Judge Amy Coney Barrett is what we NEED more of

Amy Coney Barrett a conservative woman who has adopted 2 children from Haiti is perfect for helping us to dispel this stigma of Trump supporters being racist. We need more Trump supporters like this woman to get out there in the public eye so we can start getting some positive reception to our ideas finally. MAGA!

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>adopts two nigger babies
piss off r*ddit

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Shill thread but true nonetheless.

kys nigger lover

Whats wrong about being racist?

I mean she did say Scalia was too soft as an originalist...........but she does have 2 nigs...........I dunno

her originalism will stir up leftrats more than the right. its safer to appoint someone centre right for now. when the good goys have a better ratio in congress, then replace ginsberg with a far righter. unless trump can appoint people who are far right, but have pretended to be moderate for years, allowing them to be appointed as sleeper agents until the time is right.


>has adopted 2 children from Haiti

So she's a member of the Clinton Foundation?

Nigger you need white women adopting white children. There are plenty.