Indian Celebs Using Genetic Engineering

Why are full Indian celebrities with no white background shitting out babies with blue eyes all of a sudden?

I think they're using secret eugenics technology to make their kids more attractive.

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No if they had the technology they would make their kids white dumbass

No, they don't want to be Caucasian white. They don't want to lose their distinct Indian facial features. The goal is to be a little more pale with something that stands out like bright eyes.

Google the parents the muslim bloodline has hint of dna from alexander's army which fucked the women in conquered areas

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The funny part is that this is true but after a few generations of Indians wanting to improve their children they will incrementally create white babies.

>I just want him to be a little paler
>oh and blue eyes
>oh and taller and more muscular
>with a smaller nome
>and less body hair
>...can you make the hair blonde?

this poo is so cool

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laser targets melanin, removes from eyes
brown ---> blue
caution: may cause blindness

There's a reason why Aryans are called "Indo-Iranians" you fucking mut

A very small percentage of Indians have naturally occurring blue eyes. Although genetic modification will probably become a thing once it becomes better perfected.

I am a quarter Indian and a few relatives and people I've seen at weddings have green/grey eyes, blue is quite rare though. Appears in some castes and states more then others not really too uncommon in India I asked around, these people are often thought of as cunning and "snake like" I believe is the term used to describe these people.

the indians literally steal white infants from surrogates in the country and sell them to high-caste indians for them to raise

Fucking Indians are gene-stealers

sorry, forgot to timestamp - 14:30

P.S. I want to bone gianna toboni

Do indian women like white guys?

I honestly think they are the hottest in the world not sure why but Nimrat Kaur from Homeland turned me into full blown indian fever mode.

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Indians Arabs and especially chinks suffer from a giant case of white envy. The Arabs engaged in centuries of ficki ficki to whiten their blood but will deny outright when confronted.

british women are much better mate

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>whitening anyone
arabs are subhuman mongrels how can they whiten anyone's blood?

to whiten their own blood with slav and celtic dna.

i love jewish grills

I love women with dark features plus something about their accent too.

fuck off abdul

you must be a shitskin yourself then

she is british mate

this. India will become white eventually.

Nope blonde hair/blue eyes.

Indian/Arab > Latina > White > Asian > Black in terms of attractiveness of women for me.

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Alexander the great's army ficki ficki'd millions of women everywhere they went, and were so numerous they could found cities at will. Of course that's going to leave a trace, even thousands of years later.

Probably using sperm banks, Brazilian sperm banks can't keep white American semen in stock it goes so fast.

have you been to india?

They actually do want to look more European, look at indian celebrities, a lot are mixed and many would pass for regular white if they had lighter pigmentation. Europeans just have better aesthetics.

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a lot of indians have white features, it' sjust the skin color that is dark