Involuntary Atheist

What does it mean when I desperately want to believe in God and an afterlife but the cold calculating part of my brain will not allow this of how terrible life can seem and modern science painting the universe as a cold unfeeling machine.

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Find something as proof of God in your life... For me, it was my girlfriend. My friend has also had experiences that make him believe in at least something, a bit wilder than mine, though. Pray and do your best to find the lord, do your best to open your heart. I was in a similar boat as you but I found something strong enough that I could cling to it and hold faith. You can make it, you can find your connection. Persist.

Also try meditation, getting outside. Connect with nature, connect with the earth. Connect with god's creation and you'll perhaps find him too.

Isn’t Presbyterianism the same thing?

user this is beautiful. God bless you

Drop acid.

>no other religion depends on belief
Only modern Christiany is this autistic

So you're making up proof?

Accept there is no god and become him.

You're struggling with your ego, user. Rise above it.
>Step 1: the realization that you're imperfect just like everyone else.

Eric exists.
God exists.
Eric ate God.
Eric becomes a part of God.
God still exists.

God exist, god doesn’t exist. These are the extremes user. Living your life that is pleasing and charming to yourself and others, that is what matters. You’ll find out in the end. Whether a god exists or not has no bearing on the importance of how your character shapes the existence you have.

be wise user, only a fool would squander this opportunity of experience and chose a life of pain and suffering.

>I believe in the Jewish fairy tale of Jesus because of my GF

I'm gonna laugh my fucking ass off when she dumps you for a Chad.

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read aquinas by feser

and last superstition, same author

Sorry this world belongs to Satan now my friend. God lost.

OP's picture just replaces the concept of God argued by Aquinas with the penguin. Typical brainlet atheist thinking he understands but demonstrating his complete ignorance

Madman, you have already killed GOD.

stop worrying. umm your living in a invirement that is satanic no matter what religon you follow. the strong surrvive and the weak pearish
I think everyone should try to be nice to the weak though. you would not like to be in there shoes if you sat on a throne. I THINK thats base knowlage.

Ask many a French intellectual and they will tell you they feel the same way. Some people are just not wired for faith, despite being able to see the benefits, I guess.

Retarded post. There are many of problems with this; I'll tackle two.

Keep in mind that God is an entity above universal law, and you'll see multiple issues with this.

1) The question of God's "existence" in this context is fundamentally flawed. We can ask the question of whether or not God "exists", but by using the same word in this graphic, you miss the key distinction of his existence *above universal law* - this means that if he does exist, as an infinitely existent entity, his existence cannot suddenly be expunged.

2. Let's presume that this definition of "existence" that the graphic gives is actually correct. then, we've defined God as a being with infinite power over the universe. If "Eric" has some magical control over God that makes him exist, then Eric must also be such an infinite power that has some power over God. This leaves us with two conclusions:
a) Eric is infinite. However, this is a logical contradiction, as two opposing infinities may not exist. An infinite existence may solely exist in the presence of a finite existence or a non-opposing infinite existence. One infinity cannot "eat" another.
b) Eric is not infinite, but holds power over God (i.e. controls his existence). In this case, Eric is God.

QED. What a retarded graphic.

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Try watching and
I was an Atheist at one point, and I thought the same as you that I wanted to believe yet I thought I couldn't but I was really just fooling myself because I didn't really want the truth.
So I would suggest taking a break unnecessary electronic use for awhile, and with out all the distractions just focus on reading books that argue for the existence of God, and really thinking about stuff.

Same here, I wonder what my life would've been if I hadn't abandoned christian faith. I really used to believe as a child and followed the bible teachings. But then I stopped because I was influenced by degenerate friends, and leftist propaganda. It took me several years to stop falling for those jewish tricks.
Now as a grown up I think that christian morals and the church are pillars for the human race, but I find it really hard to believe in god. Also idk what to do with my son, I'd love to save him the bad years that I had.

Everybody knows Eric doesn't give a fuck about your meager grasp on what you think infinity and eternity are. We cannot fathom Eric's power. While God is only good Eric is simply the devourer of all things. It's all written in an ancient tome called "March of the God Devouer" and if you try to refute it I will gladly cite its ancient passages and make you look like more of a fool than you already do.

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Imagine this: in the face of God, human are imperfect beings. Logic used by humans may therefore be imperfect as well. And even if it was perfect, why do we assume that God, almighty as he is, abides by that rules?
So let us define God as an entity that both exists and doesn't exist, one that can create a stone so heavy he can't lift it but still lift it at the same time, one that is everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. One that is, in human terms, both good and evil and everything in between. One that is above our human logic.

You might say that I simply equated God with a cosmic horror per Lovecraft, but I went far beyond. I defined God as someone above ALL rules and who can, in his great might, be a fused paradox. the simplest representation of this would be to say that God is a binary integer that is both 0 and 1.

This is why I'm an agnostic theist.

Cite it

yeah but in the fraction of the second god existed he could've set the universe as we know it. Both validating the god and god-eater

Here's a passage from chapter 7 of the book called " The whims of the the Tuxedo Terror"

"And lo the ultra omnipotence of the mighty one was again unchallenged. Eric smote mighty Zeus against Mount Olympus and consumed the King of the Grecian pantheon as he has done for uncounted eons."

