Why arent you a vegan?

Why arent you a vegan?

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i dont want to

I think I'd rather die than eat nothing but vegetables for the rest of my life.

What a drab life. No wonder only humorless people who use veganism as a substitute religion can only pull it off.

Because fuck you meat tastes good.




Once lab gown meat is as good and cheap as the real thing I'll switch.

Everything we do is a result of slavery one way or another. ur phone is because a bunch of chink kids slaved away. ur vegan ass food is from underpaid workers. life sucks and is cruel, no reason to torture myself with food that tastes like aids.

So blacks are on the level of pigs then?

Animals die so others may live. Circle of life. Do you shame lions for eating meat too?

I'm a vegan and I subsist mostly on lentil quinoa broccoli banana smoothies.

But this guy has the right idea.

When we can grow the finest marbled beef you've ever seen, and it's all grown for cheap in a lab, the argument will be rendered moot.

Lab meat is the future. It's going to be cheap. It's going to be everywhere. It's going to be high quality.

Within 50 years meat that screams when you kill it will be a thing of the past.

veganism is just disguised classism, i cant afford to buy 10 bottles of onions a day and theres just not good vegan food at my grocery store or fast food and i dont care enough to waste the time or energy on veganism

with that said, the bible says God gave us dominion over all animals, and Noah went to painstaking efforts to save all animals on the Ark, therefore we should strive to be looking after animals, rather than killing and consuming them.

you seem like the kind of neckbeard that would have a "M A N C A V E" banner above his little Barbie electric stove whilst making Flinstones jokes while cooking a $3 low quality cut steak.

yea br0 fuk it total hedanism all the way haha hail satan XD

Because I'm not a salad eating homosexual.

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If lions didn't have to hunt to eat, most probably wouldn't. Only the best lion hunter is able to be lazy, as he is the one that hunts the fewest and eats the least frequent, letting others do his killing for him.

Good job on comparing animals to people and trying to extract morality from that, let's do it again sometime.

because i'm not interested in shitting myself every time i eat out

I'm not a faggot

>Within 50 years meat that screams when you kill it will be a thing of the past.

What about the real men that are left?

Nice job putting nigs, pigs and women in the same category.

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Vegans and their children are stupid and weak.

keeping the farm animals Population in check

Lions still eat meat though. Just because the male doesn't hunt doesn't mean he eats salad. People are animals perfectly valid comparison

Because I care more about hedonistic pleasure than I do about farm animals and fish.

The proteins in meat are what allowed our brain to evolve this far.
Be happy that you have access to meat.

You honestly think lab grown meat won't have all sorts of fucked upped chemicals to turn the frogs gay. I'd rather eat my hormone infused cows, because at the vary least I know it's real

Pretty much this. Give it a decade and most people will be functionally vegetarian in that they won't be killing animals, and possibly vegan because real butter will be more expensive than udder cells grown in factory farms can pump out dairy products for as well.
This is also happening with vegetables in places like Japan, as land and importation are expensive, certain factory settings are ideal for mass producing premium grade vegetables in hydroponic set-ups at cheaper prices than "organic farms" can.
Ironically, the sterile rooms that used to house server farms and full body dust suits make the food less likely to be chemically contaminated than the highest grade of "organic" stamp that could ever be grown outdoors.

>Trusting lab grown meats
Enjoy your super cancer

its called nihilism retard

As a vegan I respect your decision.

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It’s comments like these that let me keep eating meat without feeling bad. Because it makes pretentious faggots mad. If I can save a cow from the inane bullshit a vegan continues to spout out by severing its brain stem quickly and painlessly, then it’s worth it

There have been laws passed making it illegal to force companies to label GMO food, because there's no scientific evidence that it's harmful and all plastering GMO labels on shit will do is scare people who don't know how to tie their own shoes.

The same thing will happen with lab grown meat.

A lab grown filet mignon will be identical to a moo grown filet mignon and it will be illegal to label one as lab grown.

It's grown in a lab, or a factory, sure, but it's still just cultured cells.
It doesn't have to be some dystopian super-mutant strain to grow regular flank steaks on blood-infused agar. We can do that shit today, there just isn't a really efficient process yet.


This bullshit is like going back to children's fairy tales:
Predators are bad, herbivores are good.

If nature developed a whole class of animals "exploiting" others, I certainly can do it as well.

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It's called the food chain. Why do you have a problem with nature being "cruel"? You can't change the way nature works.

>be vegan
>somehow still be fat

3D print it

Cool, thanks for this

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Bacon tastes delicious.


Veganism is just another form of White genocide

because sufferring is eternal and humans are omnivores

Why do you faggots resent being human?

Meat isn't supposed to be grown in a fucking lab.

animals taste good and are good for you

If it's TRUE that the left can't meme, then the radical far left can't even sensibly make comprehensible content

Why not?
Rice, grains, sugar - the things that make you fat and crave even more food.

When vegans were still mostly slim, the cause was mainly selection bias - when it was weird and fringe only people who didn't care much about food but much about animals became vegan.

Meat in moderation, but also eat lots of veggies. Avoid the s o y. This isn't complicated

I'd eat lab grown meat if it means we torture animals less.
Most things you already eat are far removed from their natural counterparts.

2 reasons.
I have actually taken care of chickens, and let me say after doing so i couldn't be more glad i helped kill the little shits, and i have helped cut meat too.
and the second, look where i live, i fucking dare you stay vegan around here.

