential.' She's rememberd today because she was the figurehead for the acheivements the BRITISH made under her reign.

>Britain is just regarded as a quitter now and will suffer from repercussions
This I'm afraid. It looks like another round of Chamberlain-style indecisiveness that will end up badly for the UK. They face the consequences from the EU known from the start of Brexit, and now have soured relations with the US. This may be disastrous combined with the blow to domestic morale that their recent back-tracking is sure to bring.

Nah. This means nothing but the death of the conservative party.
The EU's already begun to fall apart, thanks to Italy & Visegrad. A coalition's going to sstart forming against Merkel, and May just accidentally gave Britain a stake in it.

UK just threw in the towel on Brexit after a chance in a lifetime victory. I'm not sure the populace is in the right frame of mind to follow Italy of all countries in another potentially ruinous counter movement. Once bitten twice shy.

we will find out once trump visits. lets see how well it goes.

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