What if someone prays and does his best, but comes to the conclusion that it's not the god you believe in, but 3 alien dudes named bob jake and lupo who created the universe and watch him every day?

I'm glad you found something in your life that gives you faith in the Divine, but the fact that you "cling" to it shows that it's not really faith, but a fervent hope. An experience with my girlfriend on LSD turned me from an atheist into a pantheist/nondualist and I thought we found a spiritual bond that could never be broken. I was wrong however. But the experience I had was strong enough to shed away all doubt I still retained regardless.

I'm just saying be careful. Your relationship is not invincible, my friend. The things people say here about the true nature of a woman is almost 100% accurate. Do not think for a second that you're immune to this like I did. I thought her and I were an exception, but it turned out she was incredibly skilled at hiding how she truly felt later in our relationship.

I looked my ex's eyes on LSD and gazed into the core of her soul, and even that transcendent experience didn't save us. Women are repelled by "clinging", user. Detach from her ASAP and man up, ignore this at your own peril.

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logically God must exist, you are probably a brainlet and think you are some intelligent master.


This right here. That nagging skepticism will never again bother you. I was in the same place as you a few years ago, OP. Look up Alan Watts, that man has a wonderful way of describing God and is totally accurate. Granted, he only scratches the surface and serves as an "introduction" but I will always recommend his writings and lectures to people seeking spiritual guidance.

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This picture makes the assumption that unprovability is the same as being disproven.

Bad logic.

I agree. How can people doubt the existence of Eric?

>logically God must exist,

Said no person with some knowledge of logic, ever

Explain the logic O wise one and don't say read the bible because I have.

It's simple really. Creation is a reflection of God and vice versa.
Abrahamic Faith's are illogical.
Reincarnation is evident by transference of energy.
Free will is accounted for via multiverse.
God doesn't interact with us for it is us. Evident by all points in space being entangled and a value of 1.

Typical smug responses where the atheist overestimates his own intelligence and knowledge while straw manning and missing the point. I genuinely feel for you since I went through the same phase 4 years ago.

It means you can't into willful ignorance.

It doesn't really matter if you're right about God's non-existence. There is an evolutionary selective pressure against being an atheist and will thus always be outnumbered by religious people.

How the fuck is your girlfriend proof of God?

So you're not going to provide me with the logic I so desperately need? And I'm not an atheist I just like fucking with you people

God is existence itself the penguin would have to eat everything including you.

Woah. Praised be the Most High God and His Christ our Lord and Savior.
Holy, Holy , Holy is the Lord of hosts and the earth is full of his glory !

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First of all remove this idea that God is a magical sky man.
"God" is simply the logical contingent point of both metaphysical and physical existence.
Now when I say this argument that you've heard, I'm not using empiricism(empiricism isn't the foundation of all truth) and I'm not trying to prove a specific God:
1. All things physical that exist must have a cause
2. That cause must be nonphysical so that it itself does not rely on a cause
3. That cause is God.
It's not a God of the gaps fallacy, it's not trying to fill knowledge that we don't know, because it would matter less if our universe was created from a nuclear blast of another, it just shifts the argument.
All the other traits of "God" come after this

You must be a southern Italy

Not an atheist. There is also an evolutionary selective pressure against being a gullible retard.

Southern Italian are actually way more religious, obviously since they are low IQ

>Jew painting
Get outa here Jew.

People have already made arguments here and you’ve just responded with sarcastic caricatures of the theist position and not even addressed their points. If you’re not an atheist what are you? State your position.

I would go as far to argue that god's only psychical form is Jesus. (Though I do believe he exists in everything)

>that cause must be non-phyical so that itself does not rely on a cause


I can read your horoscope with an astounding accuracy and show you how the battle between Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and Cronos unfolded

If that's true, than why are there so many religious people, my jewish friend?

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Because otherwise we would find ourselves with a paradox, but we know paradoxes don't actually exist. That's why they are a paradox.

not very convincing OP.

What would the paradox be?

If you're not aware that most of the world is filled with gullible retards and you need to get out more my friend

I don't know if you're still in this thread, but yeah, LSD is awesome. I had sex on acid once and it was so deep it almost scared me. I could feel her energy, that's really the only way I could put it.

dropped a turd and left

>There is also an evolutionary selective pressure against being a gullible retard

>the world is filled with gullible retards

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Damn you are dense as all hell, good job understanding the entire point of this exercise but not drawing the conclusion

Why ?

If God were to exist, he would exist on a plane outside of space, time, physics, and belief/disbelief. From our plane we have a type of "can't see the forest through the trees" syndrome. "God" exists, but it does so in a way that is entirely incomprehensible to us.
Picture a five dimensional object...
You can't.
Now imagine the mind of an entity that can create a five dimensional object like you would make a sandcastle.

"God" is real, but it's so far beyond us it's not even worth imagining. Just live your life along natural law, and worry about karma. Because you also exist in that realm, your perception is just not connected to it.

