What the hell is up with this guy? He isn't funny, he gets in fights with his guests, uncharismatic, IMO comes off as a dickhead.
Steven Crowder
Other urls found in this thread:
he needs to learn how to actually prepare before he goes live
Yeah I don't like him either. He comes off very arrogant
He reminds me of Gorgeous George
He’s a retard that believes he’s a genius and he also is smug and arrogant about it. He also thinks he’s being really edgy or pissing people off or being politically incorrect when he really isn’t, for example in the video you posted you know that he thinks it’s edgy to say “wong” instead of “long” because of how Asians say their l’s. Well it’s not, and he’s a cuckservative faggot so he’s not edgy at all.
He loves Israel...nuff said.
>he gets in fights with his guests
Wait, there are political show hosts who don't do that?
Maher does it.
Carlson does it.
FOX does it.
CNN does it.
Everyone does it.
He's cooler than you Mohammad
Yeah he treats his staff like shit. Acts like a proper cunt if something doesn't go smoothly, which is often. Watched a bit of him during the election and he seems like such a Goddamn faggot.
Basically this:
He keeps saying he's a "late night comdeian" . He said he would watch latenight with his dad so its some weird shit to do with that.
He thinks hes funny but isnt - we all know a guy like this.
i just put him on as noise in the background while i play runescape
Steven "Zoomer" Crowder
>He’s a retard that believes he’s a genius
I don't think he thinks he's a genius, but he does think he worked his way up from the bottom.
>I lived in my car for 24 hrs in LA after being a voice actor on "Arthur" as a teen and my parents have good jobs and I could always go back to live with them no matter what
>afro hair
>didn't even shave
Hey Steven.
Getting into fights with guests is usually fine, it just depends on how and why the fight starts.
You're growing as a host still and I can see your improvement over time. Try to dip a little more intellectual in your material. Sometimes you go into things assuming you can wing it and then you get a situation like that socialist kid on 'change my mind'.
I'll be clear, his mom got him backstage work at the Just For Laughs festival starting when he was 5. It's not like he was living in a trailer park with alcoholic parents and he did that on his own. I think he does have a good work ethic, but, it's because he has good parents who support him and he knows that if he fails, they will still support him. At this point, he no longer needs their support, but he's never felt alone in the world.
I’ll occasionally give him a listen but his high pitched voice combined with the adderall he’s railing makes it hard to listen to. Hes overly conservative for me, it’s like listening to a boomer talk.
lol what are you so buttmad about?
That one Change My Mind debate where he got raped by /ourguy/ Yousef encapsulates everything wrong with him.
His whole 'conservative' worldview is boomer-tier and absolutist. Anytime he hears the word 'socialism' he immediately spergs out and thinks you're a Leninist or Maoist assassin ready to cut his face off.
It doesn't even occur to him that 'national socialism' is a thing and that right wing traditional socialism geared towards a healthy middle class and supporting the native population is a feasible and proven concept.
He got especially mad when Yousef accurately pointed out that it was pre-trump Republicans and RINOs who CONSTANTLY stonewalled and blocked any kind of immigration reform in order to continue the steady flow of cheap labor.
>what is a chad
also fuck off with e-celeb shit
it goes in all fields
He hasn't been the same since Yousef changed everyone's mind.
yep Yousef showed him as just another transparent concuck who prays on retarded leftist low hanging fruit
He's great
crowder is creepy as fuck
yes because you don't like him hes a jew.
He cewl
same, he's good for that.
tried watching a couple years ago but that one faggot kept fake laughing after every other sentence and the whole thing was too cringy to finish so yeah nah im good on that
I dislike him. He is a zionist. But also consider the fact he is a gateway drug. He is useful to a degree.
The funniest thing he ever did was get punched in the face.
by who?
He's a Protestant Christian, and openly states his Pro-Israel viewpoints. He's not a Jew, but he supports them.
Boo frickin' hoo. I don't have a problem with his show. He seems to be adept at producing a stream of thought. If he gets a little hot under the collar from time to time, big deal.