>It's going to be high quality
I doubt it, hamburger might be passable, but steak won't be

I choose to excercise my position as an apex predator.

I.e Biology as a field of science.

animals arn't tortured dumbass, they are humanely sacrificed for the good of real men

Holy shit did that steak come from a goddamn Triceratops.

Why would we compliment vegans by calling them Hitler?
Vegans are more like Jews as both have weird eating habits based on religion.

>Why arent you a vegan?

vae victis

We don't really torture animals though, we just kill them. They won't even notice if it's done using electrocution.

I have to agree with him. Modern CAFO lots and factory farms are just atrocious. We need agricultural reform.

But still gonna eat meat you veganfags

I'm not a vegan, but clearly growing meat is not a bad technological goal. Think about space travel and that kind of thing, just for starters.
I think that about a decade after cultured meat is as good and equally priced as the regular stuff, most people will be functionally vegetarian. That's just my opinion of the way these things go.
If I had been alive a hundred and fifty years ago and said "ten years after they can cook up a spray in a factory that kills weeds as cheap and effectively as hand weeding and most people will be eating chemical herbicides" it wouldn't be such a crazy prediction, right?

animals are well cared full and humanely killed because that makes for better meat. what is it with vegans and their sick animal torture porn fetish anyway

The problem with veganism is that it highlights how shitty people are at playing the game of moral judgement once they are talking about societal systems magnitudes larger and more interconnected than at any time in the past.

No true humility amongst most people these days. Last men who think they've found the last tablet of values. And for all the tumult surrounding them, they neither sing with the beauty of a caged mockingbird nor do they embody the spirit of curiousity. All they do is stare and blink.

I don't support torturing animals either, but the concept of "growing meat" seems like a slight to God Himself.

Animals eat animals. There's no reason to feel bad about it.

If humans weren't meant to be meat eating omnivores we wouldn't have
>Canine teeth
>Forward facing eyes
>The greatest marathoning ability of any animal species to pursue animals (i.e. the oldest hunting technique the "persistence" hunt
>large brains

As ever leftists are permanently BTFO by biology.


There is no valid justification for consuming meat, dairy and eggs.

Funny thing is Hitler supported Veganism.


What the motherfuck, why is noone pointing this shit out. You treat other species differently because they are fucking different species you massive retard.

Marxism will just never stop.

>their sick animal torture porn fetish anyway

Because feeling is addictive. Feeling good is addictive. Feeling righteously angry is addictive. Feeling sad about an overwhelming amount of entities is addictive.

Nor do they have the brain to realize that it would take control of human society to make meaningful inroads. All your individual moral posturing means nothing if a ignoble person ends up dominating over you.

Lol, I don't have to justify it. I just eat it.

Yes there is, the pursuit of happiness. America wants us to be happy

>just because it not labeld it fine to eat
Look I don't care about if its labeld or not all I care about is the fact I don't wanna eat space cancer made in a lab, I'd rather eat normal cancer made by a cow and injected with cancer. Aka I'm picking my poison.

no valid reason for you to live, yet here you are taking up space and using air

Protein, calcium.
And the fact that it tastes fucking delicious.

Exterminate all predators now!
These immoral creatures deserve to die.

Modern factory farming is almost inarguably torture. You can acknowledge the suffering as necessary evil but to pretend otherwise is either willfully ignorant or disingenuous.

Surely it depends on the farm but you’re way out of touch with reality in the vast majority of cases

I think most people including me eat to much meat and we should tone it down for health reasons, but not just flat out quit eating meat.
Especially childeren and growing teens need meat to develop muscles and animal fat is brain grow food. Vegetarian or vegan lifestyle should only start after the age of 21.

I am kind of with op on lab meat, make the ritual slaughter of animals illegal with no exemptions. kosher and halal slaughter will be rendered illegal.

no valid justification for abusing garbage cans yet...

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'muh happiness is more important than billions of other lives'
Unironically end your life

just did your wrong, sticking your penis in children is torture

Thanks for not being a faggot.

they're a good source of protein and iron

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As a vegetarian, I cannot understand why people still eat meats. The only logical conclusion I can draw is its tradition and humans have a hard time kicking old, bad habits.

Sooner or later the majority will no longer purchase/consume meats. If the west can abolish slavery we can also abolish factory farming and the selling of meats.

why don't you just kill yourself then if you're upset that you were born a human?

Because he had irritable bowel syndrome and it helped him. Not because he was crying over a pig.

I'm not.

Because i'm not an emotional, weak faggot

Feeling morally superior is the bestest feels!

because your religion is better than their religion, fucking fascist

Agree on that one, some people forget we're omnivores for a reason.
I'd say eating a salad with actual vegetables besides lettuce or maybe a burger with actual lettuce is a good way to start.

There is no valid reason why I shouldnt rape your mother, father and siblings.

Declaration of Independence wasn't written for chickens dumbass

I prefer not to have to live my life by someome else's morals and standards.


we can also abolish
good luck with that

I am

I have no religion, though I guess I consider myself agnostic at worst. Pursue science relentlessly, though I admit the christ cucks are the least hostile religion, the Jews have made them into literal punching bags that no one should take pleasure in demeaning more than they already have been. But I digress, Jew your talmud is far more insane than the babbeling of some televangelist shekel grabbing preacher on tv.

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you havent been listening. Meat taste good and is good for you (in moderation)