A cartoon is 2d but also exists in 3d, and lives in your mind in some ethereal dimension, same as you with higher dimensions.
Hope that made sense

Thats satanism

Isn't it obvious that I'm a disciple of Eric the God Devourer? What points? It's all conjecture when you're talking about this shit nothing can be proven. All I've read here are people's abstract interpretations of what they think God is. Nobody has mentioned the inconsistencies in the Bible. I know you want to think that you have a grasp on everything but I'm sorry friend you don't.

>Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise.
1 Corinthians 3:18

>Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor.
Proverbs 15:33

>But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
James 3:17

>For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6

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He's a kike you fucking dullard.

>"God" is real, but it's so far beyond us it's not even worth imagining.
If there is in fact a "God", it's so far beyond us that it can't possibly care
It'd be like us as human beings caring for single celled organisms
At best we're a science experiment

If I had grown up in your country, I might not believe in God either.

You’re jewish, you got a whole mafia who serves satan and you are here thinking about god ? Lol

The first post was me insulting you and the second post was the truth if you want me to clear it up for you.

Yeah, Eric exist but you forgot the Armour of God which protects him from every god-eating creature and any possible threats for eternity. Your turn.

1) if I accept this premise, god would not "cease to exist" anymore than the material that comprises organisms we ingest "cease to exist" they merely change forms.
2) If I were to accept that eric exists, that means that Eric is a power higher than God itself to be able to subsume its form entirely.
3) This makes the "God eating penguin" a form higher than God, ergo making it the true defacto god.
4) Your argument is that God eats God (or God eats a lesser God)
5) If this is the case you are not destroying god, but "god" is becoming a part of the "true god" which is eric the penguin.
6) I'm inclined to ask you more about this hypothetical to test it for fallacies, but Im going to bed, please keep this thread alive.

>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a kike

Why don't you get off pol once in awhile buddy

He is either a shill anti jesus or sincerely believes christ is a jewish invention thus negative

You sciency Rick and Morty types always think science is so infallible. There is much that can't be explained and even when you understand the how, you are left to ponder the why. I studied quantum mechanics for a little while and the idea of virtual particles is so much more whacky and insane than a god. Anyway it's called faith for a reason, can't be explained. The first sip from the glass of science will make you an atheist, but god waits at the bottom of the glass

Fuckoff jew

What a very helpful non-answer, jew.

I think the biggest reason, people become Atheists, is NOT the lack of being able to believe. But the Lack of Honestly and morals all around.
Look at the Amish, Look at Orthadox Jews, Traditional Budists etc Eastern Orthodox. These are Pure... Turns Young people away.

I chose Atheism. I am a good person.. but something is missing.

Well maybe this board really is an echo chamber.

Nobody wants to play pilpul. Take it to the synagogue, or mason lodge or whatever gay shit you do.

That's not very Christian of you to say. I thought you guys were supposed to turn the other cheek and love me

I think it's more about the fact that they get exposed to the contradictions (aka there being so many religions now and in the past). There are two extremes when you analize that situation: doubling down on your religion and ignore all the new info you've been exposed to or become a total skeptic atheist. Of course there's a lot in between like becoming secular, agnostic, etc.

It's more of a common sense thing for me


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Retarded post. There are many of problems with this; I'll tackle two.

Keep in mind that God is an entity above universal law, and you'll see multiple issues with this.

1) The question of God's "existence" in this context is fundamentally flawed. We can ask the question of whether or not God "exists", but by using the same word in this graphic, you miss the key distinction of his existence *above universal law* - this means that if he does exist, as an infinitely existent entity, his existence cannot suddenly be expunged.

2. Let's presume that this definition of "existence" that the graphic gives is actually correct. then, we've defined God as a being with infinite power over the universe. If "Eric" has some magical control over God that makes him exist, then Eric must also be such an infinite power that has some power over God. This leaves us with two conclusions:
a) Eric is infinite. However, this is a logical contradiction, as two opposing infinities may not exist. An infinite existence may solely exist in the presence of a finite existence or a non-opposing infinite existence. One infinity cannot "eat" another.
b) Eric is not infinite, but holds power over God (i.e. controls his existence). In this case, Eric is God.

QED. What a retarded graphic.

>1 post by this ID

>can't prove something exists therefore that proves it doesn't exist
>had to use a penguin in a long winding idiotic story to try and say this
imagine being as dumb as atheists

Good thing I can atone for my sins.

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Trust your brain.

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I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you buddy.

Hebrews 10:26
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins

Don't worry maybe Eric will get him before you die

Get addicted to IV heroin, then kick it. If that doesn’t make a believer out of you then you’re hopeless.

Delusion is a hell of a drug

Without a God, the feelings you have are nothing more than illusions. The ethics you feel are completely dependent on a mix of genetics (which is survival of the fittest) and environmental factors, and without a true ethical standard, whatever feelings you have that conflict with evil are null and void without a God because they're just your feelings and nothing more. They're illusions.

So when you wonder why a loving God could allow evil into the world, realize that without a God to begin with, there is no such thing as evil. If you really believe that, then there's no difference between good and evil other than the society that judges you, and that is ever-changing and meaningless.

That's one of the many reasons why atheism is specious at best.