A liberal education—as opposed to what? Right-wing education?
How can one educate oneself without automatically being associated with leftist trash?
A liberal education—as opposed to what? Right-wing education?
How can one educate oneself without automatically being associated with leftist trash?
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I bet you enjoy breasts, you pedantic mammarist
what a stupid, forced question. I know they pay you guys to post this shit, but at least make the bait good.
A liberal education, as a well rounded education in the general philosophy, history, art, culture and world view which expands and enlightens the mind.
The fact that you posted Alain De Benoist, a man who devoted himself to the revival of european civilization through a return to the graeco-roman spirit and thinking, which is literally the core of a classical 'liberal' education, shows how fucking stupid these threads are.
avoid anything written or taught since liberals took over 200 years ago or more generally anything after middle ages, but you can get rid of the theist christians retards too, so stop after the romans.
The opposite of a liberal education is a real education, just like the opposite of social justice is actual justice, or the opposite of relative truth is truth. These words when used by leftists have the same function as a prefix like anti- or contra-, turning a word into its own reverse.
Learn about the JQ and the rest will come into place. When you realize that there is a group of inbred psychos with massive over representation running our institutions in their own interests it helps one understand the order of things and get over the confused and foolish notion that things are just happening randomly.
Oh look it's an idiot
Soon, Shill. ;6D
Oh look, a Jow Forums thread. Would OP please be kind enough to seek out a fire and die within it's confines?
oh no not the incel uprising
Getting nervous, rabbi?
getting retarded, Jow Forums?
A tiny % of those aware of your tricks have anything to do with that place. I hear you kikes keep a bag packed under the bed for when the expulsion comes. Yours ready, rat?
The best alternative is to embrace a form of conscious anti-intellectualism. Still engage with intellectual and artistic works, but do whatever you can to violate academic techniques and their concept is intellectual honesty.
Imagine this pseud's shock as the virgins crucify xem
> Liberal arts education (from Latin liberalis "free" and ars "art or principled practice") can claim to be the oldest programme of higher education in Western history[1]. It has its origin in the attempt to discover first principles – 'those universal principles which are the condition of the possibility of the existence of anything and everything'.[2] The liberal arts are those subjects or skills that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person (liberalis, "worthy of a free person")[3] to know in order to take an active part in civic life, something that (for ancient Greece) included participating in public debate, defending oneself in court, serving on juries, and most importantly, military service. Grammar, logic, and rhetoric were the core liberal arts (the trivium), while arithmetic, geometry, the theory of music, and astronomy also played a – somewhat lesser – part in education (as the quadrivium).[4]
> Liberal arts today can refer to academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences;[5] and liberal arts education can refer to overall studies in a liberal arts degree program. For both interpretations, the term generally refers to matters not relating to the professional, vocational, or technical curriculum.
Huh... I must admit this thread has been educational since I did not know the term went that far back, I thought it was a rather recent (a few centuries back) opposition between liberal and vocational.
Also, according to this liberal arts are the best thing ever. Man that term took a dive. Also, art is ars in latin, I giggled and felt bad.
I'm not even Jewish you silly guy
You gotta get out of your basement first.
You guys need to work out your terms asap, or at least broaden up your views that the rest of the world don't talk the way you do.
From where I am, "liberal" just means "neoliberal" and rightwing. And the left would have nothing to do with 99% of Americans. It's a shame seeing the "left" being ruined from the inside by those idiots. Shame for the right for opposing any social cause in fear that would make them leftists.
>29 year old Boomer is proud of his unironic meme service to Molloch
You're totally a titsguy who fakes his foot fetish
Dude, just give up. It's getting sad.
keep jacking off to that conspiracy fiction you formed in your head I guess. Man Jow Forums is dumb
I'm sorry you weren't born in an English speaking country, so this is idiomatically tough to grasp, but eat a dick, M'twambo. Next time I'll try to convey my feelings in more clear simian terms you fancy, referencing butt fucking and poopoo.
I was born in Canada, faggot.
No, you guys need to go. Don't post on Jow Forums unless you know the basics of the JQ, which you can avoid everywhere else online. So go to one of those places and stop posting here till you're ready.
gamergate is over dude, back to redd*t with ya, or at least back to your containment board. People actually read books here.
Just read antiquity era maths, science, philosophy to keep yourself shielded from modern biases
Do... Do you know what "liberal" means in terms of eductation? Are you really that braindead?
which means believing anything some angry teen tells you on some anonymous image board, of course...
I hate video games. Is there a reason you don't understand the JQ? Have you taken an IQ test? You might not be very smart and it takes a lot of time and study to fully grasp it so I understand why lazy or low info people don't get it.
>pol posting outside of pol
obviously I mean pol you dumb idiot, sounds just right for you :)
I don’t think you understand the meaning and context of ”liberal” in liberal education, nigger
How long have you been on Jow Forums exactly? You seem like exactly the kind of cancer that hopped in during the 2016 shitfest.
I've never posted on pol, sorry. I post here.
apparently not, you raging moron.
Nice literature thread, faggot
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