/Alien Galactic Federation/

When will aliens welcome humans into the galactic federation? What hurdles do you think we must first pass?

*You're a literal brainlet if you don't think Aliens are monitoring humans.

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why bother
there's no intelligent life on this planet

I'd rather us go to one of those planets full of water

Aliens look like human beings not greys

i feel like the niggers are probably holding us back.

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They won't because they don't want to accept a member into the federation where they will have to pay reperations to because it can't get it's shit together,and it is somehow the palest aliens fault, or given the lack of pale aliens,the yellow aliens.


When there are only whites on the planet.

Unity and purity of seeking

Half of the population voting for a criminal, satanic, pedophile witch and believing the daily discredited lies of the most dishonest people on the planet is a pretty big reason for the ayys to stay the fuck away for the time being.

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i really really really want to get the fuck out of this planet and be some kind of space pirate. Or just die. i dont know yet.


the day we stop acting like a bunch of nut bags

>Alien Galactic Federation
>a gf

something that will never happen for you

No, it's a fundamental political question whose answer is probably guiding the elites hand.

I honestly wouldnt be upset if they turned Earth into space dust. We kinda deserve it desu

Once (((we))) stop trying to jew them for weapon tech. So probably never.

Check this out!

peak ET interaction with humans was during the height of white civilization (1940's-60's)... now that they know we're cucking out and not doing anything about the brown people problem they've decided to leave us here to rot until the sun burns out

>.> wut

If aliens are observing what is going on with Earth and not intervening then they are just as useless and pathetic as (((them))).

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Better hurry up, I have 2 months to live and can't hang on for this shit.

We should either conquer them or commit suicide via nukes

why won't aliens intervene to save the white race? can you imagine if you traveled across the galaxy looking for intelligent life only to find a bunch of niggers. how depressing.

That would be interesting. Aliens land, offer transport to a new world with their aid in new infrastructure but only to whites. If you agree to go you're racist, stay behind and be doomed.

In case you haven't noticed, we're a garbage species. Our planet is surrounded by a massive pile of garbage that we left out in space. If you were an alien, would you want to approach a planet with that much garbage floating around it? It's like a planet of space niggers to them.

>When will aliens welcome humans into the galactic federation? What hurdles do you think we must first pass?

Anons aren't gonna like it but this is just the way things are...
1. some level of willingness to cooperate/disclose among governments of the world
2. reduction in wars and violence
3. reduction in the sort of religious zealotry that is based on fear and encourages violence
4. reduction in racism
5. general capacity to not completely freak out upon realizing Earth has been visited for millennia
6. general willingness to change behavior more towards compassion and service to others
7. general willingness to treat planet and other lifeforms on planet more respectfully

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>4. reduction in racism
Would you let your daughter marry a Draco?

Literally never.

Dark forest.

For fuck's sake no human has ever set foot on a foreign planet
We've barely even stepped on our own moon.
No human has even been beyond Pluto.
Don't even begin to even start dreaming about ever having a human travel to even the closest FUCKING STAR Proxima Centauri.
Traveling outside our galaxy is beyond imagination at this rate.
We're at the mercy of our planet's weather and natural disasters but we don't realize it until something does go wrong.
Build a beautiful super advanced empire and it's still at the mercy of earthquakes, strong storms, and even fire.
Fucking supervolcano goes off and fuck all your advanced tech you're back to the stone age motherfuckers, and there ain't shit you can do about it.
Face it, for all our beloved advanced technology we're still just a bunch of dumb apes floating on a rock at the mercy of our surroundings, traveling and getting all our energy by mainly burning shit.
On that note we split the fucking atom and the only thing we do with it is blow each other up and turn fucking turbines with the heat from it like an advanced water boiler. For fucking shame.
We think our weaponry is advanced but it mainly boils down to advanced rock launchers (guns) and explosions.
All we care about is fucking killing each other and petty race wars and yet even our weapons are relatively shit. I'm shocked we're not still swinging swords around like fucking dumbasses.
Bull fucking shit.
We are nothing.
We ain't shit.
What makes you think we'd be worthy?

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>*You're a literal brainlet if you don't think Aliens are monitoring humans.
Evidence that Aliens are out monitoring us?
There's no evidence of contact with alien life.

you're nignorant

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>tfw no interplanetary exploration or colonization; haven't enslaved a single race outside your own planet
>tfw no disintegrator ray guns with mutate capacity
>tfw no quantum entanglement teleporters
>tfw can't even communicate telepathically
>tfw haven't even transcended the need to eat or drink and just be
>still burning fossil fuels like fucking cavemen

holly shit humanity are you even trying?

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