What's the general feeling among Germs about the current state. Had enough or more please?

What's the general feeling among Germs about the current state. Had enough or more please?

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Oh don't worry "germans" are actually Turks.. so there will be a lot more..

How could the mighty Aryan race of Germans be descendants of Turks

> Did Jogi get the Job done to renew the 'Mannschaft'?
>Everything get more expensive
>If the interest rates are rising I can run into a problem financing my house
>Muh Trump and his taxes are the reason for a new econimic crisis.
>Where we will go next holidays?
>Dont know about more refugees, sorry migrants, first the ones here should get a job.

roundabout that

Descendants? Who's taking about that?

I am talking about Turks... actual Germans are a dying breed..

Rather dumb

I wished I lived in Germany. Anything bad happening there is happening 10 times worse here. Besides, Merkel just agreed to do something about the migrant crisis.

This may still be changed.

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>the flag

Of course.
Dont worry Dražen, we will still visit your country and fuck your women.

Germans dont exist anymore they've been an extinct species circa 2015.

I don't think so burgerfag, I've been to germany many times, starting when they still had deutsche mark and I'm really surprised how things are turning into shit so fast.

of course an average cuck helmut is too beta to even admit the change, also germans do not talk about their country's problems with Ausländers


She agreed to do exactly nothing. In as speech she even explicitly stated all that is done now is so 'people have the IMPRESSION that law and order are upheld.'

That, my dear burger friend, is even beyond duplicity. Replacement migration is still on ... Spain will be the new gate.

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pretty comfy desu, maybe the country will be saved maybe not, but just remember to stay comfy.

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>germans do not talk about their country's problems with Ausländer

Oh they do so vehemently with Austrians, at least this is my experience. Maybe they still think one of us will be their salvation ...

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i think every normal person aknowledges a negative change they just dont know how to handle that.
but germany is likely still an improvement from america if you dont live in a small white town.

You can't possibly be this stoopid.

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"1 in 7 (14.7%) Germans 32 & Younger Are Muslim—3 Times What Angela Merkel’s Government Claims"

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oh vey, i sure believe that!

The current state is like everywhere else in the world.

The elites want to bleed out the middle class with a slow burn. For this they first drastically lowered wages in the 2000s. However that didn't really work because the lack of consumption lead to a deflation and everything just got cheaper.

The new plan is to bring in millions of people who only consume and don't work but are financed by the middle class via taxes and "sozialabgaben". This way we can get inflation combined with falling wages.

The middleclass will be eradicated soon and everybody will finally be slaves to the banking elites.


Well i guess we shall see.

Hope for the best expect the worst.

....we fuck your women also... what's the issue?

At least they are fuckable

... would you rather do a Turkish monobrow roach?

Can't wait to leave the little-to-near-East for good

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It's impossible to reduce everyone's opinion to simply yes or no. Different people are affected in different ways by Merkel. Childless couples in village suburbs don't give a shit about refugees and only care about themselves. They may have never even seen one. Remember that most of the German population lives in mid-sized villages and not in the big cities.

yep, you're practically german, habsburgs saved you

I'm a borderline empiricist so I'd need to have comparison of US 20years ago to agree or disagree, but my impression post 2015 is that US has better standard of living than germany
also: in US i met plenty republican conservative girls in college sororities (especially hot ones) and they had actually some real virtues and integrity,
german women however embrace the niggers and have no shame when it comes to sucking black cock. absolutely no chance for quality waifu material there.

bull on his way to see your girl, hurry up go prep him, don't let her waiting!

This place is so through-the-wall over-the-top anti-German that I have trouble believing that most of you aren't the great-grandchildren of "Holocaust survivors".

I don't think there's a single assessment we can give that you won't claim is a lie or try to spin in some negative way.

nothing to be proud of croatfag, german women are one of the most despicable creatures on earth, overweight, not carring about themselves, dress like middle age man, I mean this are shit tier women right there.
stick to slavic beauties, better quality waifu and better genetics

also very nice game yesterday, I hope you gonna win the whole thing!

We were lucky with our 'first victim of Nazi expansion' narrative ... saved us from a lot of brainwashing. ;)

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I have been to several European cities and none of them felt as overwhelmed by non whites as Jow Forums says. Generally it still feels like there are mostly white people in cities like Munich and Frankfurt and minorities keep to other areas. It feels different from the USA where they are minorities everywhere.

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Seggregation ... they mostly stay in their ghetto districts and pollute the public transport with their presence. Try riding the U6 line in Vienna ... like they KNEW back then in the 70s to give it the color brown on the maps

Source: PKS 2017 (official records)
Refugees are a problem.
I dare say that people with a migrant background are a problem too, but because germany doesn't differenciate between actual "germans" and germans with migrant background, it is hard to find objective data. Additionaly the data on how many people have a migrant background is skewed.
60% of the turks that voted, voted for Erdogan claiming he is their president.