His debates do a good job at exposing the retarded college students of the nu left but he constantly mentions his allegedly enormous cock and it makes me uncomfortable. I’m just trying to hear a debate. You know?
He and Ben shapiro are the boomers incarnate descended to earth to beat us over the head with some cartoony FUCK YEAH AMERICA conservatism lite - the sins of our fathers that got us here in the first place
and he keeps talking about old shit
>hurr debating a tranny
>hurr change my mind I dont like pronouns
>Feminism guise XDDDD
This, sort of.
Even Amy Schummer showed to be more charismatic than him, that says a lot.
He is extremely mawkish, doesn't practice what he preaches, doesn't let the conversation flow (he stops all the time, goes for short sentences and wants to give the definition of every single word...).
At first I thought he was meh but after the Yussuf interview I just started hating the guy (regardless of how you liked Yussuf or not, Crowder was cringey as shit).
>right wing traditional socialism geared towards a healthy middle class and supporting the native population is a feasible and proven concept.
Because it worked for one hot minute in the thirties and forties?
He is truly full of himself. I remember one of the last "change my minds" where he got cornered or didn't really know what to say anymore because the other party wasn't an insane sjw for once but a balanced adult and instead of knowing when to cut loose and disengage he got into their personal space, talked over them and started pilpulling. He became serious cringe.
lol, true...I remember watching him during the 2016 primaries. His head was so far up Ted Cruz's ass it wasn't funny. He got offended at Trump questioning Cruz for being a dual citizen of Canada. I remember Crowder saying "if Trump get's elected he will try to deport Canadians like my mom".....
Total fucking faggot, just like Shapiro - he was dead wrong with his 2016 election predictions, yet now he is a Trump supporter...go figure.
he said the word "autistic" HOW DARE YOU SIR! HOW ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU!!
mediocre comedian targeting the conservative niche
He literally seems high estrogen
He’s fucking jacked but then he talks and he sounds/acts high estrogen
>Hello I'm Steven Crowder: the post
It wasn't even that one but I remember him there also talking over the guy and endlessly going back to
>w-we first have to define-
and then spazzing out when the guy made a perfectly fine claim "this sort of autistic NAP principle-"
Crowder knew perfectly well that he didn't literally call him autistic but for some reason he just spazzed out and bit into that and started whining how mean it was to use a mental ilness as a slur or some shit and he just wants to "keep it civil"
E celebs need to be banned from this god damn board.
Go make some subreddit to suck their dick
Fucking embarrassing
Literally the 4th thread about crowder someone is either really smitten or shilling
Either way is boring af
>for some reason
Cause he knew he wasn't gonna win the debate. He's not quick on his feet, he just has a bunch of memorized lines he spews out, he didn't have one memorized to argue with Yousef, so he bitched out and hung on to the "autistic" in a sad effort to save face. You can see him get up on the kids face at first, probably trying to provoke Yousef into saying something that he can use to do just that.
He's arrogant about being ignorant which makes him so insufferable
He's a Boomer 2.0. People like him and Gavin McInnis. They think they are edgy because they tell stupid jokes that offend Boomers but their ideas and sensibilities are 100% Boomer.
>only ideas matter, not race.
>Just work harder and all these 80 IQ retards will be just as successful as Whites.
>LEGAL immigration.
>They have to go home but then they can come back LEGALLY.
quintessential zoomer.
that high pitched voice he does. ALL. THE. TIME.
also, hes A FUCKING LEAF
Pretty much. He's boomer tier and not quick enough to evolve with the right wing. He's still attacking low hanging fruit like feminists and trannies and when he meets someone with normal, thought-out opinions his catalogue of rehearsed redpillsTM is useless.
This. Anyone under 50 who is unironically """Christian""" is basically a boomer faggot.
>gets in fights with his guest
except joe rogan who made him look like a pussy
recap that pls
Didn't feel like watching 4 hours of Crowder whining about weed