I found the most stupidest thing online today. Does this bitch even understand supply and demand and how it work?
Some one has a service to provide. You pay them for that service. It’s equal and fair.
I found the most stupidest thing online today. Does this bitch even understand supply and demand and how it work?
Some one has a service to provide. You pay them for that service. It’s equal and fair.
These "intellectuals" are fucking retarded. I've almost triggered all of them into deleting me on my social media accounts.
2 or 3 still remain....but I'll get them too, eventually.
who cares get a life faggot
The point is that we're living and working for a Jew above us dumbass not just for ourselves which it should be
>mfw she's right
Everything you learn at college is exactly what the bourgeoisie want you to learn(the same bourgeoisie that pumps Europe full of brown "refugees")
Pursue a higher education on your own time then you stupid whore, all the resources are at your fingertips. The old perks that colleges had like being able to meet experts, meeting other smart people your age and discuss important things with them, access to information you wouldn’t have otherwise had, all those perks are gone now. The professors are retards, the information is all online, and the students are either scared to voice their real opinions for fear of reprisal or are scared to hear opinions that aren’t heinously left wing. Colleges also let in fucking reaptards these days as well. Just get the piece of paper that credential obsessed boomers freak out about and go on with your life, learn on your own time, and find a discussion group online where you can speak about a subject without someone trying to ruin your life.
She's right though.
But we haven't reached a point of societal post-scarcity where we can allow ourselves the luxury of developing the human mind and spirit.
Hopefully in 500 years, robots will be doing all the work and humans can pursue knowledge and education not for monetary benefit, but for self-enlightenment.
The white vegans didnt seem to log off, did they?
The thing is, is that no one is ever going to care about you and your personal development. If you want to go to college then go for it. It may raise your value in the work place or it may not.
what an idiot. she's on the internet, she can learn whatever the hell she wants and yet she instead decides to bitch about how she's not learning anything. nobody is forcing anyone to go to college, so just don't go if you don't like what they're teaching and improve yourself in all the free time you'll have.
>if things were different, the stuff would be different
Fuck leaf posters
exactly what knowledge would make her a better human being? learnign about shit doesnt do anything.
I agree the only person that cares about your personal development is you. If college gives you fulfill in life then have a swing at it. But all the info you’ll be learning is literally on google or in a book already written.
She's right.
KYS, ancap.
No u
there was nothing wrong with his post.
>people are so dumb now they have to be told what to learn and baited with money as a reward.
It's the carrot and stick on a treadmill meme
People used to have pattern recognition and powers of observation that compelled them to learn something new every day about the world around them. Now their sole purpose in life is wish fulfillment for self gratification before moving on to the next high even with information at their fingertips like never before.
>What?! You mean I've got to make myself actually useful to other people?
>Fuck that! I want to sit on my ass all day and think about life and the universe and shit!
Yea there is. First he asserts she's right, she's not. Then he backs it up saying she would be right if things were a certain way, which they aren't. His post was bad and he should feel bad
they actually put a lot of the lectures online now at places like MIT. i watch them from time to time and you can even contact some of the cooler professors and they'll answer any questions you have. mostly i get ignored but the MIT compsci department still has some hardcore geeks that love talking about computers, lol.
Supply and demand. That simple.
Philosophical development can come after you've done your part or while you do your part.
>She implies we don't contribute to bettering humanity
There are literally thousands of dollars poured into private and public services that compile research to end diseases and go to other states and countries to assist those in need.
>We need to make ourselves more valuable to the market.
I wouldn't employ a baker to be a plumber, would I?
Dude that’s pretty dope. I’ll probably look into that
why can't we all be friends?
I’ll b ur fran
If only it was possible to somehow use all the technology we have, like internet, books, libraries, open courses... To learn the things they teach in university by yourself if you dont care about the piece of paper and only want to improve yourself.
She has 8 hours a day where she's not working to study and learn literally anything on the planet. Nobody had that luxury 50 years ago.
She chooses not to and is clearly blaming the government for somehow withholding opportunities rather than her inability to act.
That sound like the dream my guy. Maybe one day we’ll have such machines that can you know search for books and encyclopedias and such.
College is literally just to get a piece of paper and socialize. That’s it.
I didn’t learn a lot of particularly meaningful information in college. In fact, I was taught a lot of things that are flat out wrong.
I agree. I’m just at the beginning of college and I’ll tell ya, it’s been a big fucking cringe fest the whole ride so far.
>wants to learn useless shit and be paid for it
Is someone stopping them from going to college to develop themselves? That's still allowed, right?
>he calls others dumb
>he literally uses the expression "most stupidest"
Always glad to get a morning chuckle from the kings of stupidity, the mutts
Shut up frog