Revisiting Sandy Hook

About once or twice a year, I will re-examine this (((tragedy))) and I will feel the rage again. HOW THE FUCK did anyone fall for this stupid shit? Who can really explain this fucking acting kike? And another thing, I’ve noticed that a lot of damning footage and videos have been Shoahd off jewtube. What in the actual fuck?

Attached: 0F59C062-D541-4C13-AC21-A7EB61301E3D.jpg (700x1024, 159K)

Theres light away from the darkness

Ever notice anons don't make threads about Murdoch and that you shilling kikes have to force-feed your propaganda? It's because 1) it's bad, low quality propaganda, and 2) everyone knows you're kikes.

I’m not a kike. I just picked a random image nigger. My favorite episode is last son of the West btw. Stay on topic faggot.

I can’t seem to find it user.

the fuck are you saying, the only reason there aren't MM threads is that the mods shoah them every time

>haha im not a kike shill
>oh and btw my fave episode is blah blaj
>you should totally watch it and sub!
see? bad, low quality propaganda and everyone knows you're kikes

based mods killing kike spam

based mods kill MM threads but allow constant bot scraping

You’re either incredibly stupid or a shill yourself. You should probably just jump off your nearest balcony. Anyone notice how quick he came in to derail the thread?

>reeeee you exposed me as a kike shill spamming impotent propaganda reeeeeeee

Attached: jew tears.png (307x363, 98K)

Kek, you have no power here. (((Sandy Hook))) must really be a sensitive subject huh?

murdoch murdoch is legit the cringiest shit i have ever watched

fuck off back to r*ddit

Hey meme flag ignore the MM pic and let’s talk about the links I posted. What do you think?

Shameless fucking bump.

that's what you get for spamming jewish controlled entertain to distract people from the fact kikes are genociding them. this our house, bitch. fuck off.s

This reminds me, yt shoah'd the amazing and eye-opening doc called Let's Talk about Sandy Hook, but can't it just be hosted on another site? Vimeo? PornHub?

I haven’t been able to find it anywhere user. Notice these faggots trying to keep the subject on my Murdoch Murdoch pic? Their diversion won’t work though. Let’s discuss Sandy Hook. Dump everything everyone has.
Does anyone have the screenshot showing James Alefantis visit to the Whitehouse days before it happened? Was he procuring children for the (((massacre)))? Did a massacre even happen?


>Germans invented Fascism

Thanks for the bump. Show your flag faggot.