They keep adding 10,000 years

I swear it was 40,000 to start with, then a few years back they said 50,000 and now its 60,000?
How long HAVE they been here?

Attached: 7581114-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 249K)

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Doesn't matter how long they've been here, only thing that matters is how different they are from homo-sapiens

Less than 6000 years, when the Earth was created.

we wuz bananas and sheeeeet

I'm on a student visa.
First time I encountered one of them, I was amazed at how Jow Forums was right one more.
Abos are not human...

is that art made of Skittles?

why are they Holding curved dicks ???
explain pls

Terrans didn't originate in the milky-way and are trillions of years old.

Attached: ea8ad66c00b91ccc5cc26404a599f74b764fd7bev2_00.jpg (372x512, 47K)

Longer than dogs and wolves have been separated



and yet we are only slightly smarter than the retarded apes we make fun of. shouldnt we have telekinesis powers or some shit? you are telling me the difference between an ape race and a million year old alien race is that i can do trigonometry and that nigger ape cant?

Not long enough to discover fire or build 2 story buildings.

Literal orcs

The difference between understanding and using trigonometry and not is the difference between having a computer in front of you right now or eating a mud cake...

That is very demeaning to orcs

this. you should apologize user

not really. i have a computer because my girlfriend bought me it. i have no job. abos have computers too and food and dont have jobs either, they get free gibs.

Millions of years. Spaceship earth is very old. When our sun dies the planet will go into hibernation and drift through space until we find a new sun.

it's a question of socialization. if you transported some magdalenians into contemporary society they'd almost certainly end up the same way. social conditioning is cumulative and takes hundreds of years to develop

Nice double-dubs, checked.

Also, accurate.
Numerous issues plaguing the Aboriginal community today. White ethnostate or not, they have conditional claim until reoccupation is assured by rite of conquer by our Sovereign, so things should change in how they're treated.

Primary concerns include:
1. Research stigma relief; let archaeologists dig, let biologists examine, they're supposedly ancient.
2. In lieu of point 1, there has been examination suggesting that their hunter-gatherer adaptations (theorized as connected to their branch of neanderthal DNA) caused them to have specialized, 'landmark' oriented spatial memory, remembering by visualization. Could boost educational success and streamline student concept facilitation.
3. Further effort to relieve them of excessive welfare and support programs, and instead intensively address their family violence and incoherence, as well as substance abuse and incapability living amongst suburban centers.

As well as this, falsifying their accomplishments (and assuming them, eg the 'land janitor' hypothesis) are detrimental and degenerate to their success.
When a cultures' claim-to-fame artistically is the work of art installations from foreigners, it's time you show a people how to better themselves.

Attached: halfcastegrug.png (485x443, 39K)

>How long HAVE they been here?
Well, however long, isn't it curious that they didn't even come up with the wheel for all the millennia their "potential" has just been sitting there, undisturbed of wars and pestilence?

So much work for no payoff.

Let them die.

>undisturbed of wars and pestilence?

To be fair, one needs these things for the dynamism which pushes technology.

Where is this news coming from?