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Recently moved from cologne to a small village. Fells like another world without all those shitskins

I fucking hate infographics without sources

Oh you mean those "germans"? they are Germans same as Austrians...

I personally prefer Slavic women..

i am talking about a custom German women had to come on our coast for sex tourism.
I really doubt many German men got any sex here (maybe from a hooker)...

Attached: germany-immigrant-crime-rates.jpg (1280x6318, 1.66M)

there is still little hope
lets see how bavaria votes thist time
looks promising that the afd will get at least second most votes. on the rise!

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Algayria needs to be removed

So bad that you are better off fleeing to Austria and living among Viennaese.
>tfw see smoking drunktards in Adidas at six in the morning on my commute
But better than the ultraggressive Musloid invaders you have in German cities. You see them here, too, from time to time. But they are just passing through.

>I fucking hate infographics without sources
The source is there: PKS 2017
You can easily google it yourself. Here have your link you lazy bum:
bka. de/DE/AktuelleInformationen/StatistikenLagebilder/PolizeilicheKriminalstatistik/PKS2017/InteraktiveKarten/03MordTotschlagToetungAufVerlangen/03_MordTotschlagToetungAufVerlangen_node.html;jsessionid=4EEF1AA55C8294E4BCD4A416F517AE83.live2302

I know this graphic. It isn't good regarding people with a migration background.
Everybody whose parents aren't immigrants are considered german. Anyone with an additional citizenship has a migrant background.
Turks in germany are somewhere between 4 and 6 million

>Everybody whose parents aren't immigrants are considered german

That would mostly effect the Turkish or Yugoslav immigration, wouldn't really effect crime statistics for Algerians for example as the vast majority would not be third generation.

You are correct that it doesn't give the total picture, but it's the closest you are going to get I guess.

"Mannschaft" is really patriarchic. I should be renamed to "Die Fußballspielenden".

>What's the general feeling among Germs about the current state
a part of me hopes that Russia invades us soon

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Fucking shit man, i live in cologne and its the worst. FUCK

son of a bitch nigger shit burger kike lover 56%

>The middleclass will be eradicated soon and everybody will finally be slaves to the banking elites
Much agreed. That's the Zionists' plan for the whole world.

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I have a friend who lives in Germany I asked him how it is there - the people.

>They are all retards
>all the good ones died in the war
>a lot of blond girls walking around with black guys or with black babies alone

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>germans do not talk about their country's problems with Ausländers
You lot are pretty open about being our enemies here. I mean all of you and not just Poles. There's really nothing to talk to any of you about, since you'll only spin it into some hateful call for all Germans to be killed and start baying for our fucking blood like you do in every second thread.

The Germanophobia here is excessive and really interferes in any of you getting an accurate picture. You have your own agenda which clearly involves killing us. Maybe most of you are jews which explains it, but you can't all be jews. Many of you I think have genuinely been brainwashed to hate Germans no matter what, and this is sad.

Nothing I can do about that, though.

Your gay British fag lover probably lives in Berlin, which explains the degeneracy. Gas yourself, pooftah.

They're still like 99% white dude. Also they be making that nice German rap. Look up that song High von dem Lean. Good shit my nigga German rap

I hate German hip-hop. It's fucking degeneracy squared. Also stop listening to it you will never learn German that way.

pick one.

Pretty comfy. But I live in the south-east in the Bavarian countryside, so it's pretty quiet around here except for one IS teen in a village 10 kilometers away from my town who planned some murders, but he'll be in prison for a year and hopefully they'll release him in some big city with bigger kill numbers in his future terror attack.

But there's no saving the big liberal cities. Last time my uncle came to visit after a trip to Hamburg he told me how glad he was I turned out normal, not a pierced, tattooed, unemployed type with green dyed hair.

Have only seen 2 women with black babies so far (well 1x part-black kids, the other 1x part-Indian).

>She agreed to do exactly nothing. In as speech she even explicitly stated all that is done now is so 'people have the IMPRESSION that law and order are upheld.'
The unfuckable lardarse
Reee (((polak=jew))) Stazi swine

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its over

i literally see a mutt ( coalburners kid) , usally 8-15 years old , ever y 10 minutes something i didnt even 5 years ago. Im not even talking about all these preggo headscarf bitches

our women are absolute whores , men total wimps and its all over
democraphics , then crash then the great day of the Scimitar then South aftica style pityful existance

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Shit bro I'm not tryna learn German lmao I'm black I ain't ever going to Germany them niggas scary. But I like that German rap bra it's some good shit I bump it all the time in the whip and broski be like Damn this what Hitler bumped in the ride on the way to Poland haha


Dude, I post some relevant first hand info, meanwhile white trash from USA puts "polish scum" picture - I couldn't be more bothered. Why are you such a delicate flower? Germanophobia when people discuss problems of german state? Give me a break and grow a dick. You could use it if you only know how.

