American black birth rates are amongst the lowest in the country right now...

American black birth rates are amongst the lowest in the country right now, this is an extremely pressing issue of our time and needs to be addressed as the american nigress will cease to exist in the coming decades. I have a few ideas to boost the population. Ban black abortion and outlaw contraceptives in combination with incentivizing the birth of baby girls over boys. We cannot allow this unique strain of nigger go extinct.
>inb4 there are plenty in Africa
That's fine but the american nigress is a unique sub species that we must protect.

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we must secure the existence of our people, and a future for black children


I'll make her give birth if you know what I mean

Asian birth rates, White birth rates and Native American birth rates are all lower

this is a shit-tier shitpost, my Australian friend
>also sage

man, i would be a race traitor for her

Black birth rates are actually lower than those groups in america, look it up

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I put forth a motion to secure every white mans inalienable natural right to a house nigress.

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Hey, guys: are the rising generations of black women in U.S. becoming more based?
There's this black girl at work who likes to joke with me and complains that I don't time my breaks with hers and while I'm 85% sure I'm friendzoned she is crack a bunch of #MeToo and #TimesUp jokes with me.
What should I do?

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