How are all these people considered the same race?

Everyone in this photo identifies as black, how are they the same race?

Attached: 4931D609-E01A-4B02-BCD6-F334A47BADCD.jpg (2896x2896, 851K)

at least one of them is definitely white, no matter how hard he tries

Found out about black privilege.

The globalist want everyone to identify as black as to oppose white people... but the truth of the matter is these people have more Caucasian blood than anything.

Personally, if you behave and side with niggers, you're by default, a nigger.


It's funny that both the left and right practice the 'one drop rule'

there's something upheld in the US govt. called the one drop rule in which even the slightest bit of African/African-American ancestry belonging to someone means that the person in question is considered black.

I'd say that's one reason, being that politics and culture are part of the same river. i'm not saying its a valid reason

Idris Elba has the most african genes

The ones on the left are just mestizos, mixture of indian and niggers.

forgot his name.

Attached: 8b7185f4-8493-4343-99ae-5007c4408945[1].jpg (1361x869, 426K)

>Ones a Jew
>One's white
>One's a mix
>The last one is black

it's 2018
(((they))) say you are what you feel like

im kind of sick and tired of half blacks identifying as black. you are half white dude, start acting like it.

shaun king is 100% white, not even half black

america still hasnt had a black president. obama was a mulatto not black. he was fucking half white

We need to meme the darkie niggers against the light skinned and niggers because they have white privilege. Time to D&C like the kikes do against us.

theres no shame in only being half black, take pride in being half white. i'm serious, why the fuck not, you are half viiking or some shit, own that.

Its funny because it does work. There are arguments with dark females being mad at black men for dating light skinned black females lol.

Nine pounds of caviar with one pound of shit stirred in makes ten pounds of shit.

>tfw not even one President is truly non-white
the next president should be an illegal immigrant

Because being black is a political advantage privilege in american cuckoldland, so all the mutts want to have a race and call themselves blacks and have people interested in want to see them as blacks for political identity politics

Only based Idris Elba is black (on the right)

They also wants to turn white women in political advantage privilege, the code word for white women is women and they want to create the narrative of opressed (white) women even being 100% of media, movies, the most racially praise and promoted human in earth, because have a political party who divide people in race, gender, pretend to want the opposite but need every kind of racism, race bait and identity politics for power, keep the country pumped in shit, so they still in the need of some white people since they think that all the others will be loyal for democrats, then tried to turn white women into identity politics

Why do you think democrats in the last years picked only white women, and other race, for president of democrats and all their shilling was based in this kind of identity politics and tried to cover up every trash of them even on wikileaks, in the last elections

They want to turn people in identity politics with only one group marginalized and racially trashed and polarized as strategy of power, then we are forced to have external globalist influence of this shithole country and the disgusting democrats

yeah, fuck Idris Elba

One drop rule

"black" isn't a descriptive term, it's a team jersey

Politics can choose any kind of people, democrats pick people based in their race or gender and use and exploit this, but the democrats think that still in the need of some white people, so they wanted to keep the anti-white male polarization trashing and are trying to pick the white women and turn white women into identity politics and narrative who they don't produce with women of other race, the woemn of other race who live like trash, but is the white women who they are wanting the numbers

That’s literally why they were called “people of color”

Because its seen as a negative/opposition to white. Mexicans for example arent black so they are considered white. There is no monolithic white or black race but these pipo just want to desperatly belong and the only people that dont move away as their neighbors are others who think of themselves as black too.

>we need to meme

Dark skinned blacks already hate light skinned ones. Like, vehemently hate. Like, if white people all died out they'd just start accusing them of white privilege and shit.

mestizos are half white half amerindian
you're thinking of zambos, of which none of these people are

This. Mulattoes who adopt white culture are totally fine. It's not their fault one of their parents had a low self esteem.

>Everyone in this photo identifies as black, how are they the same race?
>Kike, Spic, Nafri, Nog

This desu

they are all the same race, the shitskin race

The oven still works the same for all of them.

Fucking nigger lover. xD Identify as White. xD

They are all slaves.

Most African americans are ~30% white, hence their iq being about 15 points higher than their purebred African counterparts