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>its over
Careful. Dropping blackpills will be hazardous to your health soon. Good way to spend 6 months on vacation and come back 20 kilos thinner.

Two possible outcomes:
It's going to get really ugly before it gets better OR we continue dying a slow death.

NSDAP 1928: 2.6%
NSDAP 1930: 18.25%
AfD 2015: 3%
AfD 2018: ???

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3 years to go.

how rude

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its all so tiresome

We need more, more refugees, more terror attacks, more taxes and more crime.

We need more bad things to happen until the average joe finally snaps.

I fear that it will take a hunger crisis or the collapse of the welfare state to get the average german to do something about the "refugees".

And when they finally snap they will remember those who brought them into this situation.

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Ich bin grade im Urlaub im Hawaii, also ja, wir.

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You will display enthusiasm or you will face the consequences.

>auf Hawaii
>postet auf Jow Forums

lol how deranged

Why do you guys always do this?

>burger meme

I'm just coming back from the bar, it's the middle of the night and I can't sleep

do what? Speak german? To prove that I'm not a burger

>Try to genocide the TURKS who genocided three other white nations

pls pls give us an excuse to wipe you from the face of this earth.

That's what nukes are for you fucking pathetic gypsy

You know that when we answer your short sentences with longer ones that the mods ban us for speaking German. Don't switch back to English so quickly if you want us to believe you.

I don't really give a shit weather you belive me or not, you for all intents and purposes could be a fucking turkroach or a kike

Sperm is much more effective at eradicating the white race.

I hate Germans because they are the biggest perpetrators of Germanophobia

That is why we need more refugees and more atrocities, to redpill the common peasant, and dispose of dangerous genetic material.

Dude all you had to do was type that in German. You had one job...

Stop saying we.
You aren't German.

fuck off ahkmed, stop trying to get me banned

LOL they won't ban an American. Besides, you're on vacation, right? You'll get unbanned as soon as you come home.

>is sitting at his Computer in Romania
>browsing pol of all places
>tries to tell us he is fucking

Stop LARPing pls, nobody is touching your lardass, not even the gypsies

Im from a slavic country and live here since a year. Learning german currently. Fucking hate hearing Turkish/Arab/Asian speech on the streets. Im half Turk half Russian but fucking hell i hate Turkshits. Pajeets and asians are another annoying group. Arab women and their shit undisciplined children are absurdly disrespectful, the men are shit and everytime i go to the courses surrounded by these morons i sit with headphones and dismiss them all. I only have my family here and a few true european friends. I didnt come here to see this shit. I came here to learn, meet and understand another culture and go back home when im capable of doing so, and work and get my life settled. Instead now i gotta spend this time seeing,speaking to and hearing these vile fuckers. Always on their word about how important their word of God is and shit. On the other hand j cant stand the gays and fags in this very city. They are so fucking much and i cant go outside without seeing a arab/fag/muslim/burka/nigger. And dont get me started on the fucking niggers.
All things said, i dont think Germany is Germany anymore. If it got back to normal or only accepted European citizens with more strict rules, id be more glad. I dont even go outside cause of these shits. Atleast germans have groups to go out with.

Here you go, I'm now on my vpn server I have standing at home.

Now please stop sperging out

You invested in a German proxy no less.
A career shitposter. Your mother must be proud.

Rus mom turk dad?

Yeah. Dont ask how. They just met and did it and here i am.

Nigga your mom gay

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so basically you are a balkanler

Do you speak Turkish Kardeş?

Yeah Balkan born, raised and so on. Bulgar. Had enough of gupsyes and roms ruining our country. Moved here for a better future. Saw this. Now i think all of Europe is like this and im slowly thinking about becoming as nationalistic as possible. Still respecting other countries of course. Just not the people coming outside of it taking advantage of it and ruining it while laughing at it.

Hate Turkish lang. Never want to learn it. Russian feels closer to me since "muh cyrillic" so i want to fully learn it

Well your mom liked it I guess. Baba Müslüman mı?

+Germany is still occupied and we dont have a peace treaty and no one cares
+Media 100% Cia controlled and no one cares
+at least 500000000 telecomunicatons are recorded by the nsa EVERY MONTH and no one cares
+Politicians steal our money and give it to strangers who kill our children and no one cares
+suddenly Trump gets elected and all the brainwashed people start crying like little girls
+Merkel gets reelected and no one cares
+People die and no one cares

we are pretty much fucked because people they are smart but actually they dont know shit and just waste all their time with tv, phone and stupid videogames...

migrating to the us asap (unironically)

>+Germany is still occupied and we dont have a peace treaty and no one cares
haha deranged Reichsbürger

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same. Just finishing Uni and then tying to go back. Living in the US for a year was an eye opener.